Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/220

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i8o C. 3, Anno qmnto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1718. Recital of' the Act of -<. Geo, 1. c, f , Sccital of the Act for redeem- ing feveral Lot- teries, &Q. 3 Geo. j. c, 7, adjudged to be a fufficient Notice within the Words and Meaning of the faid Act for redeeming the faid Annuity or Allowance of feventy-iix thoufand eight hundred and thirty Pounds fifteen Shillings per An- num, as by the fame Act, Relation being thereunto had (amongd many other Matters and Things therein contained) may more fully appear. And whereas by another Act of Parliament of the faid third Year of your Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for redeeming the yearly Fund of the South-Sea Company^ being after the Rate of fix Founds per Centum per Annum, and fettling on the faid Company a yearly Fund by Parliament ; and to raife for an An- not exceeding tivo Millions, to be employed the faid nnu yearly Fund and Annuities to be hereafter redeemable in the Time and Manner thereby prefer; 'bed, feveral other Subfidies, Impofitions, Duties, Revenues and proportional Parts of Duties and Revenues therein mentioned, or thereby referred unto, were continued for the feveral and refpectiveUfes and Purpofes in that Act. And it was thereby enacted, That all the Monies thereof which fnould or ought to be brought into the Exchequer for thofe Purpofes (except the necefiary Charges of raifing, colledting, levying, iffuing and accounting for the fame ; and except fuch Part thereof, as by any former Act or Acts of Parliament was applicable to the Repayment of Loans then remaining unfatisfied, and to pay the Intereft of the fame) fhould be and are thereby appro- priated, and fhould be ifiued and applied to and for the Payment of the yearly and other Sums in the fame Act particularly exprefled, in their due Method and Order, and fubject to fuch Redemption as are thereby prefcribed. And by the fame Act it was provided and enacted, That if at any Time at the End of any Quarter of a Year (reckoning the Quarters to end at themfual Feafts) there fhould be an Excefs or Surplus of the Monies brought into the Exchequer of the faid Subfidies, Impofitions, Duties, Revenues and pro- portional Parts, and fuch Excefs or Surplus fhould remain there, over and above the Money then or be- fore that Time grown due, by or in purfuance of that Act, as is therein mentioned, then fuch Excefs or Surplus fhould from Time to Time attend the Difpofition of Parliament, and be applied according to Act or Acts of Parliament, and not otherwife, as by the Act laft mentioned (Relation being thereunto had) may alfo more fully appear. And whereas by another Act of Parliament of the faid third Year of your Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for redeeming the Duties and Revenues which -were fettled to pay off Prin- cipal and Interejl on the Orders tnade forth on four Lottery-aEls pajjed in the ninth and tenth Tears of her late Majefty's Reign, and for redeeming certain Annuities payable on Orders out of the hereditary Excife, according to a former Ail in that Behalf; and for ejlablijhing a general yearly Fund, not only for the future Payment of An- nuities at feveral Rates, to be payable and transferable at the Bank of England, and redeemable by Parliament^ but alfo to raife Monies for fuch Proprietors of the faid Orders as Jhall chufe to be paid their Principal and Ar- rears of Interejl in ready Money ; and for making good fuch other Deficiencies and Payments as in this Ail are mentioned; and for taking off the Duties on Linjecd imported, and Britifli Linen exported, feveral other Cuf- toms, Subfidies, Impofitions, additional Impoiitions, Rates, Duties, additional Rates and Duties, propor- tional Parts of Duties, Revenues, and weekly and other Payments out of Duties and Revenues therein fpecified, or thereby referred unto, were continued for the Purpofes in that Act : And it was thereby enacted, That yearly and every Year, reckoning the firft Year to begin from the Feait of Saint Michael the Archangel one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen, and from thenceforth for ever (fubject neverthe- lcfs to fuch Provifoes and Power of Redemption as are in that Act contained ) the full Sum of feven hundred twenty-four thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings ten Pence and one fifth Part of a Penny per Annum, by or out of the Monies arifing of or for the faid Cuitoms, Subfidies, Impofitions, Rates, addi- tional Duties, proportional Parts, weekly and other Payments by that Act appropriated and directed to be brought, from Time to Time, into the Exchequer, in cafe the fame fhould extend to the faid Sum of feven hundred twenty-four thoufand eight hundred forty -nine Pounds fix Shillings ten Pence and one fifth Part of a Penny, fhould be computed and reckoned to be a general Fund ; and in cafe all the Monies fo arifing. into the Exchequer of or for the faid Cuftoms, Subfidies, Impofitions, Rates, Duties, additional Duties, , proportional Parts, weekly and other Payments, fhould not amount to feven hundred twenty-four thou- fand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings ten Pence and one fifth Part of a Penny per Annum, then the Monies fo arifing, fo far as the fame would extend, fhould be Part of the faid general yearly Fund of feven hundred twenty-four thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings ten Pence and one fifth Part of a Penny per Annum, for and towards the anfwering and paying all the Annuities and Payments by that Act charged or chargeable thereupon ; and in cafe all the Monies by that Act appointed or appropriated, as aforefaid, fhould at any Time or Times appear to be fo deficient or low in the Pro- duce of the fame, as that within any one Year to be reckoned, as aforefaid, the faid Monies fo arifing in the Exchequer, of or for all the faid Cuftoms, Subfidies, Impofitions, Rates, Duties, additional Duties, proportional Parts, weekly and other Payments, fhould not amount to fo much as feven hundred twenty- four thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings ten Pence and one fifth Part of a Penny, that then and fo often, and in every fuch Cafe, fo much as fhould be wanting to make up the faid General Fund or Sum of feven hundred twenty-four thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings ten Pence and : one fifth Part of a Penny, for every or any fuch Year, fhould be fupplied and made good, from Time to Time, by or out of the firft Aid or Supply to be granted in Parliament next after fuch Deficiency, fhould appear, and fhould from Time to Time be transferred thereunto, as foon as the fame fhould be granted : And it was thereby enacted, That the Excefs or Surplus, which at the End of every or any Quarter of a Year (reckoning the Quarters to end at.the.four.ra.oft ufual Feaft-days) fhould or might ber produced.: