Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/478

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426 C. 6. Anno nono Annjj: Reginas. A. D, 171a. . curing, recovering and accounting for the Duties upon the like Coals, Culm and Cynders by this AiSt granted, for and during the whole Term hereby granted of and in the fame, and all Arrearages thereof, as fully and effeftually to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame Powers, Authorities, Rules, Diredions, Penalties, Forfeitures, Difabilities, Claufes, Matters and Things, were again exprefled, and particularly repeated and re-enafted in the Body of this prefent Aft. Coals carried ' X. And whereas a Doubt may arife whether Coals, Culm or Cynders carried from the Bridge of trotp Sterling to ' Sterling, which is on the Firth of Forth, to the Town of Dunbar, or to Redhead, are liable to the Duties h^adnot'ch^?e'- ' ^^ '^'^'^ ^^ impofed, as if they were carried to Sea;' It is hereby provided, enacted and declared. That aWe. "° "^ ^^^^' '""'■^ Coal, Culm and Cynders, fo carried from the Bridge of Sterlhig to the Town of Dunbar, or to Red- F D on '^^^A-' ° '° ^"y ^^""^ betwixt them, fhall not, by Reafon-of fuch Carriage, be liable to the Duties by this Ctak "('ee^fariher,'^^^ ^^ impofed ; any thing in this Aft contained to the contrary notwithftanding. 9 Ann. c. Z3. IZ z, c. 9. 5 Geo. i. c. 9, 6 Geo. 1. c. 4. 22 Geo. 2, c. 37. 30 Geo. 2. c. 19./. 2?. Duties on Can- XI. And be it further ena£1:ed by the Authority aforefaid. That there fhall be raifed, levied, collected from-'-'^Mlrch" ^"'^ P^^'^'. ""'^° ^"^ ^° '^^ M*"^ of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, for and upon all Candles which j^ii."' ' at any Time or Times, within or during the Term of thirty-two Years, to be reckoned from the twenty- Made perpetual fifth Day of March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, fhall be Imported by 3Geo.i. c. 7. or brought into the Kingdom of Great Britain, or made within the fame, (over and above all other Cuf- §• ■'• toms, Subfidics, Duties of Excife, or other Duties already impofed thereupon, or to be paid for the fame, by or during the Continuance of any Aft or Afts of Parliament in that Behalf) the further Duties herein after mentioned ; that is to fay. For all Candles made of Wax, or ufually called or fold for Wax Candles, (notwithftanding the Mixture of any other Ingredients therewith) which fhall be fo imported, the Sum of four Pence for every Pound Weight Averdiipois, and after that Rate for a greater or lefTer Quantity ; and for all Candles made of Tallow, and other Candles whatfoever, (except the Wax Candles before charged) .which fhall be fo imported, one Half-penny for every Pound Weight Averdupois, and after that Rate for - a greater or lelTer Quantity ; the faid feveral Duties for and upon all imported Candles to be paid down in ready Money by the Importers thereof, before the landing of the fame refpeftively ; and there fhall be raif- ed, levied, collefted, and paid, to and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, for and upon all Candles, which at any Time or Times, within or during the faid Term of thirty-two Years laft men- tioned, fliail be made within the faid Kingdom of Great Britain, the further Duties herein after mention- ed ; that is to fay. For all Candles of Wax, or ufually called or fold for Wax Candles, (notwithftanding any Mixture as aforefaid,) which fhall be fo made in Great Britain, the Sum of four Pence for every Pound Weight Averdupois, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity; and for all Candles of Tal- low, and other Candles whatfoever, (except the Wax Candles before charged) which fnall be fo made in Great Britain, one Half-penny for every Pound Weight Averdupois, and after that Rate for a greater or lefier Quantity; the faid feveral Duties for the faid Candles, fo to be made in Great Britain, to be paid by the Makers thereof refpeftively. ?i"""bJTe"' d ^^^- And it is he eby enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral and refpeftive Duties by as'by°8 Ann™ *'^'^ ^^ impofed for and upon all Candles imported or made as aforefaid, for and during all the Term, of c. g, ' Years hereby granted, of and in the fame, and all Arrearages thereof, fhall and may from time to time, be raifed, received, levied, recovered and fecured, by fuch Ways and Means, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and with fuch Power of adjudging and mitigating Penalties and Forfeitures, and with fuch Power of making Compofitions, -^^nd other Powers, and fubjeft to fuch Allowances, Drawbacks, Rules and Direftions, and in fuch Methods, Manner and Form, as the like Duties upon Candles granted by an A£t of the eighth Year of her Majefty's Reign, whereby certain Duties were laid upon Candles, to- wards raifmg her Majefty's Supply for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and ten, are by that Aft, or by any Law or Statute thereby referred unto, prefcribed, appointed or enafted to be raifed, received, le- vied, fecured or recovered, during the Continuance thereof; and that the Aft laft mentioned, and all the Claufes, Penalties, Forfeitures, Powers, Authorities, Rules, Direftions, Matters and Things therein con- tained, or thereby referred unto, for the raifmg, receiving, levying, recovering, fecuring, compounding, paying or accounting for the faid Duties upon Candles thereby granted, during the Continuance thereof, or any Arrearages of the fame, are and fhall be by Force and Virtue of this Aft continued, praftifed, and put in Execution, for raifing, receiving, levying, recovering, fecuring, compounding, paying and accounting for the Duties upon Candles by this Aft granted, and making Allowances out of the fame, during the faid Term of thirty-two Years hereby granted, and all Arrearages thereof, as fully and effec- tually, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if they were particularly and at large repeated in the Body of this prefent Aft. Stock In Hand XIII. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, Tbat for all Candles which any Wax sj March 1711. Chandler, Tallow Chandler or other Sellers and Dealers in Candles in Great Britain, or any Perfon or Perfons in Truftfor him, her or them, or for his, her or their Ufe, fhall be poilelTed of, or interefted in, upon the faid five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, for Sale, there fhall be yielded and paid to her Majefty, (over and above the Duties before this Time impofed thereupon) the like refpeftive Rates, as are by this Aft to be paid for the like Sorts of Candles to be made after the faid five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and eleven ; and that all the Direftions, SAnna, c. 9. Powers, Penalties, Forfeitures, Rules and Claufes whatfoever, contained in the faid Aft of the eip,hth Year of her Majefty's Reign, relating to the Stock of Candles which was in the Hands of any Chandlers, or other Sellers or Dealers in Candles, or of others in Truft for them or any ofthem, or to their Ufe, i en