Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/632

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C. 26. Anno decimo Ank^e Reginagi A, D. 1 711. Importers of Coffee, &c. to enter their Stock in Hand at ihe next Cuftom- houfe, and to permit the proper Of- iiceti tv enter their Ware- houfcs, &c. to ^iike Account of the fame, &:c, "on Torfeiuiie tiicreuf", or Va- lue, Jo!, par Cent. for prompt Pay- ment, ^ce fat thir con- cfrning Dt'jltis on Coffee, &c. 5 Ceo. 1. c. II. 30 Geo. 1. f. ic. 8 Anna Stones, Dirt, &c. found among Pepper or Co&e, to be (ieftroyed. Duties- on Gilt and Silver V/ire imported or made iit Great Britain for 31 Years from I July 17 12. Madeperpetu,!! by 3 Geo. s, f.,7, §,1. Butics on im- pel ted Wire to . be raifed as the Duties on Scpe and Starch. joAnnae, c. ip. Her Maiefly or Trcafurv to ap- point Commii- ftoiicr-. who are to fub- /iitute inferior Officers. XLIII. And to the end the faid Stocks of Coffee and Tea, hereby intended to be charged may be known* and the Duties thereupon duly afcertained and fecured ; It is hereby enafted, That all and every the faid Companies and Merchants Importers of Coffee and Tea, {hall, on or before the fixteenth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, make a juft Entry, thereof at the Cuftom-houfe neareft the Place where the faid Stocks of fuch Goods do remain, as aforefaid, and permit the proper Officers of the Cuflorns thereunto to be appointed, at any Time before the fixteenth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, to enter into their and every of their Warehoufes or Places where fuch Stocks are to be found, and to view, weigh, and take Account of the fame ;. and if any fuch Company or fuch Merchants Im- porters. (hall neglecSl to make fuch Entry at the Cufl:om-houfe within the Time aforefaid, or fhal! refufe to permit fuch Officer to enter into their or any of their Ware-houfes or other Places (being thereunto re- quired)' there to view the faid Stock, or any Part thereof, or fhall hide, remove, or convey away the faid Stock or aray Part thereof, with Intent to defraud her Majefty, or fhall not pay her Majefty's Duties for the fame, according to the true Meaning of this Aft, then, for every or any fuch Offence, the Company, or fuch Merchant Importer refpeftively fo offending, fhall forfeit and lofe his, her, or their faid Stocks of Coffee and Tea, or the Value thereof; one Half to her Majerty, and the other Half thereof to the Ufe of the Seizor or Informer, to be recovered in any of her Majefty's Courts aforefaid. XLIV. Provided always, That if any fuch Companies or Perfons fo chargeable for any Stocks of Coffee or Tea, fhall pay her Majefty's Duties for the fame, before the End of the faid fix Months, then they refpeftively fliall be allowed for fuch prompt Payment after the Rate of ten Pounds per Centum per Annum, for every Sum fo advanced ; and in cafe of Exportation thereof, or any Part thereof, within eij^hteeii Months after Entry made, as aforefaid, the faid Duties payable by this A(5i for fuch Part of the fame Stocks, as fhall be. fo expoited, fhall be difcharged or repaid. II C«..l. f. JO, I'. Gm. I. f. iS. 4,Gfo. 2. c, 14. 5 Giro. z. c. 14, i8Gm.2.c,z6. 21 Geo. 2. c, 14. 32 Geo. 2. c. 10. . XLV. And whereas, upon the Garbling and Cleaning of Pepper, great Quantities of Stones, Dirt, .and' ' Trafh have bec-rr-found, and now remaining in the Warehoufes appointed by the Commiffioners of the ' Cuftoms for receiving of Pepper, by virtue of the A£t of the ninth of the Queen, and more of the fame ' may, probably be found among the Pepper, to be imported, and the fame being of no Ufe, either to the ' Importers or B.uyers ;' Be it enadfed by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiffioners of her Majefty's Cuftoms, for the time being, fhall have hereby, at the Requeft of the Importers or Buyers, Pow r to caufe fuch. Stones, Dirt, or other Trafh, to be deftroyed, from time to time, in fuch Manner as they fhall think fit, fo as no Prejudice doth or fhall arife to the Revenue thereby ; and the faid Commiffioners fhall have the like Power,, with refpecSt to any Stones, Dirt, or Trafli that may be found amongft Coffee to be lodged in Ware-houfes, in purfuance of this Aft ; and the refpeftive Ware- houfe Keepers fliall be difcharged in their refpeftive Books, of fo much Pepper or Coffee as fhall be fo deftroyed, as aforefaid. XLVI. And moreover be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That there fhall be raifed, levied, an-- fwered and paid, unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon all Gilt and Silver Wire, which at any Time or Times within or during the Term of thirty-two Years, to be reckoned from the firft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, fhall be imported or brought into the Kingdom of Great Britain (over and above all Cuftoms, Subfidies, and Duties already impofed thereupon) the Duties following, that is to fay, For all Gilt Wire imported, as aforefaid, a Duty after the Rate of one Shilling for every Ounce Troy ; and for all Silver Wire imported, as aforefaid, nine Pence for every fuch Ounce, and proportionally for greater or leffer Quantities, to be paid down in ready Money by the Importer theieof, from time to time, before the landing of the fame ; and for and upon all Gilt and Silver Wire, which at any Time or Times, within or during the fame Term, fhall be made in Great Britain, the Duties following; that is to fay, For all Gilt Wire fo made in Great Britain, a Duty after the Rate of eight Pence for every Ounce Troy ; and for all Silver Wire, fo made in Great Britain, a Duty after tJie Rate of fix Pence for every Ounce Troy, and proporiionably for greater or leffer Quantities, to be paid by the Makers thereof reipeftively. XLVII. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Duties upon Gilt and Silver Wire imported, fhall be raifed, levied, recovered, and paid, and be brought into the faid Exchequer (to and for the Ufes and Purpofes in the faid Aft expreffed) by fuch Rules, Ways, Means and Methods, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and with fuch Allowances, and in fuch Manner and Form, as the Duties , upon imported Sope, granted by one other Aft of this Seffion of Parliament, and the Duties on Starch, granted by this Aft, or any of them, are prefcribed and appointed to be raifed, levied, recovered, an- fv/ered and paid. XLVIII. And for the better afcertaining, charging, and fecuring tfie Duties by this Aft fet and impofed upon gilt and Silver Wire made in Great Britain; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Cornm.iffioners or Perfons, as her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, or the High Trcafurer oi Great Britain now being, or the High Treafurer of Great Britain, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, fhall, from time to time, by one or more Commiffion or Commiffions for that Purpofe, appoint, fhall be her Majefty's Commiffioners for the Receipt and Management of the faid Duties fet and impofed upon all the Gilt and Silver Wire made within Great Britain, chargeable by this Aft; which faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them refpeftively, fhall and have hereby Power, by Commiffions under their refpeftive Hands and Seals, to fubftitute and appoint under them fuch Officers as fhall be requifite in that Behalf; and that the fame Commiffioners and Officers for the faid Duties on Wire Ihali have out of thofe Duties fuch Salaries and Rewards for their Services therein, as the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, fliall think reafonable to eftablifh or allow- in that Behalf; and that the refpeftive Commiffioners for the faid Duties on Wire to he - made in Great Britain, for the time, being, fliajl, from time to time, caufe all the Money to arife for the faid