Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/282

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230 C. 8. Seal in Scotland. Privy Seal, Sec, continued. Regalia, Records of Parliament, Sic, Ljws inconfif- tent, .void. AS for fecuring the Proteftant Religion, and Presbyterian Church Govcrn- xnent inScot- laad. Univerfities and Colleges to con- tinue. Anno quinto Ann^ Reginse. A. D. 1706. Arirs, and the Rank and Precedency of the Lyon King of Arms of the Kingdon of Scotland, as may beft fuit the Union, be left to her Majefty : And that in the mean Time, the Great Seal of England be ufed as the Great Seal of the united Kingdom, and that the Great Seal of the united Kingdom be ufed for fealing Writs to eleiSl and fummon the Parliament of Great Britain, and for fealing all Treaties with foreign Princes and States, and all Publick Afts, Inftruments and Orders of State, which concern the whole united Kingdom, and in all other Matters relating to England, as the Great ?>s:A oi England is now ufed : ' ' " private Offices, be appointed by her Majefty,' the prefent Great Seal of Scotland fliall be ufed for fuch Purpofes : And that the Privy Seal, Signet, Caffet, Signet of the Jufticiary Court, Quarter Seal, and Seals of Courts now ufed in Scoilandhe continued ; but that the faid Seals be altered and adapted to the State of the Uni- on, as her Majefty fliall think fit ; and the faid Seals, and all of them, and the Keepers of them, fhall be fubjedl to fuch Regulations as the Parliament of Great Britain fhall hereafter make. And that the Crown, Scepter, and Sword of State, the Records of Parliament, and all other Rocords, Rolls and Re- gifters whatfoever, both publick and private, general and particular, and Warrants, thereof, continue to be kept as they are within that Part of the united Kingdom now called Scotland; and that they {hall fo re- main in all Time coming, notwitbftanding the Union. ARTICLE XXV.. That all Laws and Statutes in either Kingdom, fo far as they are contrary to, or inconfiftent with the Terms of thefe Articles, or any of them, fliall, from and after the Union, ceafe and become void, and fhall be fo declared to be, by the refpecHve Parliaments of the faid Kingdoms. As by the faid Articles of Union, ratified and approved by the faid Act of Parliament of Scotland, Re- lation being thereunto had, may appear. And the Tenor of the aforefaid Acl for fecuring the Proteftant Religion and Prefbyterian Church Government within t!ie Kingdom oi Sc iland, is as follows; Sufcjefls not lia- ble to any Oath inconfiftent virilh the faid Church Government. II. ^~^UR Sovereign Lady, and the Eftates of Parliament, confidering that by the late A£i: of Par- V_y liament, for a Treaty with England for an Union of horh Kingdoms, it is provided, That the Commiffioners for that 1 reaty fhoiild not treat of or concerning any Alteration of the Worfhip, Difcipline, and Government of the Church of this Kingdom as now by Law eftablilhed : Which Treaty being now reported to the Parliament, and it being reafonable and necefiary that the true Pro- teftant Religion, as prefently profefled within this Kingdom, with the Worfhip, Difcipline, and Go- vernment of this Church, fhould be effeiftually and unalterably fecured : Therefore her Majefty, with Advice and Confent of the faid Eftates of Parliament, doth hereiy eftabliin and confirm the faid true Proteftant Religion, and the Worfhip, Difcipline, and Government of this C lurch, to continue with- out any Alteration to the People of this Land in all fucceeding Generations ; and more efpecially her Majefty, with Advice and Confent aforefaid, ratines, approves, and for ever confirms the iifch A<£t of the firft Parliament of King William and Queen Mary, intituled, A£i ratifying the ConfeJJion of Faith, and fettling Prefbyterian Church Government; with all other AiSs of Parliament relating thereto, in Pro- fecution of the Declaration of the Eftates of this Kingdom, containing the Claim of Right, bearing Date the eleventh of April one thoufand fix hundred and eighty-nine: And her Majefty, with Advice and Confent aforefaid, exprefly provides and declares. That the forefaid true Proteftant Religion, con- tained in the above-mentioned Confeffion of Faith, with the Form and Purity of Wor.hip prefently in ufe within this Church, and its Preftjyterian Church Government and Difcipline (that is to fay) the Government of the Church by Kirk Seffions, Prefbyteries, Provincial Synods, and General Affemblies, all eftabliflied by the forefaid AiSts of Parliament, purfuant to the Claim of Right, fhall remain and con- tinue unalterable, and that the fiid- Pren)yterian Government fliall be the only Government of the Church within the Kingdom of Scotland.' ' III. And further, for the greater Security of the forefaid Proteftant Religion, and of the Worftiip, Difcipline, and Government of this Church, as above eftabliflied, her Majefty, with Advice and Con- fent forefaid, ftatutes and ordains. That the Univerfities and Colleges of ?sA t. Andrews, Glafgow, Aber- deen, znd Edinburgh, as now eftabliflied by Law, fliall continue within this Kingdom for ever; and that in all Time coming, no Profeflbrs, Principals, Regents, Mafters, or others, bearing Office in any Univerfity, College, or School within this Kingdom, be capable to be admitted, or allowed to continue in the Exercife of their faid Functions, but fuch as fhall own and acknowledge the Civil Government in Manner prefcribed or to be p:efcribed by the Afts of Parliament ; as alfo, that before, or at their Admiffions, they do and fliall acknowledge and profefs, and fliall fubfcribe to the forefaid Confeffion of' Faith, as the Confeffion of their Faith, and that they will praftife and confirm themfelves to the Wor- fhip prefently in Ufe in this Church, and fubmit themfelves to the Government and Difcipline thereof, and never endeavour direftly or indire<Stly the Prejudice or Subverfion of the fame, and that before the refpeftive Ptefljyterie.s of their Bounds, by whatfoever Gift, Prefentation or Provifion they may be thereto provided.' ' IV. And further, her Majefty, with Advice aforefaid, exprefly declares, and ftatutes. That none of the Subjefts of this Kingdom Ihall be liable to, but all and everyone of them for ever free of any Oath, Teft or Subfcription within this Kingdom, contrary to, or inconfiftent with the forefaid true Proteftant Religion, and Prefbyterian Church Governmeut, Worftiip, and Difcipline, as above eftablilhed ; and, ♦ that