Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/157

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A.D.I 70 1' Anno primo A.N N.i; Reginsi. Stat. i. C, 2r. 105 for the Excife or S;ilt Duties for the time being are hereby impowered and dircclcd to cancel or delht;r up the fame to the refpecStive Perfons therein cgncerncd,. who {hall defire fuch Bonds, or any of them j and that all Profecutions at Law upon the faid Bonds do ceafc and determine. ' XXXI. And whereas divers Frauds have been committed in curing and packing of Pilchards, by ' which Means a great Difrepute is brovight on the faid Commodity beyond the Seas, which tends as well to the great Difhonour of the EngUjh Nation, as to the Deilructionof their Trade :' For Remedy whereof be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid four and tvvencieth Day of 'fune^ Pilchards, no Perfon or Perfons do prefume to cure or pack Pilchards for S.ile, unleis he or they be Owner or Owners, or Part Owners of fome Scyn or Seyns, or of Drift -net or Drift-nets, or have the Confeut of fuch Owners in Writing, and that on each Cask or Hog'head of Pilchards, the Word Seyn or Drift (according to the Manner ot their being taken) {hall be buint with an Iron in fome vifible Part thereof, together with the Name and Surname of the Owner or Owners of the fame, as alfo the Number of Pilchards contained in each Cask or Hogfhead, under the Penalty of the Forfeiture of double the Value of the faid Fi!h for every fuch Offence, to be recovered and difpofed as other Penalties by this Act are to be recovered and difpofed. ' XXXII. And whereas by an Aft made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King 6 w. 3. c. 7.- ' William the Third, fevcral additional Duties upon Cofl'ee, Tea, Chocolate and Spices were grai-.ted ' to his faid late Majefty, from the firft Day of Alay one thouland fix hundred ninety-five to the fecond

  • Day of May one thou'fand fix hundred ninety-eight ; and it was thereby enabled. That two Thirds of

' the'faid Duties of fuch of the faid Goods as fhould be exported within the Times by the faid Aft limited, ' fhould be repaid to the Exporter thereof; which faid Duties were afterwards conrinued to the firft of ' Miiy one thoufar.d feven hundred and one, and afterwards further continued to the firft of Aiay one ' thoufand feven hundred and fix : And whereas by another Aft made in the eleventh Year of his faid n W. 3. c. 3. ' late Majefty's Reign, an additional Duty of Fifteen fer Centum was granted to his faid late Majefty, ' upon all Wrought Silks, Bengals and Stuffs, made or nixed v/ith Silk or Herba, of the Manufafture ' oi' Pirfia, China, or the Enji Indiis, and upon all Callicoes painted, dyed, printed or ftained there, as alfo ' upon all Muflins, from the five and twentieth oi Mivch one thoufand feven hundred to the thirtieth of

  • Septemher one thoufand feven hundred and one ; and it was thereby further enafted, That the faid Duty

' upon fuch of the faid Goods, as fhould be exported within twelve Months after the Importation thereof, ' fhould be repaid, or that the Security given for the fame fhould be vacated ; which faid Duty of Fifteen ' per Centum on Muflins is by another Aft continued to the thirtieth Day of September one thoufand feven ' hundred and fix : And whereas alfo by another Aft ir.ade in the eighth Year of his faid late Majefty's rz Sc 13 W. j. ' Reign, there was granted to his faid late Majeffy an additional Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, ■=• "• ' and other Duties therein mentioned, upon certain Goods and Merchandizes, from the firft of Jl/[:iy one * 3" "" ' thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven to the firft Day of February one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nin; ; ' and by the fiid Aft it is further enafted. That the faid Subfidy, and other Duties upon fuch of the faid ' Goods, as fhould he again exported within the Time limited by the faid Aft, fhall be repaid to the Ex- ' porter thereof; which faid Subfidy and other Duties were afterwards continued, during his faid late ' Majefty's Life, and are by an Aft of this prefent Parliament granted to her prefent Majelty, during her jAf.t.x, iUt, i. ' Majefty's Life (which God long preferve). And whereas fcveral of the faid Commodities were iin- «• 7- ' ported, and the Duties thereof paid upon fuch of the faid Afts as are expired, and the fame Commodi- ' ties have been fince exported, and the Exporters thereof are become intitled to a Drawback of the faid ' Duties, or fome Part thereof, according to the Provifions made in the faid refpeftive Afts for that Pur- ' pofe : But in regard the faid Duties have been paid into the Exchequer, and from thence iiTued to the ' Purpofes for which they were by the faid refpeftive A£ls appropriated, there doth not remain fufRcient ' of the faid Duties for the Payment of the faid Drawbacks ; and there being no exprefs Provifion made ' in the feveralAfts, whereby the faid Duties are refpeitively continued, fome Doubt hath arifen, whe- ' ther the Duties which have or fhall accrue fince the Continuation of the fame, fhall be liable to the ' Payment of the faid Drawbacks of the faid Duties upon the faid expired Afts ; and thereby the faid

  • Exporters are kept out of their Money, and the Trade in the faid Commodities very much difcouraged :'

For Remedy whereof be it enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That the Debentures for the Debenturesi for faid Drawbacks of the Duties which were paid upon the faid Adts expired as aforefaid, fhall be fatisfied '^'^ Drawbacks out of the Monies arifing by the faid refpeftive Afts now in Force for the Duties continued as aforefaid ; ^."j°" il^d^Aa^' that is to fay. The Debentures which fhould have been paid out of the faid additional Duties upon Coftee, /half befatilfied' ■I'ea, Chocolate and Spices, determined as aforefaid, ihall be paid out of the faid prefent Duties conti- out of the Mo- nued as aforefaid upon the fame Commodities: And the faid Debentures which ought to have been fatif- nies arifing by fied out of the faid expired Duties of Fifteen per Centum, fhall be paid out of the faid prefent Duty of ^^^ aforefaid Fifteen per Centum upon Muflins; and fuch of the faid Debentures as ought to have been fatisfied out of ^^^ continued, the faid additional Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage expired as aforefaid, fhall be paid out of the faid prefent Duty of Tunnage and Poundage now payable to her prefent Majefty. Vol. IV. P CAP,