Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/198

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158 C. 15. Anno tertio Georgii Regis. A. D. 1716. 'The FEES to he taken by the three Clerks of the Controller of the Pipe in paffing Sheriffs Accounts. BEdf Hertf Ncrth'ton each Surry Rutld Iiond' Carnbr' HereP Leic' NorP Nott' -Staff' War' Suffex *■ Derb' Oxon' Cant' Hunt' Glouc' Kant' Effex Bucks Monmouth Berks Suffolk South'ton Worcefter Wilts Salop Northumbr' Lincoln Cornwall Devon* Dorfet Somerfet Ebor' Weftmor' > each Mid 'ft x each > each. each each Appofals. /. s. d. 1 5 — I 5 — • 112 6 "l j 5 - i 19 i s a 6 292 292 4 16 8 — 17 6 Calling cut. /. s. d. 15 — 3 5 — 1 . 10 •— 1 «S t 16 268 268 3 6 4 16 — 17 For Return of every Summons, feven Shillings and fix Pence ; except Loud' Mid'fex, fifteen Shillings ; York one Pound and five Shillings ; and Cornwall, Devon, Dorfet, Lincoln, Somerfet, Suffolk, South'ton, Wilts and Salop, each feventeen Shillings and fix Pence. For the Petition of Allowance, three Shil- lings and fix Pence ; except in London, Middlefex, and Tori, thirteen Shillings and four Pence ; and in Cornwall, Devon and Somerfet, fix Shillings and eight Pence each; for every other Petition one Shil- ling ; and for the Juftices Wages in London and Middlefex, ten Shillings. FEES to be paid by Sheriffs in the King's Remembran- cer's Office, upon giving Security when he enters into bis Office. I. s. d. THE Stamp-Dnty of the Recogni- ) zance J The Caption Fee before the Baron — The King's Remembrancer's Fee for the ~i fame, for the Counties of York and [■ — Nmfalk, far each of them ■ 3 10 — 13 d. •—. 10 — — is — .— _ s — To him for every other County of Eng- land, except Lane after and Durham, and the feveral Counties of Wales, which give no Security in the Exche- quer ■ To the Attorney for making the Recog- nizance, attending the Baron, entring ; andinrollingthe Recognizance, making the Fiat, and Duty for the fame, and filing the Warrant of Attorney Upon the Appofal of every Sheriff upon the Procefs returnable in Eafter Term to the Deputy Remembrancer To the Attorney that receives and fi'es the " Writs, and attends the Appofals of the Sheriffs ' — The like upon the Procefs returnable in Michaelmas Term For making the Certificate when the She-"i riff enters upon his Account of what / Seizures are by him made upon thej>— 4 4 Procefs returned in that Office, during I his Year ■ J Treafurer's Remembrancer's Office in the Court of Ex* chequer. FEES taken of Sheriffs in the faid Office on paffing their Accounts by the Remembrancer. ~ T TPON a Baron's Warrant for refpiting d. refpiting ~i ir a Day >— 4 — > a Sheriff's Appofals, or for over to finifh his Accounts Upon the View of a Sheriff's Accounts in Eafter and Michaelmas Term J Upon the Commiffion to fwear a Sheriff) in the Country to account Upon examining and ruling a Sheriff's Petition of Allowance for the two Days granted ex Gratia Curia: for finifhing his Account, and for filing his Affidavit of Felons Goods Upon examining and ruling any other Pe- tition in a Sheriff's Account, when any fuch happens -^— Upon a Record of Surplufage, for the firfl ) __ five Pounds — — — J — 6 8 — 12 — • V For every other five Pounds ■ — 3 For filing any Conftat Warrant, or other 1 _ Exhibit j By the /•worn Clerks. FO R making the View of a Sheriff's J Account in Eafter and Michaelmas > Term, five Shillings each Term, viz. J Forgiving a Sheriff Notice termly, during") his Year of Office, of any Information 1 or Plaint againft him, according to the Statute in that Cafe made and provided, I and for attending his Appofals before ' the Barons, and in Eafter and Michael- mas Terms, twenty Shillings each Term, /. 10 — Fot