Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/210

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i jo C. 4 — 6. Anno quarto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1717. CAP. IV. An Aft for puniihino- Mutiny and Defertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. EXP. CAP. V. An Aft for finifhing the Tower of the Parifh Church of St. Michael Cornhill, London, out of the Duties arifing purfuant to the Act of the ninth Year of the late Queen for building fifty new Churches in and about the Cities of London and IVeftminfier and the Suburbs thereof. P R. The Tower of St. Michael Cornhill fhall be finifhed according to the Model by which it is begun. For which Purpofes the Commiffioners fhall iffue 6126/. is. $d. out of the Duty granted by the Aft of 9 Ann. c. 22. S & g W. j. » * 10 w. -. C. 7.J.. "Ha Maker or V/liolefaleTra- iler in Engtiftl Bbheiace ihall be deemed a Hawk- er, &c^ CAP VI. An A(fl for Relief of the wholefale Traders and Dealers in Englijh Bone-lace, by obviating feveral Doubts in the feveral Afts for licenfing Hawkers and Pedlars. "• K7 HEREAS by an Aft of Parliament held in the eighth and ninth Years of the Reign of his late i VV Majefty King IVilliam the Third, intituled, An Acl for licenfing Haiukers and Pedlars, for a Pro- vifton of Payment of the Inter eji of the Tranfport-debt for the reducing of Ireland, it was enacted, That from a::d after the four and twentieth Day of fune one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-feven, until the five and twentieth Day of June which fnould be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred and nine- ty-eight, there ihould be anfwered and paid to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, by every Hawker, Pedlar and petty Chapman, or any other trading Perfon or Perfons going from Town to Town or to other Mens Houfes, and travelling either on Foot or with Horfe, Horfes or otherwife within the King- dom of England, Dominion of JVales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, (except as therein after is ex- cepted) carrying to fell or expofing to Sale any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, a Duty of four Pounds ; and that every Perfon fo travelling with Horfe, Afs or Mule, or other Beaft bearing or drawing Burden, fhould pay the Sum of four Pounds from the faid four and twentieth Day of fune one thoufand fix hun- dred and ninety-feven to the five and twentieth Day of fune one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-eight for each Horfe, Afs or Mule, or other Beaft bearing or drawing Burden, he or (he fhould fo travel with, over and above the faid firit-mentioned Duty of four Pounds ; and fhould have or take fuch fuch Licence as by the faid Aft is direfted : And whereas it was therein further enacted, That if any fuch Hawker, Pedlar or petty Chapmen, from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand fix hun- dred and ninety-feven, ihould be found trading as aforefaid without or contrary to fuch Licence, fuch Perfon fhould for each and every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of twelve Pounds, the one Moiety thereof to the Informer, and the other Moiety thereof to the Poor of the Parifh wherein fuch Offender fhould. be difcovered : And whereas the Powers and Provifions of the faid Aft have been, by another Aft made in the ninth and tenth Years of his faid Majefty, and by other fubfequent Acts, continued to this Time : And whereas feveral of the Makers and Traders in Englijh Bone-lace, who trade by wholefale, and em- ploy many thoufands of poor People in the faid Manufacture of Bone-lace, have been lately informed againft, profecuted and molefted in the carrying on their Trades, under Pretence that they ought to take and have Licences according to the Direftions and Provifions of the Act before-mentioned, or of fome other Afts touching Hawkers and Pedlars :' Be it enacted and declared by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled; and by the Authority of the fame, That no Perfon, being a Maker or wholefale Trader in Englijh Bone-lace and felling the fame by wholefale, fhall be adjudged, deemed or taken to be a Hawker, Pedlar or petty Chapman within the Intent and Aleaning of the faid Acts, or of any or either of them; and that all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons, his, her or their Children, Appren- tices, Servants or Agents (felling by wholefale only) fhall and may go from Houfe to Houfe, and from Shop to Shop, to any of their Cultomers (who fell again by Wholefale or Retail) without being fubjedt or liable to any of the Penalties or Forfeitures contained in any of the faid Afts touching Hawkers, Pedlars and petty Chapmen ; any Thing in the faid Acts contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith- ftajading. C A P..