Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/582

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530 C.I 7- Anno decimo Ann^ Regina?, A. D. lyir. Perfons convift- ed of Fraud in Hating Accounts to forfeit loo', one Half to the Hofpital, the other to the Frofecutur. Glaufe for limi- ting a Time for Captors tfl de- jnand their, jiitares. . fliall hereafter fell or difoofe of any Prize or Prizes taken from the Enemy, or that fhall at anv time here- after be taken from the Enemy by any of her Majefty's Ships of War or Privateers, or that'fhall receive and difpofeof any Bill or Bills for the Value of fuch Prizes as fhall be taken into her Majefty's Service, or Bills for Bounty, fuch Perfon and Perfons, Agents and others, fo felling or difpofing thereof, fliall, within the Space of three Calendar Months next after the Expiration of the Term of three Years, limited by the faid Aa, make out an exa£t Account of the Produce of fuch Prize or Prizes, and Bills fbr Bounty, as alfo for the Payments of the feveral Shares to the refpeSive Captors, together with a true and juft Account upon Oath of all fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be then remaining in fuch Agent or Perfon's Cu- ftody. Power, or Pofieffion ; and fliall at the fame Time deliver, or caufe to be delivered to the Treafurer of the faid Hofpital, for the time being, or to his fufficient Deputy or Agent, the faid Accounts fo attefted upon Oath, as aforefaid, together with all fuch remaining Sum and Sums of Money then fo left and re-- maining in his or their Hands, as aforefaid, taking his or their Acquittances- for the fame. The Perfon neg- X. And be it further enacted, That all and every the Perfon and Perfons hereby directed to tranfmit or lefting to tranf- deliver all or any the Accounts before mentioned, who fliall negleft or refufe to tranfmit or deliver all or rounts ihdKor- ^"Y ^'^^^ Account Or Accounts, within the Times before limited or appointed, in fuch Manner and Form fei" ioqI. to the ^^ is herein before mentioned, or who fliall negled" or refufe to pay over all and every fuch Sum and Sums faid Hofpital, of Money as fhall remain in his or their Hands, Power, Cuftody, or Pofieffion, after the Term of three Years, to be accounted, as aforefaid, fliall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay to the Ufe of the faid Royal Hofpital the Sum of one hundred Pounds, to be recovered, with Cofts of Suit, by A6lion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record, in which no Effoin, Proteftion, Privilege, or Wa- ger of Law, nor more than one Imparlance fhall be allowed. XL And be it further enadted. That if any Fraud, CoUufion, or Deceit fliall be wittingly or willingly made, ufed, committed, permitted, done, or fufFered, in the making, fi^ating, or balancing any fuch Ac- counts, then every Perfon or Perfons, who Ihall be thereof duly convidted, and his and their Aiders and Abettors, fliall forfeit and pay, lor every fuch Offence, over and above the Penalties and Punifhments to be inflifled by any other or former Law, the Sum of one hundred Pounds; one Moiety whereof to be to the Ufe of the faid Hofpital, and the other Moiety to the Informer who fliall fue for the fame^ to be reco- vered, v/ith Cofts_ of Suit, by Adtion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record, in which no Eflbin, Protection, Privilege, or Wager of Law, nor more than one Imparlance fhall be ailov/ed. ' XII. And whereas her Majefty by her raofi: gracious Declaration for Encouragement of her Ships of ' War and Privateers, bearing Date the firfl: Day dljune one thoufand feven hundred and two, was pleafeJ '- to direct, That in cafe any of her Ships of War, or Merchant Ships employed in her Service, or any ' Private Man of War, fhould take in Fight, fink, fire, or by any other Means deftroy any Ship of War,-

  • • or Private Man of War belonging to, or in the Service of the Enemy, they fhould have, as a Reward

' for fuch Service, for each Piece of Ordnance, whether Iron or Brafs, in any Ship of War, or Private ' Man of War, fo taken or dcftroyed, ten Pounds, to be paid out of her Majefty's Share of Prizes, and to

  • be fliared and divided as in the faid Declaration is fpecified : And whereas the Flag Officers, Captains, and
  • ■ other Officers, and Companies of feveral of her Majefty's Ships of War, ,did take and deftroy feveral

' Ships of War and Privateers belonging to, or in the Service of the Enemy, before the Commencement '■ of the faid Act of Pailiament pafTed in the fixth Year of her Majefty's Reign, and thereby became en- ' titled to fuch Rewaid, as aforefaid, by virtue of the faid Declaration ; but no Money remaining of her

  • Majefty's Share of Prizes in the Pvcceivers Hands, they are like to be deprived of the Benefit of her
  • ■ Majefty's faid gracious Intention of rewarding fuch Service, unlefs fome Provifion be made by Parliament
  • for fupplying the fame: And whereas the Sums of fix thoufand Pounds, and one thoufand two hundred
  • Pounds, Part of the Money remaining due to the feveral Captors for their Shares of Prizes, by virtue
  • of the faid Declaration^ have been paid by the Receiver or Receivers of Prizes into the Receipt of the Ex-

'• chequer, where the fame lie uncalled for, though Publick Notice for Payment the; eof hath long fince ' been publiflied in the Gazettes; and it being requifite that fome certain Time fhould be limited for the ' Captors to make their Claims to their Shares of Prizes, by virtue of the faid Declaration, and in Default ' thereof to be barred the fame, in order to have the Accounts of fuch Shares finally adjufted, and that fo ' much thereof as fhall remain uncalled for v/ithin fiich limited Time, may be applied to and for the Ufes '•' and Purpofes herein after mentioned ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That as to fuch Shares belonging to any Captors of Prizes, by virtue of the faid Declaration, of the Day appointed for the- Payment whereof Publick Notice hath been given in the Gazette for three Years or more fince paft, and which fliall not be legally demanded before the twenty-fifth Day of Z)^<rCT2i5'dT one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, fuch Captors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns, fliall, from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day oi December one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, be for ever barred from all Right and Claim to the fame ; and as to any other Shares belonging to any Captors, as aforefaid, if the faid Shares fhall not be legally demanded on or before the twenty-fifth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, fuch Captors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigris, fliall then be forever barred from all Right and Claim to the fame. ' XIII. And whereas there are remaining in the Hands of the faid Receivers feveral Sums cf Money ' v/hich may orobably be fufficient to anfwer all Demands of Captors, and alfo to pay the faid Rewards^ ' over and befides the faid Sums of fix thoufand Pounds, and one thoufand two hundred Pounds, paid into

  • the Receipt of the Exchequer, as aforefaid, which faid laft mentioned Sums may be prefently applied tor

' the Benefit of the faid Hofpital ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Lord High Trtafarer of the Treafurer of Great Britain, or the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, fliall and may, and Sofgitat, are hereby authorized and dire£ted to order the Payment of the faid Sums of fix thoufand Pounds, and' one thoufand two hundred Pounds, to be forthwith iffued and paid to the Treafurer of the faid Hofpital, to be by him rpplied to the Ufes and Purpofes herein after mentioned ^ and as. to all the Monies which now a f leafucy may order the 6cool and 1200I. re- jnaining in the Exchequer, to We paid to the