Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/121

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A. D.i 715. Arlno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2, C. 43. Si tion of Senna arc to be recovered and distributed by any Act or Acts of Parliament now in' Force rela- ting thereunto : Provided, That if fuch Perfons, fo chargeable for any Stocks of Senna, fhall pay his Ma- id. per Cent. jelly's Duties due for the fame, by virtue of this Act, before the End of three Months, then he, QH.owffot prompt they Shall be allowed for fuch prompt Payment after the Rate often. Pounds ; cr Caitum pat Annum for bO«*i Pi ) ,ment ' ry Sum fo advanced ; and in cafe of Exportation thereof, or any Part thereof, within twelve Months after p" Futiy made, as aforefaid, the faid Duties payable by this Act for fuch Stocks of Senna fhall be difcharged Th/twelv^ 6 ' (jr repaid. Months cnlarg'd to three Yc-araby 7 Ceo. r. Stat, i.e. 2i.f 10. VI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Monies lent, and to be lent to his Maje-ciaufcof A P - fty upon one Act of this Sefiion of Parliament, intituled, An Ail for granting an Aid to his Majefty by <zptopriat:on of Land-tax in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand Jeven hundred and fixteen, and fo much l ['! : ^ "' ti,f . Money (if any fuch be) of the Tax thereby granted, as fliall arife and remain after all the Loans, made or to "(-f 'j ^ ,, be made on that Act, or thereby transferred, or directed to be transferred thereunto, and the Intereft there- c . ,,.' of, and the Charges thereby allowable for raifing the find Tax, fliall be fatisfied, or Money Sufficient fliall 1 Ceo. t. ft. 2. be referved to difcharge the fame ; and all the Monies lent, and to be lent to bis Majefly upon the Duties on c - 3 6 - Malt, Mum-, Cyder, and Perry, charged and continued by another A<St of this Seflion of Parliament, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, and fo much Money of the faid Duties on Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry thereby granted or continued as fliall arife or remain (if any fuch be) af- ter all the Loans made or to be made on that Act, or thereby transferred, or directed to be transferred there- unto, and the Intereft thereof, and the Charges thereby allowable for raifing the faid Duties thereby char- ged, fhall be fatisfied, or Monies fufficient fliall be referved to difcharge the fame ; fliall be appropriated and applied, and are hereby appropriated for or towards the feveral Ufes, Intents and Purpofes herein ex- preffed, Subject nevertheless to fuch Reftrictions as are herein after prefcribed : .That is to fay, it is hereby enacted and declared, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies provided as aforefaid, there fhall and may be iffued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the whole the Sum of nine hun- dred eighty-four thoufand four hundred feventy-two Pounds nineteen Shillings and fix Pence, for the naval Naval Service*. Services following, that is to fay, for defraying the Charges of the Ordinary of his Majefty's Navy, and for Half-pay to Sea-officers, and for Victual, Wages, Wear and Tear- of the Navy, and Victualling thereof, performed and to be performed, and for SeaTervice in the Office of Ordnance performed and to be performed, and for extraordinary Repairs of the Navy, and other .Services of the Navy and- Transports Ortnanc*. performed arid to be performed ; and any Sum not exceeding one. hundred and .twenty-two thoufand .four hundred ninety-fix Pounds eighteen Shillings and two" Pence Half-penny, for the Charge of the Office of Ordnance for Land-fervices performed and to be performed, including Half-pays in that Office ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding'in the whole the Sum of one million rive hundred twenty thou- fand eighty-two Pounds nineteen Shillings and eight Pence Half-penny, for maintaining his 'iajefty's LandTforces, and other Services herein after expreffedj That is to fay, for maintaining Guards, Garrifo'ns, Land-Force3. and other his Majefty's Land-forces in Great Britain, Jerfey^ and Guernfey, and twenty-eight Companies of Invalids, and three independent Companies in North Britain, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen ; and for maintaining his Majefty's Forces in his Majefty's Plantations in America, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen ;and for maintaining his Majefty's Forces and Garrifon in Minorca, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen .; and for maintaining his Majefty's Forces, and Gar- rifon in Gibraltar, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen; and for the Pay of fix thoufand Men taken into his Majefty's Service from the States-General of the united Provinces, and for the Charge ' of the General Officers belonging to the fame for one Year ; and to make good feveral Expences for the Service of his Majefty's Land-forces inthe Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, over and alien c tlie Sum of one hundred thi'rty-two thoufand five hundred fixty-fhree Pounds nine Shillings 'and fix Pence, faved by the Pay of thirteen Regiments of Dragoons, eight Regiments of Foot, and four Companies of the Goldftream Regiment, from the one and twentieth of 'fitly one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen to the twenty-fourth of Decefnber following, and for feveral extraordinary Expences for the Service of his Ma- jefty's Land-forces, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, and to make up the Half-pay td the Officers of the Land-forces and Marines difbanded (being his Majefty's natural-born Subject;, or na- turalized) : full Pay for one Year, from the twenty-Sixth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fif- • reen to the twenty-fifth Day of July -one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen ; and for Half-pay for tho Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, upon Account, to the Officers of the Land-forces and Ma-i rines difbanded, being his Majefty's natural-born Subjects, or naturalized ■ ; and to defray feveral ej;traoriii- r.nary Charges relating to the Demolition, and other Charges at Dunkirk, and for anfwering. other extraor- dinary-Services or Augmentations relating to his Majefty's Land-forces ; and any Sum rrofeexceediilRg fifty Deficiencies 0: thoufand eight hundred eighty -fix Pounds eleven Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny, to make good t&4 Grant! 11;. Deficiency of the Grants for the Year one- thoufand feven hundred and fifteen ; and any Sum not excced T 1J - C ? ; : J 1 ing three thoufand feven hundred and two Pounds eight Shillings and feven Pence, to difcharge one Year's .Intereft atter the Rate -of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, 1 * oi the Sum of fixty-one thoufand fe.ven huui- dred and Seven Pounds .three Shillings and*, two Pence, or thereabouts, remaining due and unfatisfedv.'oif .: the Sum not exceeding feven hundred thoufand Pounds, which was,.boi'r£fvved on an the.thi&I Year of the Reign, of her late Majefty Queen' Anne, of bleffed Memory, for laying Duties upontovv—i^Ar.n.c.i, Wines, and other Things therein mentioned, and towards the Repayment whereof another Act paffed in • the Sixth Year of her faid late Majefty's -Reign, charging Coffee and other Merchandizes for the Term of 5 Ann. c. tz, four Years, which expired on or about the twenty-third Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; and any Sum not exceeding eighteen thoufand eight hundred fifty-three Pounds three Shillings Vofc, V. 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