Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/652

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6 00 Stat. r. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Reginae.- A. D. 17 13, Cencerning Stamp afled hereby, That no Copies of any Surrenders or Admittances to fuch Cuftom-Right or Tenant-Right Duties, f^ far- gfjates, as aforefaid, ought to be ftamped, nor were they ever deligned or intended, nor ought they to be tier 12 yinn. deemed or conftrued to be within the Meaning of the faid Aft. 5 Geo. I. c, 19. Jeff, 48, 6 Gee. J. c. ai. XI Gee. J. i. 8, iz Geo, 1. c, 33. 9 Ceo. z, c. 32. 16 (Jeo. z. c 26. 29 (7w, I. f. 12 © 13. 30 Cm. 2. f. 19, 32 Sts, 2, f. 35. CAP. Ill, An A£l to revive and continue the Aft for taking, examining, and ftating the publick Accounts of the King- dom } and alfo to continue the A£l for appointing CommifEoners to take, examine, and determine the - iDebts due to the Army, Tranfpoxt-Service, and Sick and Wounded. EXP. GAP. IV. An Adt for making Inclofures of feme Part of the Common- Grounds in tlie fVeft- Riding of' the County of Tork., for the Endowing poor Vicaridges and Chapelries, for the better .Sua^ port of their Minifters. HE RE AS in tht Weji- Riding of the County, of 21;ri there are divers Pariflhes of great Extent, and very populous, which hath occafioned the erefting of divers Chapels of Eafe for the Benefit- ' of the Inhabitants: But there being very fmall or no fettled Provifion made for the JVIaintenance of the ' Minifters that perform Divine Offices in thofe Chapels, or for the Vicars of many of the Parifli-Churches ' within the faid Weji-Ridlng ;_ and there being large Commons or Wafte Grounds, within many of the 'faid Pariflies, which yield little or no Profit or Advantage to any Perfon, it would be a great Advantage ' and Ineouragement to the Vicars and Minifters there, if they might, by inclofing fome Parts of the faid ' Commons and Wafte Grounds, improve the fame for the Benefit of themfelves and their SuccefFors:' May it therefore pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, at the humble Suit of the Juftices of the Peace, Gentlemen, Clergy, Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the faid Riding, that it may be enadted ; And be it enacted by the Queen's mofi Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords- Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the nine and twentieth Day oi Septembei-y which ftall be in the Year of our Lord one thou- fand feven hundred and thirteen, it fhall and may be lawful for any of the Inhabitants of any Parifti in the Weft-Riding of the County of York, wherein any fuch Chapels of Eafe, as aforefaid, now are, or hereafter fhall be erefted or built, and wherein there are large Waftes or Commons, with the Confent of the Lord or Lords, of the Manor wherein fuch Wafte-Ground lies, (and if there be above two Lords of fuch Manor, then with the Confent of the major Part of them) and with the Confent of three Parts of four of all Freeholders and others, who have any Right of Commotj therein, according to their Number, and the Value of their refpedtive Eftates, to inclofe any Part of the Waftes or Common Grounds within-., fuch Parilh (or Chapelry, therein) not exceeding fixty Acres, or a fixth Part of fuch Common Land, where- ■ the faid fixth.Part fliall not exceed fixtyAcres, and to fettle the fame in Truftees and their Heirs, for the Benefit, and as a Maintenance and Support of fuch Minifters as fh-all not have a fettled Provifion of above forty Pounds /i^r y/«;7zw« for their Maintenance; and fhall refide within the fame Parifti or Chapelry, and perform Divine Offices in the Parifti Church or Chspel therein, according to the Ufage of the Church ofv England, and be licenfed by the Archbifliop of l^i^ri, or the Guardian; of the Spiritualties (Sedc Facafiie)-^ any former- Law or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. II. Saving always, and referving unto all Lords of Manors, and other Owners and Proprietors of Roy- alties within the faid Riding, their Heirs and Affigns, all and all Manner of Mines and Quarries of Stone, Coal and Ore, and other Mines, with full Power, and free Liberty to dig, .get, and fough for the fame, in and through any fuch Inclofures that fiiall be made purfuant to this Act ; and the fame fo got, with Carts, Wains and Carriages to take, lead, and carry av/ay. III. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid,. That after any fuch Inclofure and Settlement, it ftiall not be in the Power of any Truftee or, or any other Perfon whatfoever, to alienate and imploy any of the Profits of fuch inclofed Lands to-any other Uf; or Ufes, but only for the Support and Maintenance of the Vicar or Minifter who ftiall ferve the Cure, (if it belong to a Vicaiage) and to the Minifter that performs Divine Service in the Chapel, according to the Ufage of the Church oi England, (if it be appropriated to any Chapel) and not otherwile. IV. And be it further enaited. That it ftiall and may be lawful for any of the faid Truftees and their Heirs, from Time to Time, by any Writing, or Writings under their Hands and Seals, v/ith the Confent of the Vicar or Minifter, for whofe Ufe fuch Inclofure is made, to be teftified by his being made a.Party to, and figning and fealing ftich Writing, to demife or leafe any Common. or Wafte Grounds, or any Par- cel or Parcels thereof, that ftiall be inclofed by Virtue of this A&, for any Term or Nurrtber of Years not exceeding one and twenty, fo as upon every fuch Demife or Leafe there be referved, payable Half-yearly, during the faid Term, as much Rent as can, at the making lueh Leafe, be really gotten for the fame; and that fuch Rent be made payable to or for the only Ufe and Benefit of fuch Vicar and Mi-nifter of fuch Vicarage or Chapelry, and their Succefibrs, and fo. as no Fine, Income, or other Confideration be taken for the lame. V. And it is hereby enafted, That all Leafesm-ade of fuch Inclofures in any other Manner^ fliall not be good- or available in the Law, but ftiall be z/i^/aji^t^o void. VI. And be it further enaSted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any _A<Stion, Suit, or Information, f^all Is.e commenced- or profecuted againft any Perfon or Perfons, for any T. hing that he or they fhall do or 4.- caufc After 29 Sept. 17 13. the Inha- bitants of the Weft-Riding of Yoi-kftiire, ■where there are Chapels of Eafe^ jTJay, with the Ccnfent of the Lcros of Ma- nors, &c. en- clofe Part of the Waftes, and fettle the fame in Truftees for the Support of Minifters who hive not a fet- tled Vrovifion of above 40 1. per Annum, Saving 'o Lords of Manors all Mines., &c. No Truftee, &c. fiiall alienate the Profits of fuch enclofed Lands to any ather Ufe but for Support of the-Minifter. Truftees, &c, with Confent ol the Minifter, may Jeafe the Grounds fo en- clofed tor 2 1 Tears, refer- ving Rent pay- ableHalf-yearly, forthe Ufe of the Minifter. . Leafe otherwife made, void. <JsiVC(al.Ifl«e.