Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/503

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A. D. 1 7 1 o. Anno nono Ann^ Reginse. C. 1 1. 451 Place, or for which no fuch Entry fiiall be made, or that fiiall be fo unlawfully removed, fent or carried away, contrary to this Aft, or fhall be fraudulently hid or concealed, or the Value thereof, fhall be for- feited, to wit, one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of her Majcfty, her Heirs and SucccfTors, and the other Moiety thereof to the Perfon or Perfons who will feize, inform, or fue for the fame. XVIII. And for the better Collection, receiving and levying of the faid Rates and Duties upon the faid J^'""™' *'^' .'* feveral Kinds of Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, and upon Vellum and Parchment, by •vvefgh"*'^'^ this Aft feverally charged as aforefaid ; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, who at any Time or Times, within or during the faid Term of thirty-two Years, fhall tan, taw, or drefs any Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins whatfoever, chargeable by this Aft, fhall, at their feveral Yards or Places by them refpeftively ufed for drying the fame, provide and keep, at their own Cofts and Charges, fufficient and juft Scales and Weights for weighing of all fuch Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, which they refpeftively {hall tan, .taw, or drefs, and for which the faid Duties are to be paid by Weight as aforefaid ; and that fuch and fo Sworn Officers to many fworn Officers for the faid Duties as (hall be fufficient and neceffary for the weighing the faid Hides '"' appointed for and Skins, and Pieces thereof, and performing (uch other Matters and Things as are to be perforrned ^'='8'""S' by fuch Officer or Officers at every fuch Yard or Dreffing-place, fhall be appoincedj and give due Atten- dance for that Purpofe. XIX. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Tanner, Tawer, Tanners, &e. te or Drefler of any fuch Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, and every Maker of Vellum or Parch- ^r^(^^'" '° inent, fhall, from time to time, before any fuch Hides or Skins, Pieces of Hides or Skins, or fuch Vel- ua^ before Ret lum or Parchment fhall be removed from his, her or their Yards, Work-houfes, Places ofdreffing, drying, moval of Hides,' or keeping the fame refpeftively, give Notice in Writing, by the Space of two Days, to the proper Of- &c. iicer or Officers for the faid Duties, of all Hides and Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, and all fuch Vel- lum and Parchment, as he, (he or they (hall intend to remove, to the Intent that the Officers for the faid Duties may afcertain the Duties payable for the fame (for the giving of which Notice, he, (he or they fhall not be obliged to go further than the next Market Town) and every fuch Tanner or Drefler fhall and to pern^ie jicrmit all fuch Hides or Skins, for which the Duties are to be charged and paid by Weight, to be weighed an<i aSift 'he by the proper Officer or Officers at the Yard or Place where the fame (hall be dried or kept, before the 9^'^" '" "'^'6- famefhall be removed as aforefaid, and fhall bring or caufethe fame to be brought to the Scales, and affift J-"^" a^nd'"to ^^ in weighing thereof, and fhall alfo permit the Officer for the faid Duties to take an Account of the Num- afcirtain the bers and Qiialities of all fuch Skins and Hides, or Pieces of Skins and Hides, Vellum and Parchment, fo Value, intended to be removed, whereof the Duty is to be paid by Tale, and fhall likewife afcertain the Value of all fuch Skins and Hides, or Pieces of Skins and Hides, fo intended to be removed, whereof the Duty is to be charged and paid ad Valorem, by the Oath of the faid refpeftive Tanners, Tawers, Dreflers, or Makers thereof as aforefaid : Which Oath any Juftice of the Peace, for the faid refpeftive Officer or Officers, are hereby impowered to ad mi nifter, before any fuch Skins or Hides, or Pieces of Skins or Hides, he removed from the Places of drying or keeping the fame fefpe£tively. XX. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the Duties of ofEcer to make the faid Skins and Hides, Pieces of Skins and Hides, Vellum and Parchment, fo intended to be removed, aReturn inWri- ihall be afcertained by Weight, Tale, or ad Vahrmi as aforefaid, the proper Officer or Officers for the ting. <ee 5 Geo. faid Duties fhall fairly enter in a Book to be kept by him or them for that Purpofe, the refpeftive Weig^hts, '• '• 3* §• lo- Tales, and Value of all fuch Hides and Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment, whereof the Duties fliall have been fo afcertained as aforefaid, and fhall make thereof a Return or Report in Wri- .ting to the refpeftive Commiffioners, or the Colleftors, or other Perfons by them appointed to receive the fame, leaving a true Copy thereof under his Hand with the refpeftive Tanners, Tawers, DrefTers, and and leave a Copy "Makers of fuch Hides and Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment : Which Return or therrof, wnh Report of the faid Officer or Officers (hall be a Charge upon the Tanners, Tawers, Dre(rers and Makers ^ Tanner, &c. ,of fuch Hides and Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment refpeftively. XXI. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That immediately from and after the Officer to mark Duty of the faid Hides and Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment, fo intended to be each, ice- removed, (hall be afcertained by Weight, Tale, or ad Valorem as aforefaid, and an Entry made thereof in a Book to be kept by the faid' Officer or Officers as aforefaid, the faid Officer or Officers who (liall fo have afcertained the fame, fhall caufe every Hide or Skin, and every Piece of a Hide or Skin, and all Vel- lum and Parchment, whereof the Duty fhall be fo afcertained, to be marked with fuch Mark as this Aft direfts to be provided and ufed, to denote the charging of fuch Duty as aforefaid. XXII. Provided always. That in cafe any fuch Tanner, Tawer, DrefTer, or Maker of fuch Hides or Officer to mark Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum or Parchment, (hall defire the faid Mark to be made upon any the Hide, &:c, particular Part thereof, then the Officer or Officers fo appointed to mark the fame, fhall mar]c the faoje where Tanner, accordingly. &c. defires- XXIII. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the refpeftive Tanners, Perfons in Ion- Tawers, Dre(rers, and Makers of fuch Hides and Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parch- don, &<:. to dif- ment, fhall pay off and difcharge all the Duties of the faid Hides and Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, charge the Du- Vellum and Parchment, fo marked as'aforefald, iri Manner herein after mentioned (chat is to fay) Such 5^^^J" 'tther of the faid Duties as fhall arife within the Cities o^ London and TVeJlminJler, and the Limits of the weekly partsinSWeekj, Bills of Mortality, to the Receiver of the faicj Dutjes at the Head Office of the faid Commiffioners, within fourteen Days after the fame fhall be marke^d as aforefaid; and fuch of the faid Duties as (hall arife ■and be payable in the other Parts of Great Britain, within iix Weeks after the fame fhall be fo marked >nd (tamped as aforefaid, to the refpeftive Colleftors that fliall be appointed to receive the fame : Aiui ihe Officers to be appointed for collefting and receiving the Duties hereby granted fliall, and they are hereby required to give Receipts under their Hands j^rarfV, and without delay, for all tiie Monies they M-nj m z flvdl,