Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/545

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A.D. ijio. Anno nono AnnuE Reglnae. C, 23. 493

  • Day, Hs otherwife :' Be it therefore enacEled by the Authority aforefaid. That it flial! and may be lawful

to and for any Licenfed Hackney Coachman, or his Driver, or any Chairmen, to ply and ftand with their Coaches and Chairs, and to drive and carry the fame, refpeftively, on the Lord's Day, within the Limits of the faid Weelcly Bills of Mortality j the faid former Afts, or any of them, or any Conftrudlion thereup- on to the contrary notwithflanding. XXL And it is hereby further enadled That an Account of the Profits and Duties arifing by virtue of Account an- this A£l, by licenfing Coaches and Chairs, fljall every Year during the Continuance thereof, be made up ""ai before the before the Auditors of the Imprefts. .iud,to,s. XXiL And be it further cnafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall I'efufe J^^.^l^^j^y^^^^"'- or negleii to paV any Coachman or Chairmen the Money juftly due to him or them for carrying in his or Coj^hm»'n'^^&c. their Coach or Chair, or fhall wilfully cut, deface, or break, any fuch Coach or Chair, it fcall and may be and others' See lawful to and for any Juftice of the Peace where fuch Refufal (hall be made, or Damage done, upon Com- f-nta- comrn- plaint thereof, to grant a Warrant to bring before him the Perfon againfl: whom fuch Complaint fhrdl he '"s: '^'""^^■' "'"^ made, and upon Proof made upon Oath, (which fuch Juftice hath hereby Power to adminifter) to award C-"""= '0-™= reafonable Satisfaftion to the Party grieved for his Damage and Coi-ls, and upon Pvefufal to pay or make '^■■^%!',.flat^j fuch Satisfaction, to bind over the Party refufing to the next General Qriarter-Seffions of the Peace to bee, 14. iCe'o.i.- held for the City or County where the Offence fhall be committed; and the Juftices in fuch Quarter-Sef- '^■57- JzCm. i.- fions have hereby Power finally to hear and determine the Matter of the faid Complaint and to award ^- '^- »oG«.2. Satisfadtion to the Party grieved, and for Non-payment to levy the fame by Diftrefs upon his Goods and '°' Y'J^T'^ Chattels. ,3 G«. 2. c 2?. • tlom of G)'eat Bri, ■SuccefTors, for the or written, tlie feveral and refpeflive Rates, Duties, Charges and Sums of Money herein after expreffed, Made perpetual in R'lanner following; that is to fay, ^^'^s^i^' For every Skin, or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which fhall be ingrofTed Drawbacks on = or written any Certificate or Debenture for drawing back any Cuftoms or Duties, or any Part of any Cuftoms re-fliipping, ■ or Duties, for or in refpeft of the re-fliipping or exporting of any Goods or A-Ierchandizes, which at any Time or Times, within or during the Term of two and thirty Years, to be reckoned from the firft Day of Atigi'ift in the Year of our Lord one thoufand {t^^n. hundred and eleven, fliall be exported, or fhipped to be exported from Great Britain, for any Parts beyond the Seas, to be paid by the Perfon for whofe benefit, ■ or at whofe Inflance fuch Debenture or Certificate fhall be obtained, the Sum of eight Pence. For every Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which fhall be ingroffed or Bills of tadingi - written any Note or Bill of Lading, which fhall be figned for any Goods or Merchandizes to be exported at any Time or Times within or during the Term lafb mentioned, the Sum of four Pence. For every Almanack or Kalendar for any one particular Year, or for any Time lefs than a Year, which Sheet Alma-'-^ fl:al!, (within or during the fame Term) be printed on one Side only of any one Sheet or Piece of Paper "^'^•s- only the Sum of one Penny, For every other Almanack or Kalendar, for any one particular Year, which fhall be printed within or du- Other Alma-' - ring the faid Term, the Sum of two Pence. nacks. Provided always, and be it enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Almanack or Almanacks for ^ Kalendar fliall, during the Term lafi: mentioned, be made to ferve for feveral Years, that then the refpec- feveral Yeats, tive Rates aforefaid fhall be paid for every fuch Year. For every Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, on which fhall, at any Time or Licence for re. ■ Times within or during the Term lafl mentioned, be ingrolTed or written any Licence for retailing of tailing Wine. • Wine, the Sum of four Shillings. For every Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, on which fhall (during the fame Licence for feii. Term) be ingrofied or written any Licence for felling of Ale, Beer, or other excifeable Liquors by Retail, S Ale, by the Sum of one Shilling. ^f •;• ^: "■ ' '^ §. 56. Such Li-- cence is lo be XXIV. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That for the better and more efFe£tual made befm-e the levying, collecting, and paying unto her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, the faid feveral Duties hereby ^""sm^'^'nce is granted and made payable for or in ^-efpedx of the faid Certificates, Debentures, Bills or Notes of Lading-, commmioners Almanacks, and Licences, the fame fhall be under the Government, Care, and Management of the Com- of the Stamps miilioners for the time being, appointed to manage the Duties payable to her Majefty, her fleirs and Sue- to manage thefs - cefTors, and charged on ftampt vellum. Parchment and Paper, who, or the major Part of them, are hereby D"""- required and impowered to employ the necelTary Oificers under them for that Purpofe, and to caufe all fuch further new Stamps to be provided to denote the Duties laft: mentioned, as fhall be requifite ; and to do New Stamps to all other Things neceflary to be by them done for the putting this KSl in due Execution with relation to be provided, thcfe Duties. XXV^. And it is hereby further ena£ied by the Authority aforefaid. That all Vellum, Parchment and Vellum, S:c. to Paper, upon which any fuch Certificate, Debenture, Bill or Note of Lading, Almanack or Licence, as 1== '^3'"?='^ l^e- aforefaid, fhall, from and after the faid firft Day of AugUJi one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, be ingroiTed, ^"^"^ written ■ written or p}inted, fhall before fuch Ingrofling, Writing, or Printing, be brought to- the Head Office for """■ ftamping or marking of Vellum, Parchment and Paper ; and the faid Commiffioners, by thenifelves, or by their Officers employed under them, fliall, and they are hereby impowered and required, forthwith, upon Demand to them made by any Perfon or Perfons, from time to time, to ftamp or mark, as this A£l di- leclsj any Quantities or Parcels of- Vellum, Parchment or Paper, he or they paying to the Receiver Ge- ■ neral