Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/625

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A. D. I7'ii- Anno declmo Ann ^ Regin^. Cad. t^rj'^-^ ' V. And^whereas fome Doubts have arifen upon the faid Aft of the ninth Year of her Majefty's Reign, . Anrse^. e. u.

  • whether a Debenture could be given in purfuance of the faid Aft by the Cuftomer or Colleftor of the Cu- §. 39.
  • ftoms for two Thirds of the Duties upon Hides and Calve Skins, {hipped for Exportation, unlefs the O" Oathofthgv
  • Marks or Stamps denoting the charging the Duty payable by that Aft did appear to them thereupon ; and Exporter,, that

' it being often found inconvenient that the Exporters fhould be obliged to open their Bails or Packs of Lea- becnmaike'd^s'c ' ther at the Port of Exportation;' it is hereby provided and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Debentures to *" upon Oath made by the Exporter, unlefs fuch Exporter be a known Quaker, and if he be, then upon made out Sor folemn Affirmation of fuch Quaker (which Oath or Affirmation the Cufbomer or Colleftor is hereby im- a Drawback of , powered to adminifter) that all the Hides or Skins contained in fuch Bails or Packs refpeftively, were "^'^'"'^ "^ marked with the Marks or Stamps denoting the charging of the Duties payable by this Aft and the faid' '^"'5 former Aft, or either of them, and expreffijig particularlyihow much the Duty fo denoted to have been paid or charged by the faid farmer Aft for fuch Hides or Skins doth amount unto, exclufive of the Duty upon the Stock in Hand ; and alfbhow much the Duties^ fo denoted to have been paid or charged by this-. Aft for fuch Hides or Skins doth amount unto, and expreffing the Weight of the flides and Calve Skins- fo exported or {hipped for Exportation, in fuch Oath or Affirmation; then and in. every fuch Cafe, t {hall and may be lawful for the Cu{lomer or Coileftor (fuch Security being given as the faid Aft requires) to make forth a Debenture for the two third Parts of the faid Duties payable by the faid former Aft and this prefent Act, or either of them, for the Hides and Calve Skins already exported, or fliipped to be ex- ported, for which no Draivback hatli already been paid, and for the like Hides and Calve Skins which, {hall hereafter be exported, or {hipped to be exported, and for which a Drawback ought to be made, ac- cording to the true Meaning of this or the faid former Act ; and every fuch Debenture being verified by the Certificate of the Searcher, atte{ling the {hi[3ping of fuch Hides and Skins, fhall be fatisfied according, to 1 this and the faid former Act, as fully as if the Marks or Stamps on the faid Hides and Skins had been feerti hy the proper Officers of the.Ciiftoms; .any thing in this or the faid former Act contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' VI. And whereas by the faid Act made lafl Seffion of Parliament, intituled. An ASl for laying f fr/a/w Hide? drefled or^

  • Dirties upon Hides, and Skins tanned, tawed, or drejjed, and upon Vellum and Parchment, for the T<?rra ^/'curried to have

^thirty-two Tears, for profecuting the War, and other her Majejly's moji neceffary Occafions, there is Provifion a Drawback on '■ made in the faLd Act, that a Drawback be allowed upon all tanned or rough Hides and Calve Skins, upon E«po"atioii of ' their Exportation, but no Allowance is made for a Drawback on Hides or Calve Skins that are drefled or °"^^'=°"y 'curried :' For Remedy whereof, be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That q^Ann's c ir^ all Hides or Calve Skins that are or {hall be dre{red, or curried, {hall be entitled to a Drawback upon their By i» Anna-, Exportation, of one Penny per Pound Weight, as they {hall weigh at the Cu{lom-houfe, to be paid and al- fiat. 2. c. 9. .. . lov/ed in the fame Manner, and under fuch Cautions, Rules, and Security, as the Drawback upon- rough 64^.3 hrher tanned Hides and Calve Skins is to be paid or allowed. Drawback is

  • ^- allowed. .

Set Jarlber concming Hide:, &c ;.G(o. i, c.z.- it Geo. z. c.z^,-, VII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That there {hall be raifed, levied, collected, and paid. Duties on unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, for and upon all Starch which, at any ^'•"'^^'> f"^™- > Time or Times within or during the Term of thirty-two Years, to be reckoned from the firft Day of Au- }^^ J^j^Vcar*' gttft one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, fhall be imported or brought into the Kingdom oi Great Bri- imported^ "d'. tain (over and above all Cuftoms, Subfidies, and Duties already impofed thereupon) the Sum of two Pence Made perpetual. for every Pound Weight, confilting of fixteen Ounces Averdnpois, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer ^y 3 Geo. i. Quantity, to be paid down in ready Money by the Importers thereof, from time to time, before the land- '^' 7' §' ^' ing of the fame ; and for and upon all Starch of what Kind fofiver, which at any Time or Times within or Made jn Great during the fame Term of thirty-two Years, {hall be made within the faid K %dom. o{ Great Britain, the Britain, id,. Sum of one Penny for every fuch Pound V/eight Averdupois, and after that Rate for a greater or lelTer . Quantity : The fame to be paid by the Makers thereof refpectively. VIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That tl>e faid Duties upon imported Starch {liaU be Duties on im- ■ raifed, levied, recovered, anfwered, and paid, and be brought into the Receipt of her Majefly's Exchequer po"^ Stai-ch tu in England, (to and for the Ufes and Purpofes in this Act expreffed) by fuch Rules, Ways, Means, and q Jeson'sb'T' Methods, and under fuch Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities, and with fuch Allowances, and in fuch ^ "" °^^' Manner and Form, as the Duties upon imported Sope, granted by one other Act of the prefent Seffion of 'o-'^"^* '=•'?' ■■ Parliament, or by any Laws and Statutes therein referred unto, are to ba raifed, levied, recovered, anfwer- ed, and paid. IX. And for the better afcertaining, charging, and fecuring the Duties by this Act fet and jmpofed upoir.<Her Majefty or all Sorts of Starch made in Great Britain, during the Term laft- mentioned, according to the ti-ue Meaning Treafury toap- of this Act, and for preventing of Frauds concerning the fame ; Be it further enacted by the Authority P°"": Commif- • aforefaid. That fuch Commiffioners or Perfons as her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, or the high Trea- """'^ {urer of Great Britain row being, or the High Treafurer of Great Britain, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, {hall, from time to time, by one or more Commiffion or , Commiffions for that Purpofe appoint, {hall be her Majefty's Commiffioners for theReceipt, and Manage- ment of the faid Duties fet and impofed upon all the Starch made -whh'm Great Britain chargeable- bythis ^ Act; which faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them refpectively, fhall and have hereby Pov/er, by CommHn.iSers- Commiffions under their refpective Hands and Seals, to fubftitute and appoint under them fuch Receivers to fubfli'ute in- General, Collectors, Comptrollers, Surveyors, and other Officsrs, as fhall be requifite and neceffary for '^^"° '-'^""» • the Purpofes aforefaid ; and that the faid Commiffioners fo to be appointed, and all the Officers for the faid Tl>e Monies to- > Duties on Starch, fhall have out of the fame fuch Salaries and Rewards for their refpective Services, in Re- be paid into the i lation to the fame Duties, as the faid High Treafurer now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or JE*'=«'J"=- mote of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, {hall thijxk reafonabie to eltabliih or allow