Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/267

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A. D. 1718. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. C. 20. 227 ' Time as the fame is to continue in the Terms of the faid Treaty, although the making or endeavouring ' to make fuch Accounts is attended with an exceffive Charge to the Publick, and may occafion great ' Vexations and Difcontents in the United Kingdom:' Yor obviating whereof, we your Majefty's moil dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Gnat Britain in Parliament afTembled, as we think it juft and reafonable, fo we alio judge it to be moil conduciblc to the publick Quiet and Tranquillity, That in lieu and full Difcharge of all Equivalents whatfoever, that might hereafter be demanded from England, or the United Kingdom, upon the Foot of the faid Treaty, fuch certain Annuities or yearly Funds and other Frovifions may be fettled and eftablifhed for the Satisfaction of thofe intercfted or concerned in the Monies which were expected to arife from the faid Equivalents, as are hereafter in this Act exprcfled ; and do therefore humbly pray your Majefty, that it may be enacted, And be it enacted by the King's moil Excel- lent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That yearly and every Year, reckon- From J unc 2 -l» ' ing the firft Year to begin from the Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John Baptiji one thoufand feven hundred I7 ?9' 1°°°%, .j and nineteen, the full Sum often thoufand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain (hall be one yearly bc y ' ', Fund, and the full Sum of two thoufand Pounds of like Money {hall be another yearly Fund, for the fe-t'or ;hc'i > ur P o'es veral Purpofes in this Act expreffed concerning the fame yearly Funds refpectively ; and that the faid yearly in this A&, ;r.d Funds fhall continue and be payable for ever, fubject neverthelefs to Redemption by Parliament, according j>^ aH e forever, to the refpective Provifoes herein after contained in that Behalf ; and that the faid feyeral Annuities or Redemption by yearly Funds, during the Continuance thereof refpectively, fhall be charged and chargeable upon, and be parliament, payable and paid out of the Monies arifen and to arife, from Time to Time, of or for any the Cuftoms, Farther Provi- Duties, Excifes or Revenues, that are or fhall be under the Management of the Commiffioners of the r,on ls made Cuftoms and Commiffioners of the Excife in Scotland, or either of them, or of any Commiffioners, Far-^P nci ™ ln &y" mers or Managers of thofe Revenues, or any of them, for the Time being, which fhall from Time to Time 20o -j, jj y remain, after paying or referving fufficient to pay the Charges of managing the faid Revenues, and of keep- 13 Geo. i.e. ;o. ing up the faid three Courts, and other Charges of the Civil Government in Scotland, purfuant to fuch "ndfee 23 Geo. 2. Eftablifhment or Eftablifhments as are or fhall be made in that Behalf, and with Preference to all Payments £ ":,$' 5 ' f whatfoever, other than thofe Charges, and other than fuch Drawbacks and Allowances, as are or fhall be t he Duties' un'- Lttled by any Act or Acts of Parliament to be made out of the faid Revenues or any of them. der the Manage- ment of the Commiflioners of Cuftoms and Excife in Scotland. II. And it is hereby enacted, That in cafe the Produce of the faid Duties, Cuftoms, Excifes or Revenues rn cafe'of De- fhall at any Time or Times appear to be fo low or deficient, as that there fhould not be fufficient thereof ^ Clc " cy '!"' to fatisfy the faid Annuities or yearly Funds often thoufand Pounds and two thoufand Pounds, or either of made &onci out them, when the fame fhall become due, then and fo often and in every fuch Cafe, the Deficiencies thereof of any other fhall and may be fatisfied and made good by or out of any other Revenues in Scotland, which were intro T Revenue in duced by virtue of the faid Treaty of Union, or to which the Subjects of Scotland are or fhall be liable, other Scot,a "<'« in "' - than fuch Revenues as are exprefly appropriated to any particular Ufe or Ufes by any Act or Acts of Parlia- jj"° he Tj^on"' ment of Great Britain made fince the faid Act for confirming the faid Treaty of Union. except fuch as are otherwise ap;>ro;uiated. III. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid feveral Annuities or Funds of The aid Funds ten thouiand Pounds and two thoufand Pounds per Annum fhall be paid and payable at the four moil ufu fl,!!l be P' id Jt Feafts in the Year, that is to fay, the Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel, the Birth of our Lord Chrift, th r e fo " ri ? oft the Annunciation or the Blefled Virgin Mary, and the Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John Baptiji, by ' even and equal Portions, until the Redemption of the fame refpectively according to the refpective Provifoes herein after contained in that Behalf; the fir n the Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel in t and that the faid feveral Annuities or yearl publick Charges and Impofitions whatfoever laid or to be laid thereupon by Authority of Parliament. IV. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Trea- The Treafury to fury now being, _ and the High Treafurer of Great Britain and the Commiffioners of the Treafury of his iflu'e "Warrants Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors for the Time being, fhall and they refpectively are hereby impowered and for Pa > ment °* ftnetly enjoined and required to iftue their Warrants and Orders f6r making the Payments of the faid An- p le ^ yCar ' y nuities or yearly Funds from Time to Time, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; and ' that the Payments thereof fhall be made by the proper Commiffioners or Officers from Time to Time To fce made without any lees or Charges whatfoever to be demanded or taken for paying the fame; and if any Com- without Fee or miffioner, Receiver General, Officer or other Perfon or Perfons, who fhall have in his or their Hands any £ ha 'f e - ,- the Monies which, in purfuance of this Act, fhall be ordered or appointed for Payment of the faid An- l^tin^rmi- nuities or yearly Funds, or either of them, {hall divert or mifapply the fame or any Part thereof, contrary elyingOse' Came to the 1 enor and true Meaning of this Aft, then every fuch Commiffioner, Receiver General, Officer or ' Perfon, for fuch Offence fhall be rendred incapable to ferve his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, in . any Office or Employment of Truft or Profit, and be liable to pay double the Value of the Money fo diverted or mifapphed to the Ufe of the Corporation which fhall be ereded in purfuance of this Act, for the Benefit of the Creditors of Scotland; and to be recovered by Action of Debt or of the Cafe Bil' Suit or Information in any of Ins Majefty's Courts of Record at IVeJlminJler, or in the faid Court o'f Ex * chequer of Scotland, wherein no Effoin, Protection, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance {hail be granted or allowed. ' V -, A " d >e ^ further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the The Kin™ may King s Majefty, by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of Great Britain, to incorporate all and every fhe^ Le ^" Pate " t Gg2 Proprietors incorfo ' atc lhc