Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/507

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A. D. lyio. Anno nono Ann iE Reginae. C. ii. 455 XL, And it is hereby enabled, Tliat upon producing fuch Certificate or Debenture for any Quantity On producing of fuch Hides or Calve-fkins fo exported, to the CollecSor of the faid Duties at the Port where the faid ^'^J| f^"'?""^' Hides or Calve-fkins {hall be exported, in every fuch Cafe the fame Colleftor (hall forthwith, out of the j^ repzy'two' Monies in his Hands for her Majefty's Ufe of the fame Duties, and in Default thereof, then the Com- thirds of the miflioners for the fame Duties fhall repay or caufe to be repaid to the Perfon or Perfons who fhall pro- Duties. duce fuch Certificate or Debenture from the faid Cuftomer or Colle£i:or of the Port aforefaid, two thirds of the Duties which were before charged fo'r the faid Hides or Calve-fkins fo exported or fliipped to be exported as aforefaid, (fuch Hides and Calve-fkins as fhall have been charged as Stock in Hand as afore- faid, always excepted). XLT. And it is hereby further enabled. That upon producing a Certificate or Debenture of the faid Sueh Repaywient Cuflromer or Colle£tor of fuch Port as aforefaid, of any Quantity of fuch Boots, Shoes, Gloves or fuch '° !h"h'^M fe other Manufactures as are before defcribed or mentioned, which fhall be fo fhipped to be exported forfo- [o "denote the" reign Parts, to the CommifKoners who fhall be appointed for the Management of the faid Duties upon charging of the Leather, or to the Colleftor of the fame Duties at the faid Port of Exportation ; in every fuch Cafe the Duty, do notap- faid Commiflioners or fuch Colleftor, fhall out of the Monies which fhall be in his or their Hands of the F^ar on fuch faid Duties by this Aft granted pay to the Perfon or Perfons who fhall bring fuch Certificate or Deben- ^ Wares, ture of the faid Cuflomer or Colleftor of the Port, an Allowance after the Rate of two thirds of the Duty which by this A£l was chargeable by Weight upon the Leather of which fuch Boots, Shoes, Gloves or other Manufadures fhall have been made, although the Mark or Stamp to denote the charging or Pay- ment of the Duty cannot or do not appear upon fuch made Wares refpe£ti ely ; any Thing herein con- tained to the contrary notwithftanding. XLIL And it is hereby further enacted. That if any Hides, Calve-fkins, Boots, Shoes, Gloves or Such Gords re- other Manufactures of Leather, fhipped to be exported as aforefaid, fhall be relanded or put on Shore ■^nded, forteitea again within Great Britain, the fame and treble the Value thereof fhall be forfeited, to wit, one Moiety y^jj^^ ^ thereof to the Queen's Majefty, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons who will feize, inform or fue for the fame. XLIIL Provided always. That no Wares made of Hides or Skins fhall be entitled, by this Aft, to any Goods curried Drawback as made Wares, in refpeii: only of their being curried or dreffed by the Currier; any Thing °"'j' ""^f^^'- i In this or any former Aft contained to the contrary notwithftanding. [,3^j, XLIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the refpedlive CommifJioners ofher Commiflioners of Majefly's Cufloms in Great Britain, fhall on or before the four and twentieth Day of yune one thoufand Cufloms to pro'- feven hundred and eleven, provide fuch and fo many Marks or Stamps of the fame Kind, with which all ^^ Stamps tor the Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins imported as aforefaid, during the Continuance of this ^'^ "j *"^' ""* A£t, fhall be markt or flampt, upon Payment of the Duties thereof as aforefaid ; and fhall caufe the faid comirrimonerj Marks or Stamps to be diflributed amongft the refpedlive Officers of the Cufloms for that Purpofe ; and of this Duty to that the refpeftive Commiflioners to be appointed for managing the faid Duties upon Hides and Skins tan- provide Stamp* jied, tawed or dreffed in Great Britain, and the faid Duties upon Vellum and Parchment made in Great ^°' Hides, &c. Britain, fhall on or before the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eleven qJ"^^^ Britain provide fuch and fo many Marks or Stamps of one and the fame Kind, (but differing from the Marks or .Stamps laft before mentioned) with which all the Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins tanned, tawed or dreffed in Great Britain, and all the Vellum and Parchment made in Great Britain, during the Continuance of this Act, upon the charging of the faid refpeftive Duties for the fame, fhall be ftamped and marked; and alfo fo many Stamps and Marks of one other Kind, with which all the Stock of Hides and and Stamps tcr Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, and all Vellum and Parchment in Great Britain, on the faid four mark stock in and twentieth Day oijune, upon Payment or fecuring the faid Duties as aforefaid, fhall be ftamped and Hand, marked ; and fhall caufe the faid refpedtive Marks or Stamps to be diftributed to the refpe<5iive Officers for the feveral Purpofes before mentioned ; which Officers are hereby enjoined and required in ufing the fame, ofHcers not to to do no Hurt or Damage, or the leaft Damage that may be, to the Hide or Skin, or the Piece of an Hide damage the or Skin, or to the Vellum or Parchment to he fo marked ; and the faid refpedtive CommiiTioners, in pro- Hides, &c. in viding the faid refpedtive Marks or Stamps, fhall take Care that they be fo contrived, that the Impreffion marking. thereof may be durable, and fo as the fame may be leaft liable to be forged or counterfeited ; and that the stamps to be faid Marks and Stamps or any of them, fhall or may be altered or renewed, from Time to Time, as her durable, &c. Majefty, her Heirs cr SuccefTors fhall think fit; and if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, fhall at any ForgingStamps, Time or Times hereafter counterfeit or forge any Stamp or Mark, to refemble any Stamp or Mark which &c. Felony, (hall be provided or made in purfuance of this Aft, or fhall counterfeit or refemble the impreffion of the Concermng- fame upon any Hide or Skin, or Piece of any Hide or Skin, or any Vullum or Parchment, thereby to de- Stamps, _^cfar- fraud her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, of any of the faid Duties hereby granted, or fball utter, vend /Asrg^f/m. f.ij, or fell any Hide or Skin, or Piece of any Hide or Skin, Velkim or Parchment, with fuch counterfeit ?° ^""^ '• 19 I Mark or Impreffion thereupon, knowing fuch Mark or Impreffion to be counterfeited, then every fuch ^^' a

Perfon fo offending, being thereof convifted in due Form of Law, fhall be adjudged a Felon, arrd fhall ^. j_ n"- ft"', i, 

' fuffer Death as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. yzAm.jlat. z. c 9. 5 Geo. I. c 19./. 48. 6G«!.i, n.Gco.i.c.%, 12 Geo, i. f. 33. 9 Geo. 2. c. 32. 16 G«. 2. c. 26. igGw. i. e. iiS" 13. 3.oG«. 2. c. ig, [ J2 Geo. 2. c, 35. I ■ - j ; XLV. And it is hereby provided and enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon who fhall Coramiflionerj i, be appointed a Commiifioner for the Duties lall: mentioned, and every fubordinate Officer under the faid ■'"^futordmats j Commiffioners, who fhall receive any Salary or Allowance in refpeft of his Office, {hall, before his afting ^^^or"" " I in his refpeftive Truft, take an Oath for his due and faithful Execution of the fame, according to this Aft ; which Oath {hall and may be adminiftred to any fuch Commiflioner by any other Ferfon who fhall be ap- 3 pointed