Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/183

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A. D. 1716. Anno tertio Georgii Regis. C. 10. 143 Time accordingly ;) and that every fuch Collector or Receiver fhall likewife give Security to the faid Cor- andc,iveSecurity. poration or to fuch Perfon or Perfons as they in their General Court fhall appoint, for his true and juft accounting for, and Payment of all and every Sum and Sums of Money which he fhall receive hy virtue of the faid Office, and for the due and faithful Execution and Difchargc of his faid Office, as the Governors at a General Court of the faid Corporation at any Time before his taking upon him the Execution of the faid Office fhall order, direct and appoint; and alfo that fuch Collector or Receiver of the faid perpetual The Colicflor yearly Tenths fo appointed, as aforefaid, fhall and may lawfully, and is hereby authorized and impowered im P? wcr ' d to to collect and receive the faid Revenue, and to give Acquittances under his Hand to the fever*] and refpec- l™!™ u ' c *'i tivc Perfon or Perfons paying the fame; whofe Acquittance or Acquittances fhall be a full and fufficient g ; ve Acquit- Difchargc to all Perfons paying the faid perpetual yearly Tenths, or any Part thereof, for fo much as they tances. ihall refpectively pay unto fuch Collector or Receiver (for every of which Acquittances the Sum of fix Pence and no more, fhall be paid) which faid Collector or Receiver fhall keep his Office in fome conve- nient Place within the Cities of London or IVcJhninJter, and fhall give Attendance for Receipt of the faid He (tall keep perpetual yearly Tenths at fuch Time or Times as the faid Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for ,m o""* m the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy, in their Court fhall order, direct: and appoint, weftminrter. between the Feaft of the Birth of our Lord Chriit and the laft Day of April yearly ; of which faid Times Notice ofxime and Place due Notice fhall be given by the faid Governors in the London Gazette yearly, by the Space of and Place of one Week at lead before the faid Feaft-day, whereof every A rchbifhop, Bifhop and Incumbent of any Payment to be Dignity, Office, Benefice or Promotion Spiritual, is and fhall be obliged to take Notice, and to observe ^"J^^e^ the fame accordingly in the Payment of his and their refpective Rates, Shares and Proportions of the faid ' perpetual yearly Tenths, wherewith they or any of them fhall be charged or chargeable, without any further Notice to be given them by way of Summons, Demand, or otherwife; and in default thereof to Penalty forFai- forfeit to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, fuch Sum or Smr.s of Money as fhall amount to lureofI>a > ment - double the Value of the laid Tenths ; and that every fuch Collector or Receiver fhall make Payments of How CollciW the laid Tenths, and fhall pafs his Accounts for the fame, at fuch Time and Times, and in fuch Manner * aM P afs h,i as the faid Archbifhops and Bifhops were ordered and directed in and by the feveral Acts of Parliament ^^"T'c. -. made for that Purpofe in the twenty-fixth and thirty-fecond Years of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, ~, H '. V. c . 47. and of the feventh Year of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth. 7 Ed. 6. c. 4. III. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Archbifhop or Bifhop, Atchbi(hops ; &c or any Incumbent of any Dignity, Office, Benefice or Promotion Spiritual, or any other Perfon or Per- not paying, the fcMis, Bodies Poliiick or Corporate, charged or chargeable with the Payment of the faid perpetual yearly Coll .'j- a ° r ;1"7- , Tenth or Tenths respectively, fhall not pay or duly tender the fame yearly, before the laft Day of -*^^ Exchequer and fuccceding the Feaft of the Nativity of our Lord Chriit, whereon the fame fhall become due, that upon be allowed' it on Certificate thereof made by the Collector or Receiver on or before the firft Day of June following, the faid his Accounts. Collector or Receiver fhall be allowed upon his Account all fuch Sums of Money, as any Archbifhop, Bifhop or Incumbent, or other againft whom fuch Certificate fhall be made, fhould or ought to have paid; and that then in every fuch Cafe, the Treafurer, Chancellor and Barons of the King's Exchequer for the Time being, fhall devife, direct and iflue upon every fuch Certificate, fuch Procefs out of the King's Rroceft to be Exchequer, as to them fhall feem proper and reafonable, againft every fuch Archbifhop, Bifhop or Incum- iflued againft bent, or other againft whom fuch Certificate fhall be made, his and their Executors or Adminiftrators, £j c " as " al " whereby fuch Portion and Part of the faid yearly Tenth, wherewith any fuch Archbifhop, Bifhop or In- me *" cumbent, or other, is or fhall be charged, and which fhall be unpaid, as aforefaid, fhall be truly levied, anfwered, fatisfied and paid into the Hands of the faid Collector or Receiver ; and all and every Sum and Sums of Money fo levied, anfwered and paid, the faid Collector or Receiver fhall bring to Account, and charge himfelf therewith, from Time to Time, in his next Account after he fhall have received the fame. IV. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That nothing in this Act contained fhall extend, or be This Ac! rtu'l taken or conltrued to exonerate or difchargc any Archbifhop, Bifhop, or any other Perfon or Perfons, not diichaipe before the making of this Act liable to the collecting, accounting for, and anfwering the faid perpetual an y Atc , h . bl *tf ' yearly Tenths, or any Part thereof, for any Sum or Sums of Money wherewith he or they weie and <*& u ^ c ™iinte& (m. refpectively charged or chargeable, and not duly anfwered and accounted for before the making of this Act : And that the faid Statute made in the faid twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of the faid King Henry the The Aft 26. JI. Eighth, and all and every other Laws, Statutes and Provifions, touching or concerning the impoiing, 3 - . c ' }■ J} 1 -* 11 rcJ charging, affeffing and levying, and the true anfwering and Payment of the Firit-fruits, and of the laid mamia 0ICC ' Tenths, or touching the Charge, Difcharge or Alteration of them, or any of them, or any Matter or Thing relating thereunto, which were in Force at the Time of the making of this prefent Aft, and not hereby or herein before altered or repealed, fhall be, remain and continue in their full Force and Effect, and fhall hereafter be obferved and put in due Execution, according to the Tenor and Purport of the fame, and every of them, in all Things, excepting fuch as are in and by this Act altered or repealed. V. Provided alfo, That this Act, or any Thing herein contained, fhall not extend to avoid or any way This Aft fliall impeach or affect any Grant, Exchange, Alienation, or Incumbrance at any Time heretofore made of or not avoid any charged upon the faid Revenue of the perpetual yearly Tenths, or any Part thereof, but that the fame and Giant, &c. every of them during the Continuance of fuch Grant, Exchange, Alienation or Incumbrance refpectively, ihall be and remain of and in the fame Force, Virtue, and Effect, as if this Act had never been made. CAP-