Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/505

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A. D. 1 7 10. Anno nono Ann^e Reginae. C. 1 1. 453 Dealers in Vellum or Parchment reCpsAlvdy, have or may have, on the four and twentreth Day June one thoufcjid feven hundred and eleven, feveral Stocks or Quantities of fuch Hides and Skins, and

  • Pieces of Hides and Skins, tanned, tawed or dreiUsd, (not made into Wares) and feveral Stocks and
  • ■ Qiiantities of Vellum and Parchment, all which are refpedlively of the Produce of Great Britain, or Stock in Hanav

' imported into the fame ;' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every fuch Tan- oni+June lyit, ner, Tawer, Drefler, Currier, Seller, Shoe-maker, Coach-maker, Trunk-maker, Bottle-maker, Merchant " pv one half and other Dealer in fuch Hides or Skins, and all and every fuch Makers of Vellum and Parchment, Com- P«t»ftU£Dot3F. ftiiflioners and OfEcers of the Stamp Duties, Stationers, Book-binders and other Traders and Dealers in Vellum and Parchment, having on the faid four and tv/entieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, in his, her or their Cuftody or Poireflion, or in the Cuftody or Poileffion of any other Perfon or Perfons, for his, her or their Ufe, Benefit or Account, any Stock or Quantity of fuch Hides or Skins» or Pieces of Hides or Skins, tanned, tawed or drefled, (not made into Wares) or any Stock or Quantity of Vellum or Parchment, within the Realm of Great Britain being for Sale, fhall yield and pay to her Ma- jefty for the fame, fo much R/loney as one half Part of the Rates or Duties by this Aft impofed on the like refpeftive Commodities to be tanned, tawed, drefled or made in Great Britain, or to be imported into the fame after the Commencement of this Aft, fhall amount unto ; the faid half Part for the faid Stocks to be paid within three Months after the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eleven. XXX. And to the end the faid Stocks may be known and difcovered, and the faid Rates for the fame Tanners, ac. by may be afcertained andanfwered; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the faid 19 July 1711, tw Tanners, and others before mentioned, fhall deliver or caufe to be delivered, on or before the twentieth deliver to the Ot- Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, to the proper Officer to be appointed in this Behalf, ^L ^- '"g'^'^'^^'^'^ ■a. particular in Writing, figned by themfelves or their Appointments, of their feveral Stocks before- ° ' "' '*" ' mentioned, defcrjbing the whole Quantities of each Kind as follows; that is to fay. By the Weight and Tale of fuch of the faid Commodities as are to be charged with the faid Duty by Weight, and by the Tale of fuch of the faid Commodities as are to be charged with the faid Duties by Tale only, and by the Quantities and Values of fuch of the faid Commodities in the faid Stock, as are by this Aft to pay Duty ad Valorem, and {hall verify the faid particular upon Oath, to the beft of his Knowledge and Judgment j which Oath (hall and may be adminiftred by any Juflice of the Peace, or by the Colleftor or Supervifor for the faid Duties: And the faid Officers to be appointed to this Purpofe, are hereby authorized and im- Officers may eip- powered to enter into any Shops, Warehoufes or other Places whatfoever, where any fuch Stock fhall be ^" '"'" SW«j or remain, there to view the fame, and to take an Account thereof: And all and every the faid Perfon or stocfc. ^"" Perfons chargeable as aforefaid, for their refpeftive Stocks, fliall be obliged, by Force and Virtue of this Aft, if thereunto required, to permit and fuffer the proper Officer to make fuch Entrance and View as aforefaid; and i" -■-- ,,,^,, ^^ ^^^..^ Shops, Warehc any Part thereof, Moiety thereof to the Queen, and the other Moiety to him or them who will inform or fue for the fame. XXXI. And it is hereby enafted, That the Colleftor, upon the Receipt of any fuch Duties- for Stock CoHeaor to give ihall give a Receipt for the fame gratis; and in cafe fuch Duties for Stock (hall not be paid on or before ^ *"'^^ gratis^ the four and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, or if before that Time Stock no- paid the fame be not fecured to be paid on of before the four and twentieth Day oi December one thoufarKi fe- f"' y 24 Sept. ven hundred and eleven, (which Security the proper Officers are hereby impowered to take by Bond in '7"-°|=='"^4- her Majefty's Name, and to her Ufe) then fuch Officer or Officers fliall and may, by Virtue of this Aft, Difttefl ana sie, levy fuch Duties for the faid Stock that fhall not be paid or fecured, by Diftrefs of the Good and Chattels X)f the Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, liable thereunto, and for Non-payment may fell fuch Diftrefs within ten Days, rendring the Overplus (if any be) to the Owner, after Satisfaftion' of the Duty and Charges of the faid Diftrefs. XXXII. Provided always. That if any fuch Perfon or Perfons chargeable for fuch Stock, fhall pay or Biftount fos "caufe to be paid, his or their Duties for the fame, within the faid Space of three Months, he, fiie or they fhall ptomptPaymener ■be allowed for fuch prompt Payment, after the Rate of ten Pounds ^«r Centum per Annum for every Sum fo advanced. XXXIII. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe any of the faid Tanners. Tawers, ^^T^^^p' ^'^ Dreffers, Curriers, Sellers, Shoe-makers, Coach-makers, Collar-makers, Bridle-cutters, Merchants, cufaVo" their"" Trunk-makers, Bottle-makers, and other Dealers in Hides or Skins, tanned, tawed or drefled,, or any Stock, to forfeit ■of the faid Makers of Vellum and Parchment, Commiffioners, Officers, Stationers, Book-binders, and 50I. and their 6ther Traders or Dealers in Vellum. and Parchir,ent, having on the faid four and twentieth Day oijiine eoncealedStotk, one thoufand feven hundred and eleven', in his, her or their Cuftody or Pofteffion, or in the Cuftody or PolTeffion of any other Perfon or Perfons for his, her or their Ufe, Benefit or Account, any fuch Stock as- aforefaid, ftiall negleft to give a Particular of the fame in fach Manner and Form as aforefaid, on or be- fore the twentiethDay oiJulyoie. thoufand feven hundred and eleven, or fhall wittingly or willingly omit or leave out of the fame any Part of his, her or their faid Stock, to the Intent to defraud lier Majeily, or ihall fraudulently remove, carry away or conceal his, her or their faid Stock, or any Part thereof, before her Majefty's Duties thereupon fhall be paid or fecured as aforefaid ; then and in every fuch Cafe, he, flie ■fcr they fo offending, for every fuch Offence fhall forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds, to wit, one Moiety thereof to the Queen, and the other Moiety to him or th^m who will inform or fue for the fame; and in- all and every fuch Cafe and Cafes, the Stock or Quantity of Hides or Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins,, Vellum and Parchment, for which no fuch Particular fliall have been given, or which fl:iall be fradulently omitted out of the fame, or which fliall be fo concealed or carried away before her Majefty's Duties fhali' be