Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/203

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A. D.I 703. Anno fecundo & tertio Ann^e Regino:. C. 10, ii; 151 Officers, and the contingent Charges thereunto belonging j any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XXI. And whereas by an Aft of the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Jcf for making; j Anns, flat, i, ' good Deficiencies, and fior pi'eferving the piiblick Credit, feveral Tallies therein mentioned do amount to five c, 13. ' thoufand and feventeen rounds nine Shillings one Penny, and the Orders thereupon for Reverfions of ' Annuities were direfted to be ifTued to difcharge fuch OfF-reclconings for Clothing, as were become due ' before the laft Day of December one thoufand fix; hundred ninety-feven, which OfF-reckonings being ' otherwife fatisfied, the faid Tallies and Orders do ftill remain in the Hands of the late Paymafter Ge- ' neral of the Army ; and by the Aft laft-mentioned it was provided. That fuch Perfon or Perfoiis as ' fliould receive fuch Debentures payable out of the forfeited Eftates in Ireland, as are thereby direfled, ' for Monies due to any Troops or Companies (over and above what was due for the perfonal Pay of the ' Commiffion Officers) fhould give Security to the Paymafter General of double the Value thereof, and ' at the End of twelve Months flrould return unto the faid Paymafter an Account upon Oath, of all the ' Debentures by him or them iffued in purfuance of that A£t, and returning back to the Hands of the ' faid Paymafter fuch Debentures as fhould remain not illued out to the End of the faid twelve Months ; ' in purfuance whereof feveral of the faid Debentures have been returned, and others of them ought to ' be returned to the Hands of the late Paymafter General of the Army, or to the Paymafter General ' thereof for the jcime being, for the Publick Ufe and Service :' Now it is hereby further enafted and de- Treafury to ap- clared b-y the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the Lord High Treafurer of Pjy 'j!' "^^"'ff' England, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the tin:ie being, to caufe as well ^g^J-jo^^/ IrT-'" .the faid Orders and Tallies, for the faid Reveifionary Annuities remaining undifpofed as aforefaid ; as alfo nujties undii'po- .all and every or any the faid Debentures returned, or to be returned, to the faid late Paymafter, or to fed of,as alio the the Paymafter General of her Majefty's Forces for the time being, purfuant to the faid Securities, or Debentures re- any of them, given or to be given, upon the A£t laft mentioned, to be ifllied, paid over, or applied tor Jj""f ^°}}^^ or towards Satisfaftion of all or any Part of the Monies due in the Reign of his late Majefty King Wil- ne^T V" fatlf. LIAM the Third, to the Out-Penfioners of Chelfea Hofpital, and fuch other publick Debts as were in- tying' the Out- curred during the laft War, as the faid Lord High Treafurer or Commiffioners of the Treafury fhall Penfioners of direct, and in fuch Proportions, Manner and Form, as to him or them fhall feem meet. Cheifca Hofpi- tal, &c. C A P. X. An AcS to enlarge the Tinle for the Purehafers of the forfeited Eftates in Ireland, to make the Payments i Anna;, ftat. 2. of their Purchafe Money. Times allowed to the Purehafers of the forfeited Eftates

Ireland, who c. 21. 

have paid one third Part of their Purchafe Money, for Payment of the Refidue. On Non-payment at ^' 3- '=• *• thofe Times, Conveyance to be void. All unfatisfied Debentures to be regiftered. EXP. C A P. XI. An Aft for the making more effedual her Majefty's gracious Intentions for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy, by enabling her Majefty to grant in Perpetuity the Revenues of the Firft Fruits and Tenths ; and allb for enabling any other Ptrfons to make Grants for the fame Purpofe. ' WJ H E R E A S at a Parliament holden in the fix and twentieth Year of the Reign of King Henry 46 H. S. c. 3; ' W the Eighth, the Firft Fruits, Revenues and Profits for one Year, upon every Nominaiion or ' Appointment to any Dignity, Benefice, Office or Promotion Spiritual, within this Realm, or clfs- '• where wichin the faid King's Dominions, and alio a perpetual yearly Rent or Penfion, amounting to ' the Value of the tenth Part of all the Revenues and Profits belonging to any Dignity, Benefice, or Pro- ' motion Spiritual vv'hatfoever, within any Diocefe of this Realm, or in IVahs, v/ere granted to the faid ' King Henry the Eighth, his Heirs and Succeffors; and 'divers other Statutes have fince been ir)ade26H. S. c. 17. ' touching the Firft Fruits and annual Tenths of the Clergy, and the ordering thereof: And whereas -7 H.-8. c. 3. ' a fufficient fettled Provifion for the Clergy, in many Parts of this Realm, hath never yet been made, |.^ ^' "' '^' ^^' ' by reafon whereof divers mean and ftipendiary Preachers are in many Places entertained to ferve the ^^ & J'?'k_ 3, ' ' Cures, and officiate there ; who depending for their neceffary Maintenance upon the Good-w'iil and c. 17. ' Liking of their Hearers, have been, and are thereby under Tem.ptation of too much complying and 2 & 3 Ed. 6. ' fuiting their Doctrines and Teaching to the Humours rather than the Good of their Hearers, which '^- ,-°- ' hath been a great Occafion of Faftion and Schifm, and Conterpt of the Miniftry : And forafmuch as J H' ^' '^' ^' ' your Majefty, talcing into your princely and ferious Confideration the m^ean and infu'Hcient Mainte- ^ i ^s', T. i/^, ' nance beiongiig to the Clergy in divers Farts of this your Kingdom, has been moft gracioafly pieafed, b Ann. 'c. 27. ' out of your moft religious and tender Concern for the Qxc oi England (v/hereof your Majefty is the 1 do. i. c lo. ' only fupream Head on Earth) and for the poor Clergy thereof, not' only to remit the ^Ai'rears of your 3 Cieo- 1. c. 10. ' Tenths due from your poor Clergy, but alfo to declare unto your moft dutiful and loyal Coiimions ' your royrJ Pieafure and pious Defire, that the v/hole Revenue arifmg from the Firft- Fruits an! Tenths ' of the Clergy might be fettled for a perpetual Augmentation of the Maintenance of the faid Clergy, in ' Places where the fame is not already fufficiently provided for :' We your Majefty's moft dutiful and iDyal fubje£ts, tb.e Coinmons of England, in Parliament affembled, to the End that your Majefty's m:,ft gracious Intentiojis may be made effectual, and that the Church may receive fo great and lafting an Ad- vantage from your Majefty's parting with fo great a Branch of your P.evenue, towards the better Pro- 3 ■ vifion