Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/177

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A. D.I 7^1 • Anno primo Ann ^ Regma3. Stat. 2. C. 17. 125 IV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Pcrfons'that All Perfonsin {hall bear any Office or Offices, Military or Civil, or fliall receivsany Pay, Salary, Fee, or Wages, ^Y j^^^.l'^^^^ i^^^^ reafon-of any Patent or Grant, from her Majefty, or any of her Mnjefty's Predeceflbrs, or ihall hav; Com- the Oatb'^ mand or Place of Truft from or under her Majefty, or from any of her Majcfty's Predeceffors, or by her or their Authority, or by Authority derived from her or them, v/ithin the R.ealm of Ireland, and all Ec- clefiaftical Perfons, and Mafter, Governor, Head or Fellow of the College or Univerfity of Dublin., and all Perfons teaching Pupils in the faid Univerfity or elfewhere, and all School-maflers and Ufners, and all Preachers and Teachers of feparate Congregations, and every Perfon that iliall afl: as a Serjeant at J^-xvt Counfcllor at Law, Barrifter, Advocate, Attorney, Solicitor, Proftor, Clerk, or Notary, praSi- iino- in any Manner as fuch in any Court or Courts whatfoever, who fhall inhabit, be, or refide v/ithin the°City of i^'z/Wi;7, or within thirty Miles of the fame, on the firft Day of £(7/?^/- Term, which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fevcn hundred and three, or at any Time during the faid Term, in any of the fiiall perfonally appear before the End of the faid Term, or in Trinity Term then next following, in her Courts there, Majefty's High Court o^ Chancery in that Kingdom, or in her Majefty's Court of ^j/een's Bench, Coinmon Picas or Exchequer there; and lliall then in publick and open Court, between the Hours of nine of the Clock and twelve in the Forenoon, take the Oiith according to the Alteratinns thereof in the faid two firii: mentioned Adls contained, uirto which Oath fo taken, every fuch Perfon fo taking the fame, fliall fubfcribe his Name, or make his Mark, and during the Time of taking fuch Oath, all Pleas and Pro- ^nd "'■"b^ his ceedino-s in tlie faid refpeflive Courts (hall ceafe ; and ail and every the faid refpeicive Perfons not having ^^'"^' taken the faid Oath, and fubfcribed the fame as aforefaid, fhall on or before the firft Day of A'ugu/? in the Year of our Lord one thoufar.dfeven hundred and three, at the General Quarter-Scffions for the 'County, or ar the Qi^ar- Barony, or Place in the faid Kingdom of /n'/awi, where he or they fhall be, inhabit or refide, on the '"'^'^'^'°"^' twentieth Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and three, take the faid Oath in ooen Court, between the faid Hours of nine and tv/elve in the Forenoon, and fubfcribe his Name or make his Mark under the fame. ■ V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons that All Perfons that fliall be admitted, entred, placed, or taken into any Office or Offices, Civil or Military, or fhall receive fliall be admitted any Pay, Salary, Fee, or Wages, by reafon of any Patent or Grant from her Majefty, or fhall have 1"'° °2ice, &c. Command or Place of Truft from or under her Majefty, or by her Authority, or by Authority derived "l?^^^^]l°i from her, within the faid Realm of Ireland, after the iirft Day of Eaftar T'erm aforefaid, fliall take and ^^^^ Jc.^' fubfcribe the faid Oath, at the fame Time that he or they fliall take the Oaths, and m.ake and fubfcribe the Declaration required and appointed to be taken, made, and fubfcribed, by an Aft made in the third Year ' ' ^. .,. ™ ahrt pils in the faid Univerfity or elfwhere, and all Schoolmafters or Ufhers, and all Preachers and Teachers i,aw,"&c of feparate Congregations, and every Perfon v/ho fhall aft as Serjeant at Law, Counfellor at Law, Bar- rifter, Advocate, Attorney, Solicitor, Proftor, Clerk, or Notary, by praftifing in any Manner as fuch, in any Court or Courts whatfoever, who fliall, at any Time after the firft Day of E after Term aforefaid,, be admitted unto or enter upon any of the before miCntioned Preferments, Beneficesj, Offices, or Places, or Ihall come into any fuch Capacity, or fnall take upon him or them any fuch Praftice, Imployment, or Bufinefs as aforefaid, Ihall, after he or they fliall be admitted into or enter upon any fuch Preferment,, Benefice, Office, pr Place, or come into fuch Capacity, or take upon him or them fuch Praftice, Ln- ployment or Bufinefs as aforefaid, take and fubfcribe the faid Oath in the next Term, in one of the faid Courts, or at the next General Quarter-Seffions for the County, Barony, or Place in the faid Kingdom where he or they fliall refide, after he or they fhall be admitted into or enter upon any fuch Preferment, Benefice, Office, or Place, or come into fuch Capacity, or take upon him or them fuch Praftice, Im- ploynient, or Bufinefs as aforefaid. VL A.nd be it further enaited. That all and every the Perfon and Perfons aforefaid, that do or fliall Penalties ore negleft or refufe to take the faid Oath, and fubfcribe thereunto in the faid Courts and Places, and at the Perfons neg,Io3- refpeflive Times aforefaid, fliall incur, be fubjeft and liable untothe Forfeitures, Penalties, and Difabi- '"2' ^^'• litics in the faid firft mentioned Aft expreiied, for the Negleft or Refufal of the fame, by any fuch Perfon or Perfons in the Kingdom of England. Vn. Provided, That norhing in this Aft contained fliall extend to any Perfon that nov/ is, or at an^' Perfons in Eng- Time hereafter fliall be, m England, v/ho by Virtue of__this kSt ought to take the faid Oath, and fub- '^=' " =5'°""* fcribe thereunto in England, according to the faid tvvo firft mentioned Afts, nor to any Perfon now be- ^i^'/-J"^h 'f^ yond the Seas, out of England and Ireland, or in her Majefty's Service on board the Fleet, fo as fuch Per- Return, fon do the next Term, or the next General Qviarter-Seffions for the County, Barony, or Place where he fliall refide, after his Return into Ireland, take the faid Oath, and fubfcribe thereunto according to the Appointment of this Aft. VIIL And be it further enafted, That it fliall and may be lav/ful to and for the rcfpeftive Courts afore- Courts to admi- fald, to give and adminifter the Oath aforefaid, to the faid Perfon and Perfons, and, upon due Tender of nifter the Oath, any Perfon or Perfons to take the faid Oath, the faid Courts are hereby required and enjoined to admini- fter the fame ; of the taking and fubfcribing whereof the like P,.?gifter fhall be kept, as by an Aft made in How Re'^ifler the five and twentieth Year of King Charles the fecond, v/as direfted to be kept of the fubfcribiiio- tiie fc.ill be kegr. Declaration therein mentioned. IX. Pro-