Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/398

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346 C. 7. Anno feptimo Ann^ Reginae. Recital of 6 Annae, c. aa^ le- Jaringto theTwo third Subfidies. g& loW, 3. c. 1 Annas, flat. I. t. 7. A. D. 1708.

  • to be born upon all the Bills to be iffued in purfuance of this Aft, and the Premium or Allowance, after
  • the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Jnniim, which the faid Governor and Company, and their Suc-

' ceflbrs, are to receive for circulating the fame in the Manner and Form herein after expreffed, until all ' the faid Bills to be iffued in purfuance of this Aft, fhall be paid off and cancelled ; and for eftablifhing a'

  • fufiicient Fund for paying off, and cancelling all the Exchequer Bills to be iffued forth in purfuance of

' this Aft in a reafonable Time ;' We your Majefty's faid dutiful and loyal Subjefts the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament affembled, do further give and grant unto your Majefty the feveral Subfidies, Duties, Impofitions, and Sums of Money herein after-mentioned ; and do moft humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enafted, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid in Manner following, that is to fay, ' "Whereas by an Aft made in the fixthYear of her Majefty's Reign for continuing (amongft other Things) the Duties called the Two third Subfidies of Tonnage and Poundage, it was enafted. That (over and above the Subfidies and other Payments therein mentioned) there fhould be paid to her Majefty one other Subfidy called Tonnage, for and upon all Wines which from and after the feventh Day cA March ' one thoufand fevcn hundred and eight, at any Time or Times vi'ithin or during the Space of three Years ' from thence. next or immediately enfuing, iliould be imported or brought into Great Britain, that is to ' fay. Two third Parts of fuch or the like feveral and refpeftive Duties as by an Aft of the ninth Yean ' of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King William the Thid, were granted to his Majefty during his ' Life, and by an Aft of the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, are continued and payable during her ' Majefty's Life, for and upon any Kind of Wine or Wines refpeftively ; and one other Subfidy called

  • Poundage, of all Manner of Goods and Merchandizes that fhould be imported or brought into Great

' Britain, at any Time or Times from and after the faid feventh Day oi March one thoufand feven hun- ' dred and eight, within or during the faid Term of three Years, by way of Merchandize, that is to fay, ' Two third Parts of fuch or the like feveral and refpeftive Duties as by the faid Aft of the ninth Year of ' his faid late Majefty's Reign were granted, and by the faid Aft of the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign ' continued, and payable for and upon the fame Goods and Merchandizes refpeftively (except Tobacco, ' and fuch Currans as fhould 'be imported in Englijh built Shipping, navigated according to the Laws ' then in Force, and Sugar from the Engli/lj Plantations, and fuch Goods and other Merchandizes, as by ' the two Afts laft-mentioned, or either of them, were exempted from the Payment of the Subfidies there-. ' by granted :)' Now it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Subfidies and Duties fo granted by the faid Aft of the fixth Year of her Majefty's Reign for the Term of three Years, as afore- faid, fhall be continued upon all Wines, Goods, and Merchandizes imported or brought into Great Bri- tain (except before excepted) at any Time or Times from and after the Expiration of the faid' Term of three Years, and fhall be paid and payable from thenceforth to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for ever, for the Purpofes in this Aft expreffed, fubjeft neverthelefs to the Provifo or Condition of Redemp- tion herein after contained and relating thereunto. XXin. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the fame Subfidies or Duties by this Aft conti- nued, as aforefaid, and every of them refpeftively, fliall be afcertained, fecured, raifed, levied, recovered, anfwered, paid, and accounted for, by fuch Rules, Ways, Means, and Methods, and under fuch Penaltis and Forfeitures, and with fuch Diftribution of the faid Penalties and Forfeitures, and fubjeft to fuch Drawbacks, Allowances, and Repayments, and in fuch Manner and Form, in all Refpefts, as the like Subfidies or Duties continued by the faid Aft of the fixth Year of her Majefty's Reign, are thereby, or by any other Aft or Afts, Laws or Statutes, whereunto that Aft hath Reference, prefcribed, enafted, or appointed to be afcertained, fecured, raifed, levied, recovered, anfwered, paid, and accounted for during the Con- tinuance thereof ; and that all fuch of the Powers, Direftions, Penalties and Forfeitures, Claufes, Mat- ters, and Things, provided, fettled, or eftabliftied by the faid Aft of the fixth Year of her Majefty's Reign, or by any other Aft or Afts now in Force whereunto that Aft hath Relation, for the better raif- ing, levying, recovering, anfwering, or paying the refpeftive Subfidies or Duties thereby continued, or for making any Drawbacks, Repayments, or Allowances out of any of the faid Subfidies or Duties upon Exportation, fliall be revived and be continued, and be in Force and Virtue during the Continuance of this Aft, in as full and ample Manner, to all Intents and and Purpofes, as if the faid Powers, Direftions, Penalties, Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters, and Things, and every of them, were again repeated and re- enafted in the Body of this prefent Aft. XXIV. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all European Li- nens, Sifters Threads, and Tapes, or Incle, Linfeed and Flax, fliall be exempted from the Payment of the faid Duties, called the Two third Subfidies, during the Continuance of the fame by virtue of this Aft. ' XXV. And whereas the faid Subfidies or Duties laft-mentioned were by the faid Aft of the fixth Year of her Majefty's Reign made fubjeft and liable [inter alia) to the Securing, Payment, and Satisfaftion of all the principal and intereft Monies,which fliould, from time to time, remain unfatisfied, of and for certain Loans not exceeding the Sum of fix hundred thirty-fix thoufand nine hundred fifty-feven Pounds four Shillings ' and a Half-penny, borrowed upon a former Aft therein mentioned :' Now it is hereby further declared and After the Loans enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That immediately from and after the Time that the Sum now remain- on6 Annse.c. j^g unfatisfied of the Loans, not exceeding the faid Sum of fix hundred thirty-fix thoufand nine hundred "e Rema'inder ' fifty-feven Pounds four Shillings and a Half-penny, and the Intereft thereof fliall be fully paid off and tobereferved for difcharged. Or that fufHcient Money fliall be referved in the Exchequer for that Purpofe, out of the Mo- the Purpofes of nies arifing or to arife by the laft-mentioned Subfidies or Duties, then all the Monies which from thence- this Aft. forth, during the Remainder of the faid Term of three Years, fhall or may arife by the faid laft-mentioned Subfidies or Duties. (except the jieceffary Charges of raifing, levying, collefting, and accounting for the . - fame J Two third Subfi- dies continued ipr ever. 6 Ansae, c. 22. Subfidies how to be laifed. 6 Aans, c, z2> European Lin- nen. Sifters Threads, &c. exempted. Explained by 32 Anna?, flat. 2. c. 21. as to un- wrought Incle. 6 Anna, c, 2a.