Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/616

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564 C. 19. Anno decimo Ann^ Reginae. A, D. 1711. and denoting the fame Duty) be to all Intents and Purpofes taken, adjudged, and deemed to be true and lawful Stamps or Marks, and to be Stamps or Marks duly made, provided, and ufed in purfuance of, and according to the true Intent of this A6t, and other the refpeftive A61:s of Parliament in that Behalf made. , .,^j_ ' CLXXX. And whereas fome Doubt has arifen, whether the Judges are judicially to take Notice of the tu'ify to"'take ' Proclamation iffued bv their late Majeflies King William and Queen Mary, in purfuance of an Act Notice of the ' made in the fifth Year of their faid Majeflies Reign, intituled, An ASl for granting to their Majcjiies Jeve- Prcclamation ' r<il Duties upon Vellum^ Parchment and Paper, for four Years, toivards carrying on the War a>yainji France • »bout the ' ari(j of the Types, Marks, or Stamps thereby publifhed ;' Be it further declared and ena6ied by the Au- '"sTe w'^ij thority aforefaid, That all Courts of Juftice and Judges whatfoever ought without any Proof or Allega- jvi. c. 21". ^'"ri in that Behalf, judicially to take Notice of the faid Proclamation, and of all the Types, Marks, and Stamps thereby publiflisd, and which {hall hereafter be publiflied by any Proclamation of'her Majefty, her Heirs or SuccelFors, in purfuance of any Aft or Afts of Parliament relating to the Stamp Duties, or any of them, as and for the true and lawful Types, Marks, and Stamps made and provided, or to be made and provided, in purfuance of this and other the refpeftive A£ts of Parliament in that Behalf made. Comm'mflne-.-s ' CLXXXI. And whereas by the feveral Afts of Parliament in that Behalf made, the Commiffioners for for Stamp Du. <■ managing the faid Duties on ftampt Vellum, Parchment, ^nd Paper, are to keep their Head OSce in fonie the';rHeid^^^ ' convenient Place withiti the Cities of London or Weftminjier ;' Be it further enacfted by the Authority Office in y aforefaid. That the Commiifioners for the time being, appointed to manage thofe Duties, may keep their -cf the Inns of Head Office for the fame Duties, or any other Duties under their Care, in any convenient Place in any Part {•ourt, &c. of the four Inns of Court, or of the Pariflies of Saint Andrew Holborn, Sai)it Clement Danes, Saint Paul Sie farther con- Qovent Garden, or Saint Giles in the Fields, although the fame be not within either of thofe Cities ; any thing '""'"& ^"""P :n the faid former Acls, or any of them, to the contrary notwithftanding. c. 26. 12 JItin. fiat. I. c. 2. 12 A;w. fijt. 2. c. 9. 5 Gm. i. c. iq.feB. 48. 6 Geo. 1, c. 21. 11 Geo. I. c. %. 12 Gto. i, c. 33. 9 Geo, z. c. 32. iS Oeo. a. c, 26. 29 Geo. 2. c. 12, ^ }^. 30 Geo. 2. c. 19. and 32 Geo, 1, e, 35. TheCommif- CLXXXII. And be it further cnafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no CommiiTioner, OfKcer, or jioners and Of. Qj-j^gr Perfoii concerned or employed in the charging, colleiSing, receiving, or managing any of the Duties brthis Aa"'not granted by this A£t, fliall, by Word, Meffage, or Writing, or in any other Manner, endeavour to perfuade to intermeddle any Elector to give, or difluade any Ele£lor from giving his Vote for his Choice of any Perfon to be Knight with Elections, of the Shire, Commiffioner, Citizen, Burgefs, or Baron for any County, City, Borough, or Cinque Port ; and every Officer or other Perfon offending therein, fliall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds ; one Moiety thereof to the Informer, the other Moiety thereof to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifh or Place where fuch Offence fhall be committed ; to be recovered by any Perfon that {hall fue for the fame, by Afbion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at Weflminfter, or in the Court of Exchequer in that Part of Great Britain czWed Scotland, in which no EiToin, Protedfion, Privilege, or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance {hall be allowed ; and every Perfon convift on any furh Suit, {liall thereby become difabled and incapable of ever bearing or executing any Office or Place of Truft whatfoever, under her Majefty, her Heirs and Succe{rors. EXP. " Several Benefit Tickets in the late Lotteries, not bein^ yet adjufled, prefent Managers may fettle the " fame before 25 Dec. 171Z. Where Exchequer Bills or Lottery Tickets have been loft, on Oath before " the Barons of the Exchequer, isfc. Officers to iffue new ones, &c." CUufe for bor- ' CLXXXV. And whereas by the Aft of Parliament made in the ninth Year of her Majefly's Reign rowing Money ' (amongft Other Things) for making good Deficiencies, and fatisfying publick Debts, it was provided, upon Stock ' That feveral Shares or Parts of the Capital Stock of the Corporation which was to be erefted, in pur- (Pavt of '•"; « fuance of that Aft, and is fmce erefted by the Name of the Governor and Company of Merchants of SovuhSea' ^ ' Great Britain trading to the iS»a?/:; Seas, and other Parts o( America, and for encouraging the Fifhery, Company) for ' fhould be afcertained, and be difpofed and difpofable for the Ufe of the Publick, in luch Manner and the Ufe of the ' Form, and by fuch feveral Ways and Means as in the faid Aft are expreffed in that Behalf, and as by the Publick. « fame may more at large appear ;' Beit further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the refpeftive Treafurers of the Navy and Ordnance, and the refpeftive Paymaflers of the Guards, Garrifons, and Land Forces, for the time being, or any other Officers or Perfons who are or fhall be intitled to any Parts or Shares of the faid Capital Stock, for the publick Ufe and Benefit (not being abfolutcly fold, applied, or difpofed for fome of die publick Ufes in that Aft mentioned) from time to time, by any Warrant or Warrants in Writing from the High Treafurer of Great Britain, now being, or the High Treafurer of Great Britain, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time 5y 12 Annse, being (and not otherwife) to borrow any Sum or Sums of Money from any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Stat. 2. c. 3. Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, who are or fliall be willing to advance or lend the fame, upon any Perfon may Credit of the faid publick Stock, or any Part thereof, and to allow Intereft, not exceeding the Rate of fix lend Money on pgu^jg pg^r Qentum per Annum for the forbearance thereof, to be paid every three Months from the refpeftive '*" ' Times of making fuch Loans or Advances, until the refpeftive Times of Repayment of the Principal Mo^ nies ; and to affign, mortgage, and transfer fuch refpeftive Shares of the faid Stock, whereupon fuch Sums of Money fhall be agreed to be fo lent, to the refpeftive Lenders thereof, ot fuch as they feverally and re- fpeftively fhall appoint, and to their Executors, Admiiniflrators, Succeffors, and Affigns refpeftively, upon fuch Conditions of Redemption, and under fuch Agreements for the Sale of the Stock fo mortgaged, for rnaking {Default in the Repayment of the Monies to be borrowed thereupon, or for Nonpayment of the In- tere{l thereof, and fubjeft to fuch other Conditions, and in fuch Manner and Form, as in fuch Warrant and Warrants refpeftively fliall be prefcribed in that BehalL CLXXXVI. Pra^