Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/70

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24 C. 2 2. Anno decimo & undecimo GuLiELMi III. A. D. 1699. deemed and taken to be a Winchejlcr Bufliel, of eight Gallons Winchejlcr Meafure, and fhall be entred, rated and taxed accordingly, to and for the feveral Duties upon Salt Rock and Rock Salt, by the faid fe- veral Acts of Parliament charged or made payable, inftead of the Bufhel of one hundred and twenty Pounds- Weight in the faid Adts or any of them mentioned, and greater or leffer Quantities of the faid Salt Rock, or Rock Salt, fliall be reckoned proportionably; any Thing in the faid former Afts, or any other Law or Statute whatfoever to the contrary notwithftanding. ' in. And whereas by the faid former AiSts, or fome of them, it is provided, That all Makers and Pro- ' prietors of Rock Salt fhould make true Entries with his Majefty's Officers, of the Quantities of Salt by ' them taken out of any Pit or Pits, and fhould have a Warrant or Ticket from fome one of the Officers, ' to carry away the fame, before the faid Salt made or taken out of any Pit or Pits, flioujd be removed or ' carried from the refpedtive Pits, and that fuch Warrant fhould be given gratis unto fuch Maker or Pro- ' prietor, upon paying or giving Security for Payment of his Majelly's Duties within fix Months after ' fuch Entry made; neverthelefs the Owners or Proprietors of Rock Salt having by the faid Afts, or fome ' of them. Liberty to remove their Rock Salt into his or their own Warehoufes, or other Places forfccuring ' thereof, for Conveniency of felling or fnipping off" the fame, after due Entry made, and a Warrant or ' ' Ticket taken for the fame from the Officer next to fuch Salt Pits, and to pay and fecure the Duty v/hen ' the faid Rock Salt fhall be fold and delivered, it is found by Experience, that there is not a fufficient ' Charge made and kept upon the faid 'Owners or Proprietors, for all the Rock Salt or Salt Rock taken ' out of his or their Pit or Pits, but between the Pits and the faid Storehoufes (which are in -many Places ' contrived fo as to be remote from the Pits) or elfe before the Selling and Delivery of the faid Rock Salt, ' great Quantities thereof are run and imbezilled, and never charged, to his Majefty's great Damage, and ' the Injury of fuch Workers as juftly pay his Majefty's Dues :' For Remedy whereof be it further enacted Rock Salt to by the Authority aforefaid, That every Owner or Proprietor of any fuch Rock Pit or Pits, who after be weighed be- the faid fifteenth Day oi May owe. thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, fhall take any Rock Salt or Salt tore Removal, in -^^^ f,y(- ^f g^y f^-h Pit, fhall, before the Removal thereof, caufe the fame to be weighed in the Prefence Office". of '^'^^ Officer appointed for the Duties on Salt; which Officer is hereby authorized and required to at- tend at, fuch Salt PitSj at all reafonable Hours in the Day-time, to fee and take Account of all fuch Rock Salt and Salt Rock fo v/eighed, and thereof to make Return or Report, in Writing under his Hand, to the Owner to have a Commiffioners of Excife^ or to fuch Perfon as they fhall appoint to receive the fame, leaving a true Copy Copy of the Re- of fuch Return, in Writmg under his Hand, with fuch Proprietor, and fuch Report or Return fnall be a Penl'ltv on Pro- Charge upon fuch Proprietor refpeifively -, and if any fuch Proprietor fhall refufe to weigh any fuch Rock Salt and Salt Rock, in the Prefence of the Officer, when taken out of any Pit, as aforefaid, or fliall re- move or convey, or fuffer to be conveyed from fuch Pit, any fuch Rock Salt aiid Salt Rock, before the fame fhall have been weighed as aforefaid, every fuch Proprietor fhall forfeit and lofe for every fuch Offence the Sum of twenty Pounds, and alfo double the Value of the Rock Salt and Salt Rock fo removed as aforefaid. IV. And be it further ena<Efed, That every Proprietor of fuch Rock Pits fhall pay and clear off the Du- Thefe nine en- ties of all Rock Salt and Salt Rock fo charged, as aforefaid, within two Days after fuch Charge was made, or fhall within the faid two Days give Security to pay the fame within nine Months; and every fuch Pro- prietor, who fhall not pay and clear off, nor give Security to pay, as aforefaid, fliall forfeit double the Value of the faid Duties. V. Provided alv/ays, That if any Perfon or Perfons (hall within the faid two Days after fuch Charges, as aforefaid, pay down the Duty charged by this Aft, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be allowed after the Rate of ten Pounds per Centum -per Annum, for the faid Time of nine Months. VI. Provided always, and be it enadfed by the Authority aforefaid, That where any fuch P.ock Salt or Salt Rock, for which his Majefty's Duties, after the Rate of feventy-five Pounds Weight to the Bufliel, ■fhall have been firfl: duly charged and paid or fecurcd, according to the true Intent ajid Meaning of this A£t, ihall be melted and refined, the Perfon or Perfons who fhall refine the fame into white Salt (which white Salt is charged by the faid Afcs with new Duties, after the Rate of fifty-fix Pounds to the Bufliel). fhall have an Allowance or Abatement out of the Duties of the faid white Salt, of fo much as was charged on the faid Rock fo melted and refined, after the Rate of feventy-five Pounds to the Bufliel, and not af- ter the Rate of one hundred-twenty Pounds to the Bufhel, as by the faid former Afts v/as prefcribed, fo as the Rock fo refined was before the melting thereof weighed in the Prefence of the Officer, and fo as Oath be firfl made before fome Juftlcc of Peace near adjoining to fuch Salt Works, of the particular 'Quantities of fuch Rock Salt or Salt Rock fo by fuch Refiner employed in making the faid v/hite Salt, and that he or any other Perfon or Perfons, by his Privity or Knowledge, did not increafe the faid Rock Salt or Salt Rock, by mixing or other undue Practice, and that no former Allovi'ance or Abatement for the faid Rock Salt or Salt Rock had been made or obtained to his Ufe or Benefit (which Oath the faid Jufl:ice of the Peace is hereby impowered to adminifter) and fo as due Proof be made upon Oath, or other- wife, that the Duties for the faid Rock Salt or Salt Rock fo refined were duly charged and paid, or fe- cured to be paid, after the Rate of feventy-five Pounds to the Bufhel, according to this A6f, and not other- wife; any Thing in the faid former Ails to the contrary notwithftanding, ^ ___ Vll, And to the end that Rock Salt or Salt Rock in Kind, and Salt refined and made from Rock Salt exported, Duties or Salt Rock, may be exported, and the Duties charged thereon be repaid; be it enadled by the Authority to be repaid. aforefaid, That for all fuch Rock Salt, Salt Rock, and refined Salt, made from Rock Salt or Salt Rock, as fliall be exported from any Port or Place in this Kingdom, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick x;ion Tweed, into Parts beyond the Seas, by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, there fhall be allowed and paid for every Bufliel of fuch Rock Salt or Salt Rock, v/hereof the Duties fliall have been charged and paid. prietor refufing TO weigh Rock Salt, ,&c. Duties to fee cleared off in two. Days after Charge made larged to iz Months by 5 §,5 Penalty. Allowance for Prompt Pay- pient. Allowance for Rock Salt re- fined into white Salt. Oath bein; pwdp, firft 3nd Duties paid or lecGjred. Rock Salt, &c. ' Farther Pro. sifuins relating h«rcto, 5 Anna^,