Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/352

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300 C. ig. Anno fexto Ann ^ Reginse. A. D. 1707. DutiesonTo- jv. And be it furtlier ena6ted hy the Authority aforefaid, That the Rates, Duties, and Impofitions to" Au""""""^ upon all Sorts of Tobacco, granted by an Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of the faid late King i°Iac. zf c.'a."'*' James the Second, intituled. An JSi for granting to his Majejiy an Impofition upon aUTobacco and Sugar imported ietivt'f-n the tzverity-fourth Day of ]xua one thoufandftx hundred eighty-Jive and the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoujandfix hundred ninety-three, which faid Act, as for and concerning the faid Duties and Impofitions upon Tobacco only, by feveral fubfequent A£i:.s of Parliament fince made, was continned, and is to continue until the firft Day of ^z/^.'/// one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, fliall, by Virtue of this Aft, be further continued and paid to her Majefty, her Hfirs and Succeffors, from the laft Day of ja/y one thoufand feven hundred and twelve to the firiT: Day of Attguji one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, and no longer. Andtobelevi- V. Provided alv/ays, and be it ena£l:ed and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Duty ed, &1-. as by upoH Tobacco which fliall be imported during the Times by this Aft limited, and all Arrears thereof, 5r &S W. 3. ^^[j {jg fecured, colIecleJ, raifed, levied, anfvvercd, and paid to her Majefty, in fuch Method, and with fuch Difcount and Allowances, and according to fuch Rules and Direitions, as are mentioned, referred to, or prcfcribed, as to the Duties or Impofitions upon Tobacco, in and by the Aft made in the Parlia- ment hoiden in the feventh Year of the Reign of King William the Third, of glorious Memory, inti- tuled, Aji AEI for continuing feveral Duties granted hy former ASis upon JFine, Vinegar, atid upon Tobacco, and Eaft India Goods, and other Merchandizes imported, for carrying on the War againff France, and not otherwife. OlJ Impoil con- VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforesaid. That the feveral additional and other Rates, tinued to i Impofitions, Duties, and Charges upon the feveral Sorts of Goods and Merchandizes granted by an Aft Aupuft 1714. rnade in the fecond Year of the Reign of King William the Third and Queen Mary, intituled. An 1 . & M. (T. 2. J^fgfg)y„2ting to their Majeflics certain Impofitions upon all Eaft India Goods and ManufaBures, and upon all tvroiight Silks, and feveral other Goods and jVlerchandizes, to be imported after the five and tivcntieth Day of May one thoifand fix hundred and ninety, and which thereby, and by feveral fubfequent Afts of Parliament already made, have Continuance until the firft Day oi Augufl one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, fliall be further continued to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, from the laft Day of July one thou- fand feven hundred and twelve to the firft Day oi Augufl one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, and' .._ _ no longer ; and that the faid Aft made in the fecond Year of their faid late Majefties Reign, concerning vifion^&c' in ' ■^'J^ ■^'"^ G°°'^^i ^"^ other Things therein charged, and all Powers, Provifions, Penalties, Articles, 2'w. & M.' IT. 2. and Clauies therein contained, fliall continue and be of full Force and Effeft, until the faid firftDay of^a- c 4. and 7 & guft one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, and fhall be applied, praftifed, and executed for the raifing, ^^•3-<^-i°- levying, collefting, anfwering, and paying the faid refpeftive Duties hereby continued, and.all Arrears to be obfeived. [hereof, according to the Tenor and Intent of this prefent Aft, as fully and tO all Intents and Purpofes, as if the faid laft mentioned Aft, and all and every the Claufes, Matters, and Things therein contained,- Exception, had been again repeated and particularly enafted ; except only as to fuch Part of the faid Afts concerning the faid Impofitions on Wines, Vinegar, Tobacco, Eaft India Goods, and other Merchandizes import- ed, touching which other Provifions or Alterations are made by any Aft or Afts of Parliament now ia: being; which other Provifions or Alterations are to be obferved, and to continue during the Continuance. 7 & 8 W, 3. of this prefent Act; and the faid Act, intituled. An ASi for continuing feveral Duties granted hy former. '^•'^°' ASis upon Wine and Vinegar, and upon Tobacco, <7»(^ Eaft India Gaoi^j-, and other Merchandixcs imported, for carrying on the War againfl France, and every Article, Claufe, Matter, and Thing therein contained, for the raifing, levying, fecuring, anfwering and paying the Impofitions and Duties on the Mrrchandizes and Commodities thereby charged, and which are by this Aft continued, fliall be of full Force and EfFeft until the faid firft Day oi Auguft one thouland feven hundred and fourteen. AdJitional Im- VII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the additional and other Rates, Du- i°Au°"i'""^^'° ^^' Impositions, and Charges upon the feveral Sorts of Goods and Merchandizes, granted by an Aft of, - 4&"s'w!&^M. Parliament made in the fourth Year of their faid late Majefties Reign, intituled. An ASi for granting to «. 5. their Majejiies certain additional Impofitions upon feveral Goods and Merchandizes, for profecuting the prefent- War again ft France, which by feveral fubfequent Afts of Parliament already made, have Continuance' until the faid firft Day oi Augiifi one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, fliall, by Virtue of this Aft, be further continued, and be paid and payable to her A-Iajefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, from the lalt Day;- oijuly one thoufand feven hundred and twelve to the firft Day oi Augufi one thoufand feven hundred and. fourteen, and no longer; and that the faid Aft laft mentioned, and all Powers, Provifions, Penalties, Ar- ticles, and Claufes therein contained (except as herein after is excepted and provided) as for and concern- ing the faid Rates, Duties, and Impofitions, fliall continue and be of full Force and Eft^eft until the faid firft Day of Augufi one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, and fhall be applied, praftifed, and execu- ted, for the raifing, levying, collefting, anfwering, and paying the faid Duties hereby continued, and all- Arrears thereof, according to the T'enor and Intent of this prefent Aft, as if the faid laft mentioned Aft, and all and every the Claufes, Matters, and Things therein contained, had been again repeated and par- ticularly enafted in this prefent Aft. Kew Provifions VIII. Provided alfo. That in all Cafes where any other Provifion or Alteration is made, by any Aft " f '^^h"°"h ^"^ ■^'^^ ^^ Parliament now in being, in or about any other Matter or Thing contained in the faid Aft fenied!" '° ' of Parliament for the Impofitions laft mentioned, fuch other Provifions or Alterations fliall be obferv-- ed during the Continuance of the Term hereby granted ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwidiftanding. wh'? e" ^^" ■^"^ ^^ '^ hereby further enafted. That the feveral Impofitions and Duties for and upon all Whale-- tinoed to'i""" %^ imported, which by an Aft of Parliament in the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty Augufti7J4. King William the Third, (intituled, An ASi for taking aivay Half the Duties impofed on Glafs Wares, and. 9 & 10 W. 3. the whole Duties lately laid on Stone and Earthen Wares and Tobacco Pipes, and for granting in lieu thereof new >:■ 45* ^ Duties I