Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/160

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io8 C. 25— 27, Anho pdmo Ann^ Reginas. Stat, i, A.D.iyoii CAP. XXV. iXP. An A(5t for the Relief of poor Prifoners for Debt. C A P. XXVI. An Aft for the Relief of the Matters of Hoys and other Veffels carrying Corn and other In* land Provifions within the Port of London. W H E R E A S great Quantities of EngViJh Corn, Grain, Meal, and other Goods, which may Aw- fully be exported, and for which no Duties are payable to her Majefty upon Exportation there- of, are daily brought in Hoys and other Veflels to the City oi London, from the Counties oi Kent and ' Ejfex: And whereas the Mafters of fuch Hoys and Veilels, imployed in the Carriage of fuch Goods, ' have of late been put to unreafonable and unneceflary Charges and Trouble, by certain Officers of her ' Majefty's Cuftoms, who for their own Profit and Lucre have required and exadted great Fees for Tran- ' fires and Cocquets, to the great Difcouragement of the Country Farmers, and Oppreffion of the faiJ ' Hoymen :' For Remedy whereof be it therefore enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with- the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parlia- ment ailembled and by the Authority of the iame. That from and after the tenth Day oi May in the Year tobe"req"j?red of °^ """^ Lord One thoufand ii.vz^ hundred and two, no Cocquet or Cocquets, or Bonds thereon, iliall be Mafteis of Hoys, required by any Officer of the Cuftoms, or others, of or from any fuch Mafter or Owner of fuch Hoys or &c. Veflels, carrying or conveying fuch Goods as aforefaid, to or from any Place within the Port oi London ; that is to fay, from London Bridge unto the fuppofcd Right Line from the Promontory or Point called the North Foreland in the County o^ Kent, unto the Promontory or Point called the Naes, including fo much of the Ports of Sandiuick and Ipjwieh, and the Members thereof, as are within the faid Limits, for or in refpeft of any fuch Corn, Grain, Meal, and fuch other Goods as are before defcribed, the fame fhall or may be con- kut may be con- yeyed as aforefaid, by Tranfires or Let-pafs only, for which Tranfire there fhall be paid to the refpeilive veyed by Trail- Qfgcers, who by Law are intitled to Fees of Bonds, and Cocquets, and Certificates, and Entries there- FcrforTran- upon, the Sum of three Shillings and five Pence, and no more; which Sum fhall be refpeftively diftribu- fires. ted am.ongft them, in fuch Manner and Proportion, as where Bonds and Cocquets are taken for Goods carried Coaftrwife, ought and ufed to be paid ; any Cuftom, Law or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. ' n. And whereas it often happens, that fmall Quantities and Parcels of Corn and Hops are brought as ' aforefaid to the City of London, and the Fees exadted by the Officers aforefaid have exceeded the Charge Fee forCorn ' of the Freight thereof;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid &c. brought to tenth Day oi May the Sum of one Shilling and eight Pence Halfpenny, and no more, (hall be refpeiSlive- Loadon. ly diftributed to and amongft the Officers aforefaid, when the Quantity of fuch Corn or Grain as aforefaid exceeds not fifty Quarters, or when the Quantity of Hops exceeds not fifty Bags in any one fuch Hoy or Veffel as aforefaid. ' in. And whereas upon the carrying of Goods from Port to Port, Bonds are given for returning Cer- ' tificates of the landing or difcharging of the Goods in the Ports to which they are carried, and when-

  • fuch Bonds are tranimitted into the Exchequer, the Certificates relating thereunto have been ufuallyanr

' nexed to fuch Bonds, but by Fraud or Careleffnefs the Certificates are fometimes disjoined from the re- ' fpedtive Bonds, whereby Perfons who have duly complied with the Conditions thereof, have been put. ., * to unjuft Vexation and Charge:' For Prevention whereof for the future it is hereby enafted. That thp Bond/tranfmit- proper Officers for tranfmitting the faid Bonds into the Exchequer fliall truly and faithfully indorfe, on ted into the Ex- the Backfide of every fuch Bond, the Subftance of the Certificate, if there be any relating thereto, and. chequer, to be fuch Indorfment, to ferve as an Intimation to the Court oi Exchequer, concerning the Performance or indorfed on the jifon-performance of the Conditions of fuch Bonds refpe<3:ively, under the Penalty of forfeiting Treble Dama- Bond &c S"^' t^efides Cofts of Suit, to be recovered by the Party grieved againft the Officer who fhall offend therein, tenal'ty. ' hy Aftion of Debt or the Cafe, or by Bill, Suit or Information, in any Court of Record, wherein no Ef-. foin. Protection, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance Ihall be granted or allowed. Afl not to take IV. Provided, and it is hereby enaded. That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not ex:- away any Tolls, tend to the leflening or taking away the Tolls or Duties due and payable to the Mayor, and Commonal- fc. payable to ^y ^ ^j^j Citizens of the City of London, or to the Mayor of the faid City for the Time being ; any Thing ' . an "^ ° °°' herein to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. V. Saving always. The ufual and known Right, Liberty, and Privilege to the Ports of Sandwich and p'^'l'of Sa'^fd- ^fwich, and either of them, and the known A^Iembers thereof, and of the Cuftomers, Comptrollers, wkh a°nd ipf-" Searchers, and their Deputies, of and within the faid Ports of Sand'.vich and Ipfivich, and the feveral Creeksj. wicKfaved. Harbours, and Havens to them, or either of them, refpeftively belonging within the Counties of Kent and EJfex, in all Matters and Things whatfoever, other than in fuch Matters and Things as are fpeciul- Jy provided for or direiSted by this prefent A61. CAP. XXVII. EXR An- Adl for the Importation of fine Italian thrown Silk. Perfons may import, &c. fine thrown Italian- 2 W.'&M. fT. I. Silk, during the War. No Silk to be imported coarfer than third 5o/%r«/<?, fife. AH Silk imported fhalf c. 9,' " ' be brought to the Cuftom Houfe, itfc Importers on Entry to make Oath, the faid Silk was bought m 11 Car. a. c. 18,. Italy,. &c, [By 7 Annse, c 8. ^. 10, this Oath is to be made before the Colledor, ^c] C AP.