Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/19

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per Cent, per Ann. payable to several Bankers, and other Patentees, or those claiming under them.

16. An Act for the discharging out of Prison such insolvent Debtors as shall serve, or procure a Person to serve, in her Majesty's Fleet or Army.

17. An Act for the better charging several Accountants with Interest Monies by them received, and to be received.

18. An Act for the further Explanation and Regulation of Privilege of Parliament in relation to Persons in publick Offices.

19. An Act for raising Recruits for the Land Forces, and Marines, and for dispensing with Part of the Act for the Encouragement and Increase of Shipping and Navigation, during the present War.

20. An Act for punishing Mutiny, Desertion, and false Musters, and for better paying of the Army and Quarters, and for satisfying diverse Arrears, and for a further Continuance of the Powers of the five Commissioners for examining and determining the Accounts of the Army.


1. AN Act for naturalising Elizabeth Cholmondeley, Wife of George Cholmondeley, Esq;

2. An Act to enable the Guardian of the Earl of Warwick and Holland, during his Minority, to make Leases of several Messuages in or near West Smithfield.

3. An Act for settling and confirming several Exchanges with Ralph Earl of Montague, of several Lands and Common of Simon Motion, and others, lying in Geddington, in the County of Northampton, for several Lands of the said Earl's, lying near to the same, and for confirming several Agreements relating to the said Exchanges.

4. An Act for confirming the Execution of a certain Agreement made between Ralph Lord Grey, Baron of Werke, and Charles Lord Ossulstone and the Lady Mary his Wife, touching certain Manors, Lands, and Tenements, in the Counties of Northumberland, Middlesex, and City of London, and also between Laurence Earl of Rochester, and the said Lord Grey, concerning other Manors, Lands, and tenements, in the said County of Northumberland, County Palatine of Durham, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed.

5. An Act for vesting several Estates in the Counties of Cornwall, and Devon, and several Leasehold Estates, in Trustees, to be sold for raising Portions for the younger Children of George Lord Carteret, deceased, and for laying out the Overplus of the Money raised by such Sales, in Purchase of other Lands.

6. An Act for Sale of the Estate of Henry Lord Viscount Dillon in the Kingdom of Ireland, for Payment of his Debts:, and for settling an Equivalent in other Part of his Estate on the Viscountess his Wife, for her Jointure.

7. An Act to enable Sir George Wheeler, Knight, and Doctor in Divinity, to make Leases of some Houses and Ground in Chanon Row in Westminster.

8. An Act to enable Sir John Astley, Baronet, to make a Jointure upon his Marriage, during his Minority, and to enable him to buy in any rent charge, or other Encumbrance upon his Estate.

9. An Act for confirming and better Execution of Articles, and the Agreements therein contained, for the Disposition and Division of the Estate of the late Lord Jermyn, among his Coheirs.

10. An Act for supplying the Defect of the Execution of a Power in Sir John Ivory, Knight, deceased, for making, Provision for his younger Children.

11. An Act to enable Sir Thomas Tipping, Baronet, to sell the Manor of Ickford in the County of Rucks, for Payment of a Debt charged thereon, and laying out the Surplus Money in purchase of other Lands, to be settled to the same Uses.

12. An Act to discharge the Governor and Company for making hollow Sword-blades in England, of the Sum of eighteen thousand eight hundred sixty four Pounds, seven Shillings, and one Penny halfpenny, by Mistake overcharged in the purchase money, for several forfeited: and other estates and interests in Ireland, purchased by them.

13. An Act for vesting several Estates of Sir Charier Bickerstaffe, Knight, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of debts, and making Provision for his Wife and Daughter.

14. An Act for Sale of certain Lands in Charwelton, in the County of Northampton, of William Adams, Clerk, for Payment of Debts, and of Portions to his younger Brothers and Sisters, and settling other Lands of greater Value upon his Wife and Children in lieu thereof.

15. An Act for vesting the Estate of Thomas Leigh, late of Ridge in the County of Chester, Esq; deceased, in Trustees, for the Payment of his Debts, perfecting his Purchases, and better effecting the Purposes in his Will.

16. An Act for the making void certain Uses, Estates, and Trusts, limited in the Marriage Settlement of Henry Awdley, Esq; of certain Manors and Lands contained in that Settlement, and settling other Manors and Lands of better Value, to and for the same Uses, Estates, and Trusts.

17. An Act to enable Robert Cawdron, Esq; to settle Part of his Estate (which he has improved) for raising Portions for his younger Children.

18. An Act for vesting Lands in Essex, devised by Sir Robert Kemp, Knight, deceased, to the Children, and Grand Children of Elizabeth Outlaw, one of his Sisters and Coheirs, in Trustees, to be sold for the benefit, of the Devisees.

19. An Act for the vesting of nine Messuages in the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, being the Estate of William Jarmin and Mary his wife, in Trustees, to be sold, and for settling in lieu thereof a Messuage, and certain Lands in Whipsnade, Tottrenhoe, and Studham, in the County of Bedford.

20. An Act to enable John Jenkins, Esq; to sell Lands in the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, for Payment of Debts charged thereupon.

21. An Act for vesting in Trustees Part of the Estate of Thomas Harlackenden Bows, Esq; for Payment of the debts and Legacies wherewith the said Estate is charged, and for preserving the Residue clear of Charges for the benefit of Thomas Bows, Esq; an Infant.

22. An Act to enable Arabella Foot to lay out Monies belonging to her Son Topham Foot, in Purchases of Lands for his Benefit.

23. An Act to enable the Lord High Treasurer of England, or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being, to compound with John Ferrer, Esq; for a Debt due from him as Surety for John Mason, Gent, late Receiver General for the County of Cambridge and Isle of Ely.

24. An Act for the vesting the Manor of Michael Church, in the County of Radnor, and other Lands in the County of Salop, of Mary Bowdler, and William Bowdler, Gent. in certain Trustees, for the Payment of the Debts, and
