Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/321

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A. D. 1707. Anno fexto Ann ^ Reginas. C. 4, 5. 269 Security to be hereafter given in purfuance of the faid Aft, (hall be after the Rate of two thoufand five 1500!. Security hundred Pounds for every hundred Tun the Ships or Veflfels {hall be refpedively let for, that (hallbe fent «°J|' ^^l'^/^°l to the faid Eaft Indies, or other Parts within the Limits in the faid Adt mentioned, and fo proportionably "un' that" Ship for any lefler Part than an hundred Tuns ; and that the Englifn Company trading to the Eajl Indies fhall fent to 'he Eaft for each Ship or Vellel which fliall be fent out from Great Britain, and employed by them, or for their Indies (hall be Account, give Security as aforefaid, by their Common Seal ; the Condition whereof (hall be in the Form 1" fof- /■ 1, • ° • ' Company to give following, VIZ. ruch Security. ' 'TS7^^^^-'^ ^ '" purfuance of an Aft of Parliament made in the ninth Year of his late Majefly's Form of the ' W fi-^ignj intituled, An Act for raifing a Sum r,ot exceeding tivo Millions, upon a Fund for Payment of ^°'^i^^^°°> ' Annuities after the Rate of eight Pounds per Centum per Annum, and for fettling the Trade to the Ealt ' Indies, the Ship • whereof Captain _ is Mafter, of ' the Burthen of Tons, is, under the Regulation of the faid Aft, bound ' out upon a Voyage to the Eafi Indies, or other Parts within the Limits prefcribed by the faid Aft, with ' a Cargo or Loading of Goods, upon Account of the above bound Engli/J} Company trading to the Eafl ' Indies: The Condition of this Obligation is fuch, That if all the Goods, Wares, Merchandizes, and ' Commodities which fnall at any Time or Times heieafter, during the Continuance of this prefent in- ' tended Voyage, be laden by or for the faid Company, or any of them, or for their, or any of their Ac- ' counts in the faid Ship, from the faid Eaft Indies, or Parts aforefaid, fhall be, without breaking Bulk, ' brought to fome Port of Great Britain, and there be unladen and put on Land (the Danger of the Seas, ' Enemies, Pirates, Conftraint of Princes and Rulers, Barratry of Seamen, and neceflary Provifions, ' Stores and Merchandizes for the People and Garrifon o( St. Helena, only for their own proper Con- ' fumption excepted) then this Obligation fhall be void, or elfe fhall remain in full Force, Efleft, and ' Virtue.' IL And that befides the feveral and refpeftive Securities to be given by this or the faid former Aft All Goods fliipi againft breaking Bulk, all the Goods, 'Wares, Merchandizes, and Commodities which fhall be loaden in >n India, &c. to the Eafi Indies, or other the Parts within the Limits mentioned in the faid Aft, upon any Ship or VefTel b^ unladen m ijelonging to any of her Majefty's Subje£ts, with Intent to be tranfported out of and from the faid Eafi In- ^j^'"' NecelTa- dies, or other the Parts within the Limits aforefaid, the fame fhall be brought to fome Port oi Great Bri- ries forSt.He- ttiin, and there (hall be unladen and put on Shore (neceffary Provifions, Stores, and Merchandizes for lena, by 13 Geo, the People and Garrifon of &. /fi'/^«(7, for their own proper Confumption only, excepted) and except !•<:• 8. delivering Jajfo where the breaking of Bulk or landing of Goods in Breach of this or the faid former Aft (hall hap- Negroes, as men- pen to be by the Danger of the Seas, Enemies, Pirates, Reftraint of Princes or Rulers, or Barratry of ^'""j^i'l^^'j^^^jj^gl Seamen, on Pain of forfeiting all fuch Goods which contrary to this Aft (hall be landed elfewhere than brealting Bulk. in fome Port of Great Britain, or the Value thereof, to be recovered, one Moiety thereof to her Majefiry, penalty oh Land- her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety thereof to the Perfon or Perfons who (hall feize, inform, ing elfewhere. gx fue for the fame in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at Wefimhifier, wherein no ElToin, Protec- farther Provift. tjon, or Wager of Law (hall be allowed. ow relating to Eaji India Cam' fmy, 6 Ann, c. 17. 10 Ar.n. c. 7,8. 5 Gso. I, c. 21. 7 Geo. i. <r. 5 £f ZI. 9 Geo. 1. c, 26, 3 Geo. 2, c. 14 fif 20. 12 Geo, 2. C. 22. 17 Ceo, 2.v» 17. 27 Geo. 2. c. 9. I Geo, 3, c. 14, ^ CAP. IV. An Aft for charging and continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry, for the Service of EXP; the Year one thoufand feven hundred and eight. CAP. V. An Aft for raifing a further Supply to her Majefty for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and eight, and other Ufes, by Sale of Annuities charged on a Fund, noc exceeding forty thoufand Pounds per Jntium, to ar'ife by appropriating feveral Surpluffes, and by granting further Terms in the Duties on Low VVines, and on Hawkers, Pedlars„ and Petty Chapmen, the Stamp Duties, the one third Subfidy, the Duty on Sweets, and ^ one of the Branches of Excife, and by making other Provifion in this Aft mentioned. OST Gracious Sovereign ; Whereas in and by an Aft of Parliament made in England in the Preamble reci- fourth Year of your Majefty's Reign, (intituled. An ASl for continuing an additional Subfidy. of Tun- ting the Annuity ' nage and Poundage, and certain Duties upon Coals, Cuhn, and Cynders, and additional Duties of Excife, fl'W^^?4Anns, ^ for fettling and ejiahlijhing a Fund thereby, and by other Ways and Means, for Payjnent of Annuities to b^ fild^^^^^- ^^^^on "" for rjfmg a further Supply to her Maje/ly,for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and fx,. and other thrfe' Annuities • Ufes therein mentioned) the additional Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Duties (commonly cal- made good by ' led the one third SubHdy) payable for and upon Wines, Goods, and Merchandizes, which were there- 10 Anns, c. 26, ' by granted to your Majefty for the Term of ninety-eight Years, from the eighth Day o^ March one ^^^- "9' ' thoufand fevenhundred and fix ; and the Duties upon Coals, Culm, and Cynders by the fame Aft ' granted or continued from the fourteenth Day oi May one thoufand feven hundred and eight, until the ' thirtieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and ten ; and the particular Rates and Duties g^ ' Excife thereby granted for the Term of ninety-five Years, from the fcventeenth Day of May one tho'u- , ^fand