Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/690

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638 Stat. 2. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Regins A.D. 1713- J. Jlal. 2,. c- 27. .a»o 3 Gc:/, I. •iKedeemed by ^ Geo. c. 20. Ja?nes Houbhm, Efqrs. Commiffioners for difpofing the aforefaid Sum of three hundred ninety-eight thou- fand eighty-five Pounds and ten Shillings, and all other Monies which fnall arife to Scotland upon the Agree- ments in the Treaty of Union : And by another Coinmiffion dated the fix and twentieth oi "July one thou- f;ind feven hundred and nine, did nominate and appoint the aforefaid ?>n Andrew Hume, IJ' iUiam Dal- rimple, Efq; ?ir Robert Sinclair of Stcvenjsfi, ix Thomas Bnrneit of Leyrs, %x John Arefklne of Alva^ Sir John Siv'inton of }an fzkxst "' " " . ,. . . , „ ,^. ^ „ ., , „ Jlon, Baronets ; John " of Glcjfock, John Pr ^ fioners for the fame Ends and Purpoiiss ; which Commiihoners, or the Major Part of them, purfuant to their faid Commiffions, have well and duly illued and paid the Sum of three hundred eiglity-one thoufanJ five hundred and nine Pounds fifteen Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny, as direfted by the Laws above recited, in Manner herein after fet down, viz. towards the Lofs which private Perfons fuftained by the reducing the EngUJh Money then in Scotland to the current Rate in England, the Sum, of three thoufand and feventeen Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence ; for recoining the Scots and Foreign Money, and reducing it to the Standard of the Coin of England, the Sum of forty-nine thoufand eight hundred eighty- eight Pounds fourteen Shillings and eleven Pence one fixth of a Penny ; towards Payment of the Stock, Interefl: and Debts of the Indian and African Company, the Sum of two hundred twenty -nine thoufand fix hundred and eleven Pounds four Shillings and eight Pence ; towards the Charges of the Commifiion- ers. Secretaries, and Accountants of the two Treaties of the Union, the Sam of thirty thoufand four hundred ninety-eight Pounds twelve Shillings and two Pence; towards Payment of the firfi: Clafs of the Civil Lift, the Sum of twenty-feven thoufand five hundred fifty-three Pounds feventeen Shillijigs and nine Pence one third of a Penny ; towards Payment of the fecond Clafs of the Civil Lift:, the Sum of four thoufaud fix hundred fifty-five Pounds and fix Shillings; towards Payment of the firft Clafs of the Mili- tary Lilt, the Sum of fourteen thoufand one hundred eighty-eight Pounds and eight Pence ; towards Pay- ment of the fecond Clafs of the Military Lift, the Sum of fourteen thoufand four hundred fifty-eight Pounds two Shillings and eight Pence five, fixths of a Penny ; for the Fees and Salaries of the Servants of the CommiiTion, till the fourteenth of March, and ihirLieth of Apj-il laft paft, the Sum of five thoufand ' four hundred ;md thirteen Pounds eleven Shillings and four Pence ; for the neceffary Charges of the Coni- "^ million, and for defending of Law-Suits where the Titles of Parties were not clear, thefe Charges pre- ' ceding the fix and twentieth Day of March laft, amounted to the Sum of two thoufand two hundred ' twenty-four Pounds fix Shillings and ten Pence one fixth of a Penny: All which Sums together amount

    • to the above Total of three hundred eighty -one thoufand five hundred and nine Pounds fifteen Shillings
  • and ten Pence Half-penny :' Ee it therefore, iffc.

" Commiffioners of the Equivalent difcharged of the Sums paid by them upon the feveral Heads mentioned " in this Ai£1:. But not freed from applying the Sum of 16575/, 14 j-. id. ob. now remaining in their •" Hands, to the Ufes by the Ads direcied. EXP. - ' in. And whereas it appears, that the other Publick Debts of Scotland yet unfatisfied, which are ad- ■* jufted and certified, purfuant to the Direclions of the feveral Afts above recited, do amount to the Si^ra ' of two hundred and thirty thoufand three hundred and eight Pounds nine Shillings and ten Pence and ' five fix-ths of a Penny, including the Intereft of fuch Parts thereof as bear Intereft from the twenty- fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eight, to the twenty-fourth Day of June one thou- fand feven hundred and fourteen ;' Be it therefore enaited, bfc. '• The Commiffioners to call for all Certificates, ISc. and cancel all Debentures by which the unfatisfied • Debt is conftituted, and to iiTue new Debentures, to bear Intereft at % I. per Cent, after -zi^June i']iu ' and paid out of the firii Money due to Scotland. E X P." '" CAP. XIV. An A61 for Tendrin^ more efFeflual an A61: made in the third Year of the Reign of Kins: James the Firft, intituled, An ASt to prevent and avoid Dangers which mij grovo hy Popifh Rscufanti ; and alfo of one other Kd made in the firfi; Year of the Reign of their late Majeflies King William and Qtieen Mary, intituled, An . 'El to vejt in the tivc Unive'/nies the Prefen'alicns of Benejices belongivg to Pf.pifts; and for vefting in the Lords of Jufticiary Power to inP.itl the lame Pimifiiments againfl: Jefuits, Priefts and other trafficking PapiiLs, which the Privy Council of Scotlaid was impowered to do by an Aft paiTed in the Parlia- ment of S^ru/AMi/, intituled, A't A£i for preventing the Growth of Popery. 3 Jac. t. c. J, * T7OR as much as by an Aft of Parliament made in the third Year of the P^eign of King James the ' J/ Firft, intituled. An Airl to prevent and avoid Dangers luhich may groiv by Popifh Recufants and alfo one I W. & M. Seff. ' other Act made in the firft Year of the Reign of their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, i^ c. 36, ' intituled, An AH to vejl in the tivo Univerftties the Prefentations of Benefices belonging to Papifis, the Prefen- ' tation. Nomination, Collation and Donation of and to Benefices, Prebends or Ecclefiaftical Livings,

  • Schools, Hofpitals and Donatives belonging to Popifh Recufants, and other Perfons thereby difabled to
  • prefent, collate or nominate, are given to the two Univerfities ; but they are fo given only where fuch
  • Perfons are and conviiled by fuch Ways .and Means as in the faid recited Adls are mentioned and

' provided ;