Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/174

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122, C. 14,15' Annoprima Ann*,^ Reginze. Stat. 2. A, D. 1701. No High Con- JUble to pay the Rates till Con- flable produce a Receipt; &c. Penalty on Con- ftdble, &c. retu- ftn;; to do his Du.;y. ClaalE in la & jj W. 3. c. II VII. And it is hereby further enafted. That no Chief or High Conftable fliall pay the Rates taxed upon the Certificates brought to them by their Petty Conftabks, unlefs they fhall, at the fame Time, produce to them a Receipt from the Conflables of the adjacent Counties, to whom they are ordered to deliver the faid Yagrapts,. of uheir having received fuch Vagrant or Vagrants direded to be conveyed t& to them by the faid Ocd-gr; which faid, Conftables of the faid adjacent Counties, are hereby re- quired to receive the faid Vagrant or Vagrants, and at the fame Time to give fuch Receipt as hereby is required. ■ ■ VIII. And it is hereby further enakSled, That if any Chief Conftable, Petty Conftable, or other fuch Officer, ftiall refufe or negleft to do their feveral Duties by this A£i: injoined, they fhall for every Offence forfeit the Sum of rwenry Shillings ; which faid fevcral Forfeitiu-es and Penalties fhalt be recovered and recoverable as other Forfeitures and Penalties by this or the former A£t are ap- pointed to be recovered. CAP. XIV. An. Act for eocowaging the Confumption of malted Corn, and for the better pre^nting the- running of French and Foreign Brandy H E R E A S the making of EngUJh Brandy and ftrong Waters from malted Corn,, hath been encouraged by feveral Aifls of Parliameat, whereby great Quantities of the worft Sort of malted Corn, not ufeful to the Brewers, hath been yearly confumed by thofe who fet up Works for that Purpofe : And whereas the Confumption of EngHjh Brandy and ftreng Waters, made from malted Corn, hath of late Years been greatly hindred, as well by the running of French and other Foreign Brandies, as alfo by a Claufe in an A6t made in the twelfth and thirteenth Years of his Tate Majefty's. Reign, intituled. An Aff, for granting unto his Majefly feveral Duties upon Low Wines ar Spirits ofthefirji Extrailion, and for continuing other ])uties., whereby all Diftillers and Tradefmen, who fell Brandy or §..' 18. repealGd. » ftrong Water by Retail, are compelled to take Licences as common Alehoufe Keepers :' For Remedy whereof,, be" it enafted by the Qiieen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefeiit Parliament affembled, and by the Au- thority of the fame. That as for and concerning all Diftillers who keep Houfes or Places of diftilling the Liquors aforefaid, and alfo all other Shop-Keepers whofe principal Dealings fhall be more in other Goods and Merchandizes than in Brandy or ftrong Waters, and who do not permit or fuffer Tippling in his or their Houfes, the faid Claufe in the faid recited KSt, for compelling, all Diftillers and others to take Licences as common Alehoufe Keepers, Ihall be repealed,, and the fame Claufe is hereby repealed ► 11. And be it further enaiEIed by- the Authority aforefaiJ, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall, at any Time hereafter, import, land, or deliver out of any Ship, VelTel or Boats, any French Brandy, before the Duty due or payable to her Majeffy for the fame fliall be paid, or fecured to be paid, or by Licence from the proper Officer fo to do, every Perfon or Perfons that fliall fo do, or be aiding or afliftrng therein^ or fhall conceal the fame when landed, fnall not only forfeit the Goods fo imported, but alfo forfeit and pay double the Value of fuch Goods fo clandeftinely imported ; one Moiety whereof, alter Charges of Suit deducted, fhall be paid to her Majefty, and the other Moiety thereof to the Informer, who jQiall fue for the fame in any of her Maj.cfty's- Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint, or Information^ wherein no Effoin,' ProteftJon, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, nor any more than one Imparlance: And if any OiRcer or Officers belonging to her Majefty's Cuftoms or Excife, or other her Majefty's Duties or Revenues, fnall connive at, or be concerned in any fuch clandeftine Importation, or after he- fhall be informed thereof fhall conceal the fame, or not give Notice thereof to her Majefty's Commif- fioners of the Cuftoms or Excife,, or fome of them, or fhall compound, without Licence, with afiy Per- fon or PeifoHS concerned in any fuch clandeftirje Importation of French Brandy, fuch Perfon and Perfons- fliall be incapable of executing any Office in her Majefty's Revenue, and fhall alfo forfeit and pay the Sum of five hiuidred Povmds, to be recovered and divided as aforefaid. C A P, XV. An A<S; for granting to her Majefty feveral Subf.dies for carrying on the War againft France and' Spain, Stock JJi Trade to pay ^o s^ per Cent, for on.e Year. Except Malt and Corn, &c.. Stock in Hufbandry,, HoufholdftufF,. and capital Stock of Corporations. Mortgages, Judgments, Statutes, Bonds, &c. to pay 25 J-. per Cent- for one Year. Except Debts owing from her Majefty, and Arrears of Rent. A Dedudtion for Debts ov/ing at Intereft. Annuity, Penfton, is^c. out of the Exchequer, to pay 4 i. iri the Pound i'or one Year, Except out of Lands, i^c. fpecially exempted. Perfons having Fee or Sa- lary, &c. arifing by Offices Ecclefuiftical,, Civil, or Military, to pay i j.. in the Pound for one Yeare And Officers under Queen Dowager, and under Lords of Manors, &c. and their Clerks, Deputies, &c^ Except Officers in Mufter. Pradlicers in the Law. Preachers in feparate Congregations. Brokers, FaiStors, is'c, Prafticers in Phylick, and otlier Profeffions, to pay ^s. in the Pound for one Year.. » CommiiEoners for this Year's Land Tax to execute this Aft, and to meet on {hi. April 1703,, ajid may fubdivide. Receiver General to have a Lift of the Commiffioners to, a£l in each Divifion. Subfidies tabe duly affeffed. Commlifioners to fummon AlTeffors, and give them a Charge. Penalty on abfent- ingj or refufmg to ferve. Commiffioners to appoint Affelfofs, and prefix a Day for to bring in their ASeiTmeatSj diftinguifliing in Columns the Rates upon Stock m Trade^, Debts at lutereft, Penfions and , Annuities.,, FrencR Braady imported or landed before iJuty paid, &e. forfeited. Penalty on Per- fons aidin^g there' In, £cc. and on Officer concealing the fame. -2XJf;. 3 Ann;K,