Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/465

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A.D. 1709. Anno odavo Ann^ Reginas. C. 17, i8. 413 V. And be it further cna<5ted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Magiftrates of fuch Cities and Bo- The Magiftrates roughs, where the refpeilive Circuit Courts 'are held, fhall be obliged to attend the faid Lords of Jufti- "*^ |j'"^^' f-'"^' ciary, during their Abode in their refpedive Cities and Boroughs-; and that they prepare convenient Lords"? Tuftid- Benches and Places for the Juftices of the Peace to fit on, and be prefent at the faid Courts ; who ary, in their re- are hereby declared to have and enjoy the fame Privileges in Court, as the Juftices of Peace now enjoy in fpeaive cities, England. ^'=' '^"^ prepare VI. Provided neverthelefs. That nothing in this A£t contained fhall be conftrued to reftrain her Ma- i^^l^"^^'^ ^f^'^'^^^ jefty's Advocate, or his Succeffors in Office, in her Majefty's Name, or any Perfon or Perfons, to inform vocate flwll^not' and profecute any criminal Aftion or Caufe before the Circuit Court, in the fame Way and Manner as bereftrained to is in Ufe to be done before the Jufticiary Court at Edinburgh, or to alter or innov^e the Method of re- profecute any turning Jurymen or Aflyfers by the Sheriffs, upon Precepts directed to them as formerly. criminal Aftion. turned as for- CAP. XVII. merly. An A61 for explaining and making more efFedual an Ad for the better enabling the Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants of Trinity Houfe to rebuild the Light Houfe on the Edyftone Rock. WHEREAS in and by one Aft of Parliament made in the fourth and fifth Years of the Reign of 4 Anns, c so. her prefent Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An ASi for the better enahlhig the Majier, War- denSf and AJftflants of Trinity Houfe to rebuild the Light Houfe on the Edyftone Kock ; It is enafted. That from and after the placing a Light ufeful for Shipping, in the Light Houfe intended to be rebuilt on the faid Rock, there fhall be paid to the faid Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants, their Succefibrs, and Affigns, by the Mafters and Owners of all Engltjh Ships, Hoys and Barques, which fliall pafs by the fame (except Coafters) the Duty of one Penny /i^r Ton outwards bound, and alfo one Penny ^^r Ton inwards bound ; that is to fay, of the Merchant one Moiety, and of the Owner of the Ship, Hoy or Barque, the other Moiety ; and of all fuch Strangers or Aliens Ships and Veffels as fhall happen to pafs by the faid Light Houfe, the Sum of two Pence for every Tun of the Burden of the faid Ship or Veflel ; and that every Coafter paffing by the faid Light Houfe fhall pay the Duty of two Shillings, and no more, for every Time they fliall pafs by the faid Light Houfe ; the faid Duties to be collefted by fuch Perfoss as the faid Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants, or their Succefibrs, (hall appoint, in fuch Port or Place whence fuch Ship, Hoy or Barque fliall fet forth, or where fuch Ship Hoy or Barque fhall arrive, before they load or unload the Goods therein ; and to be recovered by Aftion of Debt, in any Court of Record ^X.Wefiminfier, wherein no Eflx)in, Wager of Law, or Pro- teftion fhall be. allowed, nor more than one Imparlance : And whereas the faid Mafter, Wardens and Affiftants, having a due Regard to the Safety and Prefervation of the Shipping and Navigation of this Kingdom, did, foon after the paffing the faid Aft, caufe the faid Light Houfe to be begun, and to be rebuilt, and by the great Care and Diligence of the Perfons employed therein, the faid Work was car- ried on with fuch Expedition, that a Light ufeful for Shipping was placed therein on the eight and , twentieth Day of y^/y one thoufand feven hundred and eight; and the faid Light Houfe hath fince, with much Hazard and Difficulty, and a very great Expence, been fully built and compleated, to the great Satisfaftion of the Flag Officers and Commanders of her Majefty's Fleet and Ships of War, and of all others concerned in Trade and Navigation: And whereas fince the rebuilding of the faid Light Houfe, feveral Foreign Ships that pafled by, and had the Benefit of the faid Light, and arrived in fome of the Ports of the Kingdom ai Ireland, have avoided Payment of the faid Duties, upon Pretence that the faid Aft did not extend to the faid Kingdom of Ireland ;' For Prevention whereof, and to the End See 8 El. e. 13; a Work of that publick Nature, and fo greatly beneficial to Navigation, may have all due and proper Encouragement ; Be it enafted, i^c, ■ < " The refpeftive Duties in the faid Aft, to be paid by the Mafter of every Ship, &c. paffing by the " Edyftone Light Houfe, i^c. How the faid Duties to be recovered. No Cuftom Houfe Officer to make " out any Cocquet, i^c. till the Duties are paid, and an Acquittance produced to him. Such Perfons " as are mentioned in the former Aft, may go on board any Foreign Ship, &c. to receive the Duties ; " and diftrain for Non-payment. The Diftrefs to be appraifed and ibid, if the Duties be not paid in " three Days ; rendring the Overplus to the Mafter, i^c. This and the former Aft to be allowed as " Publick Afts in Great Britain and Ireland. P R. C A P. XVIII. An Ad to regulate the Price and Affize of Bread. WHEREAS by the Statute made in the one and fiftieth Year of the Reign of King HenrY the 51 H, -. ftat. 6, Third, intituled, _AJJifa Panis et Cervijia] Provifion was made, amongft other Things, for fet- tling the Affife of Bread ; but tlie faid Statute is exprefl'ed in Terms fo obfcure and imprafticable in thefe Times, that many Doubts and Difficulties have arifen, and daily do arife, in the Conftruflicn thereof, whereby little or no Obfervance hath in many Places been made, either of the due Affife, or reafonable Price of Bread ; and covetous and evil-difpofed Perfons taking Advantage of the fame, have, for their own Gain and Lucre, deceived and oppreffed her Majefty's Subjefts, and more elpecially the poorer Sort of people :' For Remedy whereof for the future, and that a plain and conftant Rule and Method may