Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/618

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566 C. 2T. Anno decimo A N N iE Reglnas. A.D. 171 1, prfe it to Sale, I'oiigli Royal, Tow'ii, or Place where Stainps are appointed, or to be appointed and kept, and there receive fiiail bring it to the Stamp ot' the Borough, Town, or Place'; for the which Stamp the Stamp Mafler fhall be paid for each, l.c Oarrp-, on Piece of all Sorts of Linen Cloth, the Sum of one Penny, the Flalf Piece Half-penny, the Quarter Pitcc ^ st""'if.Woi- ^"'^ Farthing, and no more ; and if any Perfon or Perfons fliall expofe to Sale, or carry to the Water-fide, tacli Fi'ecef in order for exporting or tranfporting any of the aforefaid Linen Cloth, after the faid nine and twentieth Day of Septeniber, in or from any Borough, Town, or Place in Scotland, before the Stamp is aflixed thereto, or is not made, as aforefaid, fijch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, and being thereof convided, as aforefaid,. fliall forfeit for each Piece the Sum of five Shillings Sterling. Mjgifti-jtcs 10 IV. And be it further enacTted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Magiflrates of each Borough Royal ciuiie Sumps to jj-, Shetland, fli?.ll be and are hereby impowered and appointed, from time to time, to caufe make a Stamp or av'oiiu i'erfon Stamps, bearing the Arms of the refpcctive Boroughs, and to appoint a fit Perfon or Perfons for infpedting lovTampfnf,"* and ftamping all Linen Cloth brought to be ftamped, being of the Lengths, Breadths, and Qualities afore- vhoihaiibe faid; which Perfon or Perfons fo nominated, {hall before his or their AdmifTion to that Office of Stamp fwoiii and vjive Mafter, be obliged to take an Oath de fideU, and likewife find Surety for the faithful Adminiftration and Security. Execution of his Office, for fuch Sum of Money as the faid Magiftrates fhall appoint ; and in like Manner, the Juftices of the Peace, in their refpe£l:ive Counties and Stewartries, {hall be and are hereby impowered" Juiiices of the and Ordained, from time to time, at their Quarterly Seflions in Scotland, to appoint a Stamp or Stamps to rf.^'^'^t^h" "^ be made and kept at fome proper Place or Places where Linen Cloth is fold, within their refpcftive Coun- Qaaiter.S flions. '^'^^» ^^ thcir Juftices of the Peace fhall think proper; and the faid Juftices of the Peace are hereby impow- ered and ordained to nominate and appoint a qualified Perfon or Perfons for ftamping of Linen Cloth, np any , . „ . . . , not made of v/eii no Stamp Mafter fliall, for himfelf, or any other Perfon or Perfons, buy or difpofe of -any Linen Cloth, foited Yarn, &c. direft Of indireft, or fhall ftamp any Linen that is not made of well forted Yarn, equally wrought, and of " '^'^"^ 'y ^ equal Fineirefs from the one End of the Piece to the other, and of the Breadths and Fouldings aforefaid and dift bled"' (and not rolled or battered) he or they fo neglecting or offending, fnall forfeit for each Piece of Linen Bu'ine 01- eic- Cloth the Sum of five Shillings Sterling, and made incapable of ferving in any fuch Office for the future; po/tins; he'fm-e and if any Perfon or Perfons in that Y'axioi Great Britain aforefaid, fhall buy, export, or tranfport, or car- i>ainpcd foifeits ry to the W ater-fide, in order to be exported or tranfported, any Linen Cloth oi Scotland, after the faid 5 s. per Piece, nine and twentieth Day oi September, before the Stamp be fixed, as aforefaid, he or they fo offending, and. Counteireittng being thereof convifted in Scotland, fhall for each Piece of Linen Cloth whatfoever, forfeit the Sum of five Jt:n-)p3!mf_;;^s^ Shillings- Sterling ; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall affix or counterfeit any Stamp without the Authority lir.piifonmcnt'if ^'^'^^'"^^' ^"'^'^ Perfon or Perfons fo offending ftiall forfeit refpeftively the Sum of fifty Pounds Sterling, or infolvent. One Year's Lnprifonment if found infolvent. Ufing Lime or ' V. And whereas fundry Perfons of late Years have m.ade Ufe of Lime or Pidgeons Dung for bleeching Pidgeons Dung ' and whitening; Linen Cloth, to the great Prejudice of the faid Cloth ;' For preventing whereof, be it en- an whl.ening, afled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons ihall, after the faid nine and tv/entieth Day forfeit? 20s. ^oi September, make ufe of any Lime or Pigeons Dung, for whitening or bleeching any Sort of Linea Piece"" "' ^ Cloth, and being thereof convifled by the Oath of two or m.ore credible Witnefs or Witneffes, or by the Oath of the Offender or Offenders, and before any Judge or Judges competent within their refpecfive Ju- rifdiftior.s, in that Part oi Great Britain aforefaid, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, and being thereof convided, as aforefaid, fhall forfeit for each Piece of Linen fo bleeched or whitened, the Sum of twenty Shillings Sterling; and if any Offender or Offenders fnall after being conviiSled within Scotland, and fliall Forfeitures, how refufe and neglect to pay any Forfeiture incurred by Reafon of this K&., then it fhall and may be lawful to be i-ecoveied for the Magiftrate or Magiftrates, JuPcice or Juftices of the Peace, or Judges competent, before whom fuch ,s«d diipoicd. Conviclion fhall be made, as aforefaid, and fuch Magiftrate or Magiftrates, Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or Judges competent, are hereby impowered and required to iffue out one or more Warrants, under his or their Hands and Seals, to the Conftable or Conftables, Officer or Officers of the Town or Place where fuch Offender doih inhabit or can be found, within the Limits of their refpeftive Jurifdidtions, to levy the fame by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Offender, and where no fufficient Diftrefs can be found, to commit the Offender to the Floufe of Corredlion, or Gaol of the Borough, Town, or County, to be kept at hard Labour for fuch Time as the Judge or Judges, before whom fuch Conviftion is made, fliall direft, not exceeding tweh'e Months ; and all Forfeitures and Penalties that fliall be recovered in that Part of Great Britain aforefaid, by Reafon of this A<9:, fliall be the one Half to the Informer who fnall fue for and recover the fame, the other Half for the Poor of the Parifh where the Offence is committed. Unen Clo'h VI. Provided always, That all Linen Cloth which fliall be made in Sccthmd at any Time before the faid made betoie 19 ^^^^ ^^^ twentieth Day of September, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thcufand feven hundred hel'o^Aor'zT-^^ '^^^^^^^'^'^1 ^^^'^ ^^^ "^^Y ^^ idii, exported, or tranf'pcrted, as the Ov/ner or Owners of the faid Linen ported before Cloth fliall judge proper, at any Time or Times before the fifteenth Day of if/i7y which fliall be in the 15 May 1713. Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen; any thing in this A£i: contained to the contrary. notwithftanding. Pedlars may re- Vil. Provided always. That all Retailers, or reputed Retailers, and Pedlars, may retail any Sort of Li- tail Linen, made nen Cloth, being made of the Breadths, well forted Yarn, and equally wrought and fine in each Piece, of Breadths, and ^j^j having always the Stamp affixed thereunto; any thing in this A6i contained to the contrary notwilh- ftampt, &c. 11- ' 1 a ■ J r- ,1 D ■ itandir.g. farther Frcrvi- o fziis concerning Linen, 53'c, 12 ^tin. flat, 2. c, 9, Tg £2? 2r, I Gej. I, c, 36. 3 CcOt I.e. 7 £f 2i) 17 Geo, 2. c, 30. j3 Ceo, a. c, 2.], 27 £f 36. 21 Cf5. • •laf. 24 G«. 2. c 46, 29 Gw. 2, c. J5, jzCeo, 2, e. 33, ^ ■ CAP,