Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/14

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7. An Act for confirming a Partition lately made of the Estate of Sir John Brownlowe, Bart, deceased, in the Counties of Lincoln, York, Middlesex and Hertford remaining unsold, and Articles of Agreement relating thereunto; and also the several Conveyances made of the divided Parts; and for making effectual a Fine and Recovery intended to be levied and suffered of a fee-farm Rent of twenty Pounds per Annum, Part of the Estate in the said County of Hertford.

8. An Act to enable John Barrington, alias Shute, Esq; and his Issue Male, to change their Surname to Barrington, according to the Settlement of Francis Barrington, Esq.

9. An Act to empower the Barons of the Exchequer in Ireland to grant a Commission to some of the Barons of the Exchequer in England, to administer to Thomas Hopkins, Esq; the Oaths for the due Execution of the Office or Offices of Searcher, Packer and Gauger in the Port of the City of Dublin, granted to him for his Life.

10. An Act to enable Susanna Catherina Nugent, to sue for, recover, and hold the Portion of fourteen hundred Pounds, provided for her out of her Father's Estate, notwithstanding her Coverture and the Outlawry of her Husband Hyacinthus Nugent, Esq;

11. An Act to enable Francis Fulford, Esq; and his first and other sons successively, to put in Execution the Power of granting Leases given by the last Will and Testament of Francis Fulford, Esq; deceased.

12. An Act for vesting an Estate late of Sir Thomas Heath, Knt. deceased, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of his Debts and other Uses.

13. An Act for rectifying Defects in a Settlement made by Robert Davis, Esq; deceased, of certain Estates in the Counties of Denbigh and Flint, and effectually securing the Payment of his Debts, and making Provision for the younger Children of Robert Davis his Son, and settling the said Estates subject thereto.

14. An Act for repairing the Highways from that Part of Counters Bridge which lies in the Parish of Kensington in the County of Middlesex, to the Powder Mills in the Road to Stains, and to Cranford Bridge in the said County in the Road to Colnebrooke.

15. An Act for explaining and making more effectual the Acts of the fifth and eighth Years of her late Majesty Queen Anne, for amending the Road between Hockley in the County of Bedford and Stony-Stratford in the County of Bucks.

16. An Act for Sale of Part of the Duke of Montague's Estate, for the Intents and Purposes therein mentioned.

17. An Act to enable Richard Earl of Scarborough to take in Great Britain the Oath of Office as Vice-Treasurer and Receiver General, and Paymaster General of all his Majesty's Revenues in the Kingdom of Ireland, and to qualify himself for the Enjoyment of the said Office.

18. An Act to enable his Majesty to make Provision for the respective Wives and Children of James late Earl of Southesque, James late Lord Drummond, the late Sir Hugh Paterson of Bannockburn, and James Sterling late of Keir.

19. An Act to enable his Majesty to make such Provision for, and Settlement upon, Margaret the Wife of James late Earl of Panmuir, as the would have been entitled to in case her said Husband was naturally dead.

20. An Act to enable his Majesty to make Provision for Margaret Lady Nairn and her Children, out of her paternal Estate, forfeited during the Life of William Murray, late Lord Nairn, her Husband.

21. An Act for raising and paying the Lady Amelia Butler's Portion out of Lands in Ireland.

22. An Act for confirming a Partition made between Robert Dashwood, Esq; and Cholmley Turner, Esq; of certain Manors, Lands and Hereditaments in the County Of Oxon.

23. An Act for confirming an Agreement made between John Wind, Clerk, Vicar of Thirkleby in the County of York, and Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart, for Exchange of the vicarage house, and certain Lands therein mentioned.

24. An Act for Sale of the Estate of Thomas Middleton, Esq; deceased, for the more speedy raising of Maintenance money and Portions for his Daughters, and for the other Purposes in the Bill mentioned.

25. An Act to enable Edward Rolt, Esq; to exchange a certain Parcel of Wood lands in the County of Hertford with John Boteler, Esq; for other Wood-Lands of equal Value in the said County, and for settling the same respectively as therein mentioned.

26. An Act for vesting an Estate at Corsham in Wiltshire in the surviving Trustee and Executor of the last Will of Henry Frederic Thynne, Esq; deceased, and his Heirs, to make Sale thereof for the Execution of the Trusts created by his Will.

27. An Act to enable Roger Stafford, Esq; and his Issue Male, to change their Surname to Wollocombe, according to the Will of Roger Wollocombe, Esq; deceased.

28. An Act for Sale of the Estate of John Stone the elder, and John Stone the younger, in the County of Sussex, for discharging the Incumbrances thereon, in respect of the Infancy of one of the Coheirs of John Stone the younger, and for securing the Residue of the Money as therein is mentioned.

29. An Act to enable William Newman, Esq; to sell Part of the Estate included in his Marriage settlement for Payment of Debts, and to settle another Estate in Lieu, thereof.

30. An Act for vesting in Trustees the Estate of Thomas Richmond, Esq; deceased, in the County of Essex, to be sold for Payment of his Debts, Legacies, and Funeral Expenses, according to the Will of the said Thomas Richmond.

31. An Act declaring the Uses of two several Fines levied by John Cuffe, Esq; and Margaret his Wife, to Joseph Kelley, Esq; deceased, and Maurice Cuffe, Esq; and the Heirs of the said Joseph Kelley, of certain Lands and Tithes in the Counties of Down and Cavan in the Kingdom of Ireland,

32. An Act to enable Patrick Wemys, Esq; to sell certain Houses in Dublin for Payment of Debts, and for the settling Lands in the County of Kilkenny, and elsewhere, to the same Uses to which the Houses to be sold were settled.

33. An Act to naturalise John Jacob Heldt, Theodore Van Rheden, and others.


Anno 4 Georgii I.

1. AN Act for granting an Aid to his Majesty, by a land-tax to be raised in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year 1718.

2. An Act to enable his Majesty to be Governor of the South-Sea Company.

3. An Act for continuing the Duties on Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Service of the Year 1718; and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer bills, and Lottery tickets and Orders, lost, burnt or destroyed; for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.

4. An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment of the Army, and their Quarters.

5. An Act for finishing the Tower of the Parish Church of St. Michael Cornhill, London, out of the Duties arisingpursuant