Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/52

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6 C. 5, 6. Anno decimo & undecimo Gulielmi III. A. D. 1699. Pfovifo, XIII. Provided always. That this Aft or any Thing therein contained {hall not extend to prohibit the Exportation or carrying out of fuch Beer or Ale as Ihail be necefi'ary to be carried in any Ship or other Veirel or Veflels, from this Kingdom, or the Dominion aforefaid, or in their Return to the fame, only for the Suftenance or Drink of the Commanders, Mailers, Mariners, Paflengers, or others in the fame Ships, and not to be fold in foreign Parts, or for the Supply of any of his Majefty's Ships in foreign Parts ; any Thing in this Aft to the contrarj notwithftanding. XIV. Provided alfo. That nothing in this Aft contained fliall extend to any Beer or Ale, which fliall be exported, or fliipped to be exported out or from any of the Ports of this Kingdom, or Dominion of JfaleSy unto fuch of his Majefty's Colonies in America, Perfta, or the Eajl Indies, that have been ufually fupplied with fuch Liquors from this Kingdom, or from the Dominion oi Wales, aforefaid, or for the Sultentation of the faid Iflands and Colonies, Forts, Caftles, or Faftories therein only, fo as the Ex- porters, before the fliipping or laying on board the fame for the Iflands or Colonies for which the faid • ^ Liquor is defigned, do give fufficient Security, in treble the Value, to the Commiilioners or Officers of his Majefty's Cuftoms refpeftively, who have hereby Power to take fuch Security, in his Majefty's Name,, and to his Majefty's Ufe, that fuch Liquors fliall not be landed in any Parts whatfoever, other than the Iflands and Colonies for which the fame fhall be fo declared ; for taking which Security no Fee or Re- ward fliall be demanded or received j and the faid Bond or Bonds, or other Securities, if not profecuted within three Years, fhall be void. < CJiales Bennet XV. Provided always. That nothing in this Aft contained fhall extend to prevent or hinder Charles Diftiller.' Bennett Diftiller, from drawing or diftilling Spirits or low Wines from Worts or Drink brewed from malt- ed Corn, from the ?Sk'D3.y oi January one thousand fix hundred, ninety-eight, to the firft Day of F^- bruary one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine ; always fo as the whole Quantity of low Wines or Spirits of the firft Extraftion, which between the faid laft Day oi January one thoutznA fix hundred ninety- eight, and the faid {vr9iT)2iY oi February one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, fhall be drawn diftilled, or made in his now Diftillery from any Malt, Corn or Grain, or from the Produce thereof, do not in the whole exceed half the Quantity of low Wines or Spirits of the firft Extraftion, by him drawn and extrafted in the Year already ended on the thirtieth of September one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, and fo as the faid Charles Bennett doth obferve and perform all Things eife, as all other Diftillers are by this Aft obliged to obferve and perform. C A P. V. •Re-enafled for An Aft for the clearing, repairing, preferving and maintaining the Haven and Piers of Great Yarmouth in u Years by 9 the County of Norfolk. From 24 July 1699, for Twenty-one Years, Ships unlading in Yarmouth Road, ■^ " to pay for every Chaldron of Coals, Laft of Wheat, Rye, i^c. Weigh of Salt, Tun of Goods or Merchandize (except Fifli) 12^/, Bailiffs and Aldermen, ^c. to appoint olleftors of the Duties, who are to pay the fame to the Chamberlains of the Borough, &c. Twelve Commiffioners for infpefting the Accounts to be nominated. Colleftors to render to the Commiffioners Account of Monies received, fcfr. to take an Oath, and be allowed 6^. in the Pound. Colleftor may enter into Ship, i^c. and for Nonpayment of Duty maydiftrain^and fell, rendering the Overplus, Fifh, Oil, Fifh Livers, and Provifion, &c. exempted from Duty. Commiffioners for Norfolk and Suffolk to be npmi-' nated yearly at the Quarter-Seffions, and meet in fix Weeks after at Great Yarmouth. In Cafe Com- miffioners do not meet. Bailiffs and Aldermen, ^c. to put the Aft in Execution, who may put in or difplace any Colleftor, i^c. In Cafe of Refufal, Bailiffs to levy by Diftrefs. Where no Diftrefs, Per- fon to be committed to Gaol. Bailiffs, i^c. to make good tlie Monies collefted. If any new Work be found neceffary, Commiffioners may contraft for the fame ; Contraft Money to be paid out of the Duties, Commiffioners Bailiffs may aft with the other Commiffioners, EXP, CAP. VI. An A£l to enlarge the Trade to RuJJia. WHEREAS King Philip and Queen Mary, hj their Letters Patents dated at ?^^w/»/?<'r th» Sixth Day of February in the firft and fecond Years of their Reign, being willing to ani- mato, advance and further the Perfons in the faid Letters Patents named, in their good Purpofe and profitable Adventure, for the difcovering, defcrying and finding out Ifles, Lands and Territories un- known, lying to the Northward, and by Engltjh Subjefts before then not commonly frequented by Sea, as well for the Glory of God, as for illuftrating the Royal Dignity in the Increafe of the Revenues of the Crown, and the general Wealth of this Reatm, and of the Subjefts of the fame (as in the faid Let- ters Patents is particularly expreffed) did incorporate the faid Perfons by the Name oi Merchants Adveii-r iurcrsfor the Dlfcovery of Lands, Territories, IJles, and Seigniories unknown, and not by the Seas and Naviga^ tions, before their faid late Adventure or Enterprise by Sea or Navigation, commonly frequented, with Power to make Statutes, Afts, and Ordinances for the good Government of the faid Fellowlhip, and alfo to admit unto the faid Fellowfhip Perfons, to be free of the fame ; and that every Perfon or Perfons fo to be ' admitted, fhould from the time of his or their Admittances be free of the faid Fellowfhip ; and that the faid Fellowftiip fliould have and enjoy the fole Trade to all the main Lands, Ifles, Ports, Havens, Creeks and Rivers of the Emperor of RuJJia, and to all and fingular other Lands, Dominions, Territories, Ports, Creeks and Arms of the Sea whatfoever, in the faid Letters Patents particularly mentioned and defcribed ; ' as by the faid Letters Patents (amon^ other Things therein contained) more at large may and doth ap- ■ pear ; And v/hereas the Liberties, Powers and Privileges granted by the faid I^etters Patents, were after-f ♦ vyards, Geo. I from the Year 1713.*