Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/519

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A.T). lyio. Anno nono Ann^ RegiiiEe. 0.17,18. 467 every other Perfon and Perfons, who were affifting; in the Defence of the faid Robert Harley, and in the ap-' prchending and fecuring the faid Aiitbjny de Guifcarcl, and did, in fo doing, afl'ault, bruife, or wgund the l;uJ Anthor,y de Gv.ifcard^ fhall be, and are hereby indemnified and faved harmlefs therefore j and fuch tlieif Aitings and Doings are hereby declared to have been neceifary and lawful. CAP. XVIL An A6t for the Prefervation of White and other Pine Trees growing in her Majefl:y's Colonies o^ New Hampfuire, the Maffhcbufels Bay, and Province of Main, Rhode JJlanJ, and Provi- dmce Plantation, the Narraganfei Country, or JQngs Province, and ConncSicv.t, in New Eng- hnd, and iV>w Tork, and Nevs Jerfey, in America, for the Mafting her Majefty's Navy. ' TX7HEREAS there are great Numbers of White or other Sort of Pine Trees, fit for Mafts, grow-i^ C^'-. i. f. iS. ' W ing in her Majefty's Colonies of h'czv Hampjhlre^ the Ma[]'achufds Bay, and Province oijiiain, ^5 g'^ 2. '■. 7- ' Rhode IJIand, znd P)-ovidence P/aniaiion, the Ni7rra^s:!!!/<:i Country, or Kings Province, s.nd Coimeiiicut, in "^^^ '^ '"^'~' ' Netv England, and New Tork, and Neiv Jerfey, fit for the Mafting her Majefty's Royal Navy : And ..~c'ar. 2. c. 7.. ' whereas the fame growing near the Sea, and on navigable Rivers, may commodioufly be brought into this After 24 Sept. Kingdom for the Service aforefaid :' Wherefore, for the better Prefervation thereof, be it enadted by the i?^'- "<> Per- liundred and eleven, no Perfon or Perfons within the faid Colonies of Nezv Hampjhiirc, the MaJJ'achufets Bay, any Pine Tiee and Province of iJ^ij/w, Rhode IJIand, and Providence Plantation, the Narraganfet Country, or Kings Pro- fiti^rMafe, vi-'icc, CcnneSiiciit in Neiv England, and Nezv Tork and New Jerfey, or any of them, do or (liall prefume to of",'iJ™Q,!^^'^ cur, fell, ordeftroy any White or other Sort of Pine Tree fit for Rdafts, not being the Property of any °„ ForfeTcTreof private Perfon, fuch 1 ree being of the Growth of twenty-four Inches Diameter and upwards at twelve 100 1. One Inches from the Earth, without her Majefty's Licence for fo doing firft had and obtained; on the Penalty Moiety to the or Forfeiture of one hundred Pounds Sterling for every fuch Offence, on Proof thereof to be made by one Qll'^'^") '*>= or more credible Witneffes on Oath before one of her Majefty's Juftices of the Peace there, within or?^"|^^'^"^° f^ '?' neareft to fuch Place where fuch Offence fhall be committed; one IVloiety of fuch Penalty or Forfeiture to vitd'by Warrant be to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeftbrs, the other Moiety to the Informer who fiiall fue for the ofajuftice. fame within fix Months, to be levied by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of fuch Juftice of the Peace. Repealed as to ' II. And whereas the Surveyor General of her Majefty's Woods in thofc Parts is, by himfelf or his ^)'"is'vi>Ha ' fufEcient Deputy or Deputies, by her Majefty's Commiflion, authorized and diredred to mark with the g ^^.^^ '^^^' °^ ' broad Arrow all iuch Trees as now arc, or hereafter flrall be fit and proper to betaken for the Ufe of her s. 6. ' ' ' ' Majefty's Royal Navy, and to keep a Regifter for the fame, thereby to prevent the Deftruition of fuch ' Trees : And whereas feveral Perfons, not lawfully thereto authorized, as aforefaid, have prefumed to mark ' fuch Trees with the broad Arrow, thereby to deter others her Majefty's good Subjects from getting Logs ' for Lumber and other Ufes, and to make to themfelves a Property in fuch Trees, though growing on „ _ ,. ' com.mon Lands;' Be it therefore further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid :„°,u! a°:j r"i " r iT^irn 7 irir i ii ii Tir nr • t • ^ ^^ the laid Loio- tv,'enty-)Ourtn JJay or 6t'/'?tv«ft^r one tnoulanu leven hundred and eleven, no i erion or 1 erlons withm the nies fliali mark fiid Colonies oi Neiv Hamfifiire, the Maffachifets Bay, and Province o( Afatn, Rhode I/land, and Providence any Pine Tree Flaniation, the Narraganfet Country, or Kirigs Province, ConncSiicut in Netu England, and Netv Tork, and ^^^^^ ^^^ ^™'"' i'enalty or Forfeiture of five Pounds Sterling for every fuch Offence, to be recovered and levied in fuch 51. to be I'e- IJanner, and on fuch Proof, and to be diilributed, as aforefaid; any thing herein before, or in any for- ":'*='" "*'■ mer Aci, contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftandin?. flnb.itedas '.■'■' ■^ above. Ccncerti'.ng Plantations, fie farther •. 27. and 10 ^>w. c, 22. Sf 2S. 4 Cio. l. c II, S f^co. I. r. is fef 3 q. 13 Geo. T. c.;. o Geo. 2. c. 12 iT 2S. 4 Gei z.f. I5. 5 Ceo. 2. c. 7 & 9. 6 Cii. 1. c. jj. 8 Ceo. 2. c. ig. li G«. 2. i. 30. 15 Ceo. 2, c. 3 i Ca 33. 24 Ceo. 2. c. 51 £' 53, 29 C1.1?. 2, i, 5 iS' 35 30 Ceo, 2. c, cj. CAP. XVIII. An Aft to render more efFeftual an Aft made in the fixth Year of her prefent M;5Je(ly, intitul- ed, Jn AS to repeal a CUmfe in an AS} of the [event h Year of the Reign of tis lale Majcfiy, for amending High -j. ays, •which enjoins JVaggoners and others to draw with a Role betiveen the Wbeel-horfei, or iviih double Shafts, and to oblige them to draw only with fix Htrjes, or other Beajls, except up h'i'is. WHEREAS by an Aft of Parliament made in the fixth Year of the Reign of her prefent P.Ia- S Annse, c. 19 jefty, intituled, Jn Aa to repeal a Clnife in an Aa cf the fivcnih Tear of tJ?e Reign of his late Ma- ^3 Ed. i. jli,.