Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/562

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51-9 C' 2g, 3°* Anrio nono, ANNiSRegInae. A.'EX lyioJ ,, [.T,-;h-, - • ^ thereof intrufted by any Ship Mafter to him oi- them fo to be fold, as aforefaidj every Perfoa fo of- ■ ; ' fending (hall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds. Tittets, &c. layv Vill. And for preventing the great Abu fes to herMajeftyin her Cuftoms and Revenues, by the fecret ing Coals aboirJ Praftices between the Fitter, or Perfon Ja.ying Coals on board the Ships, and the Ship Matters, by laying

  • ed'fa"f4ir " 1 *^^ '^^ Coals on board in Keels and Veflels not admeafured, gauged, and marked, according to Law; Be

ge , r 10 . jj. therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Fitter, or other Perfon laying, loading, or put- • ' '■ • ting Coals on board any Ship, or other Veflel, in the Port of Newcq/ile upon Tine, Sunderland upon the BAvtv IVare, Cullecoats, Seaton Sluice, Blythe' Nooke, or zny other the. yi& Havens, Creeks and Places Whatfoever, to the faid Port of Neivcajile belonging, or in any wife appertaining, by or in any Keel, Cart, Wain, or other Veffel, not admeafured, gauged, and marked, according to the Law in that Cafe made and provided, fhall forfeit and pay for every fuch Offence the Sum of ten Pounds. ■Colliers not to IX. And for the better carrying on of the faid Coal Trade ; Beit enafted by the Authority aforefaid, mMSerTOnts "^^^^ ^° ^^^^ Owner of any CdJieries or Coal Mines, within the Counties of Northu7nherland, Durham, ns,ervans, q.^ 'Yo^Nii.znA QoixX.-^ o'i NewcajUe upon Tine, or his or their Overman or Overmen, Staithman, Fitter, orT^gent, fhall knowingly employ oi: fet at Work any Overman, Under-Overman, Pitman, Sinker, Car- riage Man, Waggon Driver, Skipper, Keelman, Labourer, Wright, or other Perfon or Perfons, who are or {hall be retained, hired, or agreed with, and aftually employed in the faid Coal Trade by any other Coal 'Owner (of any Collieries or Coal Mines, lying or being within the Counties aforefaid, or any of them) or his or their Overman, Staithman, Fitter, or Agent, during the Time he (hall be employed under fuch Retainer, Hiring, or Agreement, and his Wages duly paid, or knowingly keep or employ fuch Perfon or Perfons, upon Pain and Penalty, for every fix Days he or they (hall keep or employ fuch Perfon or Perfons,

, to forfeit and p?iy for every fuch Offence the Sum of five Pounds.

'TJnlefs Wages X, Provided, That any Perfons who fhall be retained, hired, or agreed with, as aforefaid, and (hall not •notpaidin 14 ^jg paid their Wages within fourteen Days after the fame fliall become due, may be hired and employed by ^^^' any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever. Penalties how XL And be it enafied by the Authority aforefaid, That all and fingular the Penalties and Forfeitures in 'S '"^'^^"^.'"*^' -this A6t mentioned fhall be, one Moiety to her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety ' , thereof to him or them that (hall fue for the fame within the Space of three Months next after the Offence "{hall ;he committed, to be recovered with fuU Cofts of Suit by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Informa- tion, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record a.t Wejlminjier, wherein no Effoin, Protedion, or Wager ■■■ ' ' ^ iat Law,. (halLbe allowed, or more than 'onq Imparlance given, jsa: 'tccontiniie "■ XII, , Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this A£l: (hall continue and be

3 Years, &c. j„ force for three Years, and from thence to the End of the next SefTion of Parliament, and no longer.

J:;;ti;:::^IMade, perpetual by, Geo. r^ , . , . • Corf/j, n Am. Jiat, Si c. 9 £f 17. 3 Gw. x. c. 26. 4 Gm. z. c. 30. 10 Gm. 2. c. 31. f'whhb is maJe perpetual iy ■}! Ceo. 2. c, 4Z.J II Geo. 2. c. 15, aj Geo.-ai c.-ai. 14 Geo. a. c. 41. 17 G«. a. C..35. 19 Gso. a. f. 35. zi Cec. z, c, 37. z^Geo.z. c, z6, yaCeo.z. f. 27,


^h A'£l for raifmg the Militia for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, although the Month's Pay formerly advanced, be not repaid. EXP. C A P. XXX. i^n A(5t:for reviving and continuing an A£i: made in the firfl: Year of her Majefty's Reign, for the more effedual preventing Abiifes and Frauds of Perfons employed in the Working up the Woollen, Linen, Fuftian, Cotton, and Iron Manufaftures of this Kingdom. 5 Ansa flat.a. * ^/HEREAS an Aft of Parliament was made in the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, •e. iS', '■-■'■ ^ W J^n ASiforthe more effeSiual preventing the Abufes and Frauds of Perfons einployed in the working up the ■' WooUefi, Linen, Fujlian, Cotton, and Iron MamtfaBures of this Kingdom, to continue for the Space of, ' three Years, to commence from the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and three, . and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer: And whereas the faid

  • A£t is expired, but while in being, was found of good Ufe, for preventing Abufes. and Frauds of Perfons
  • employed in making of the faid Manufadtures ;' Be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by

and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Par- liament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Adl made in the faid firft Year of her now Majefty's Reign, and every Article and Claufe therein contained, fhall be revived, and be in full ^ le r! force, from the firft Day of May, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and

  • M«i

y'Aas. eleven, and from continued and made perpetual. Anno Regni ANN.^ Reginae decimo. T the Parliament begun and holden at tFeftmin/lef the twenty-fifth Day of T^otiemhe^^ Anno Dom, 1710, in the ninth Y.ear of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, by the Grace of God, of Gr^at Britain^ Fr^ime., and Ireland^ Qiieen, Defender of the Faith, ^f* being the firft Seflion of