Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/627

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A. D. 1711,. Anno decimo Ann:^ ReginiB. G. 26. 575-.; manded) of fuoh' Report in Writing under his Hand with or for fuch Maker or Makers of Starch refpcclive- rn-monm, ka- . ly ; and fuch Report or Return of the faid Officer or-Officers fxiall be a Charge upon fuch Maker or Makers ^'"S ' Copy of Sureh ; :and if the faid Officer fhall refufe or negleift to give or leave a true Copy of his Report in Wri- ^"m i^"'^' tingjvith or for fuch Maker or Makers of Starch, at the Time of taking fuch Account, upon Demand, as FnrfeUuKof?'^ ' aforefaid, every, fuch Officer, for every fuch Oii^ence, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of forty Shillings to 40 s. every fuch Maker and Makers of Starch refpedively. XV. Provided always, That if fuch Charge be made by gauging the faid Starch before it be dried in the ^^t ' ^^^^N. • Stove, then, and in every fuch Cafe, every Box of green Starch, or Starch before it be fo dried, contain- k^'s/' '^' ^ ing fifty feven Inches in Length, and ten Inches in Breadth, (or by a Medium of the Breadthj and eight tvtr'y B x of • Inches in Depth, or in the Whole, four th-ou fan d five hundred and fixty iolid Inches, (hall be eiieemed one gr^en Starch of ^ hundred and twelve Jverdupois Pounds Weight of Starch dried and perfedly made, and fhall be charged ac- 57 Inches in cordingly by this Ad, and proportionably for greater or lefTer Quantities. ^o"*^"]? ^"^s and S in Depth, or 4560 folid Inches, to be charged as 1 12 I!>. of Starch. XVI. Provided alfo. That every Officer, who fhall be impowered to make fuch Charge, as aforefaid, fhall officers to be • in the firfl Place befworn for the due and faithful Execution of his Office ; and the Oath in that Behalf fhall r rm. and may be adminiflred by all or any the Commiffioners of the faid Duties on Starch, or by any of her Ma- Mak"s to kesnjj jefty'5 Juftices of the Peace, who fhall give to fuch Officers a Certificate thereof ; and all and every fuch ^"j^^^",/ Maker or Makers of Starch refpeftively, are hereby required to keep fufficient and jufl Scales and Weights onPainof lol^. at the Pkce or Places where he, fhe, or they do make fuch Starch, and permit and affift the Officer to m.ike Ufe thereof, for the Purpofes aforefaid, under the Penalty of ten Pounds to be forfeited and loft for • not keeping fuch Scales and Weights, or for not permitting and affifling the Officer to uie the fame, as - aforefaid. XVII. And the better to prevent any Frauds and Concealments, it is hereby likewife ena<£led and decia- officer rtiSfig - red by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Officers for the faid Duties upon Starch, fhall alfo be any Flcur, a-c; . permitted to take an Account by gauging, weighing, or otherwife, of the Quantities of Flour, Meal,: and ?l'>' '^^^If'^^ : other Materials proper to be made into Starch, that fhall be in the Cuftody or PofTeffion of any Maker 'oi- ^ci" ^'^^taizW i Starch, during the Continuance of the faid Duties on Starch hereby granted ; and in c^fe fuch Officer or for every Buihal-i Officers fliall mifs any Quantity or Quantities of fuch Flour, Meal, or other Alaterials aforefaid, which he miffing^. had takenan Account of at the laflTime he was at fuch Makers of Starch, and fhall not, upon reafonable Demand, receive Satisfaction bfecome of fuch Flour, Meal, and other Materials fo miffing ; then, , and in '.very fuch Cafe, it fhall. and may be lav/ful for every fuch Officer to charge fuch Maker of Starch ■ with fuch Quantity of Starch as fuch Flour, Meal, and other Materi-als (6 miffing, in his Judgment, would : reafonab! y have made, not exceeding twenty-five Pounds Weight of Starch for every Bufhel of fuch Ingre- ■ dients mixed or unmixed, and fo in Proportion for a greater or lefTer Quantity. ' XVIII. A.nd be it enacted. That it any Maker or Makers of Starch fhall obftruiEl or hinder any of the oj,f[^|,£-jj. fiiid Officers in the Execution of the Powers and Authorities given to him or them by this. Aft, for the af- officers, for*-- eertaining and fecuriiig the faid Duties upon Starch, the Perfon orPerfons offending therein fhall, for every feits aai,.. fuch 'J-ffcnce, forfeit and lofe the Sum of twenty Pounds. . XiX. And it is hereby further enacted. That no Maker or Makers of Starch, after the faid firft Day of starch-makers -. jfugu/ione thoufand feven hundred and twelve, during the Continuance of the faid Duties on Starch, fhall not to remove (under Pain of forfeiting the Sum of twenty Pounds for every Offence) remove, carry, or fend away, or. ^"f'^, °^ fiiferto be removed, carried, or fent away, any Starch by him, her, or them made, of which no- Account ^^^ ^"^^"i"". t^" ■ fliall have been firfl taken by the proper Officer for the faid Duties, from the Place where the fame Starch taken, on Pam . fiiall havi- been made, without giving to the proper Officer or Officers within the Limits of the faid Weekly of 20 !. . Eills of Mortality, twenty-four Hours Notice at the leaf!:, and to the proper Officer or Officers in other Parts of Great Britain, two Days Notice at the leaft, of his, her, or their Intentions to remove, carry, or fend away the fame ; that fo the faid Officer (without his own wilful Negleft or Default)' may have -Time.,. to weigh, or otherwife take an Account thereof. XX. And for the better afcertaining the faid Duties upon Starch j be it further enafted by theAuchority JWnKerstokerp -, aforefaid. That all Makers of Starch fhall, from time to time, keep all the Starch by them to bemade, andiStirch of which fiiall not hae been furveyed and taken an Account of by the faid Officers for the faid Duties on Starch, which jio Ac. feparate and apart from all other their Starch which fhall have been furveyed and taken an (Account of by '^°^^ V- ■ " ' fuch Officers, for the Space of twenty- four Hours after the making thereof within the Limits of the Weekly „„ Pain of 5 1.' Bills of .Mortality, or for the Space of two Days after the making fuch Starch in any other Part oi Great Britain, unlefs fuch Starch fhall .have been fooner furveyed and fciken an Account of by the faid Officers lefpectivcly, on Pain to forfeit for every fuch Offence therein the Sum of five Pounds. ' XXI. And be it further enacted. That if any of the faid Makers of Starch fhall fi-audulently hide or con- Krauduleiitly ' • ceal, or caufe to be hid or concealed, any Starch chargeable by this Aft, or any the Materials for making hiding Starchji), the fame, to the Intent to deceive her Majefly of the juft Duties by this Aft granted, that then, and. in fo'^e>ts ao 1. , every fuch Cafe, the Party fooftending fhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds for every flich Of&nce. . XXII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Flour and Meal, and other Mate- Materials for .. rials for making Starch, which fhall be found in any private Work-houfe, Ware-hoafe, or other Piacej and making Starch 1. all private Utenfils and VefTels for making or keeping Starch, for which no Entry fhall be made,, or Notice vvb"lh" P"vate;-.; given as aforefiiid, fhall be forfeited and loft, and the fame, or the Value thereof, fhall and. may be-feized forfeited &c. arid recovered by the faid Officer or Officers for the faid Duties on Starch;, for her Majefty's Ufe. XXIII. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Starch, and all the Ma- Starch Materi- . t ;ials, and Utenfils for the making of Starch, in the Cuftody of any Maker or Makers of Starch, or of als, &c. liable ; any Perfon or Perfons to the Ufe of, or in Truft for fuch Maker or Makers of Starch, (hall be liable and "> '*>= Butiei ja-.n Xubjtft to, and are hereby made chargeable with all the Debts and Duties for Starch in Arrear and owing "^"^"^ *'•--