Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/27

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14. An Act for enlarging the Times for hearing and determining Claims by the Trustees for raising Money upon the Estates of the late Directors of the South-Sea Company, and others; and for reviving and continuing the Provision formerly made against requiring Special Bail in Actions or Suits upon Contracts for Stock or Subscriptions, between the first Day of December 1719. and the first Day of December 1720. and for other Purposes therein mentioned.

15. An Act for repairing the Road leading from Dunchurch in the County of Warwick, to the bottom of Meriden hill in the same County.

16. An Act for encouraging the Greenland Fishery.

17. An Act for continuing Acts for preventing Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders of England; and for better regulating of Pilots; and for regulating the Price and Assize of Bread; and for better Encouragement of the making of Sail cloth in Great Britain.

18. An Act to explain and amend an Act passed in the sixth Year of his Majesty's Reign, entitled* An Act for ascertaining the Breadths, and preventing Frauds and Abuses in manufadhering Serges, Pladdings and Fingrwns, and for regulating the Manufactures of Stockings in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, so far as the same relates to Serges.

19. An Act for explaining the Law concerning the Trial and Admission of the Ordinary Lords of Session.

20. An Act for the better viewing, searching, and examining all Drugs, Medicines, Waters, Oils, Compositions, used or to be used for Medicines, in all Places where the same shall be exposed to Sale, or kept for that Purpose, within the City of London and Suburbs thereof, or within seven Miles Circuit of the said City.


Anno 10 Georgii I.

1. AN Act for naturalising of John Herman, gentleman.

2. An Act for naturalising William Hodgson, Francis no guicr, and others.

3. An Act for naturalising John Gerbardt Matter and James Horner.

4. An Act for completing the rebuilding the parish church of St. Martin in the Fields.

5. An Act for rebuilding the Parish church of St. Botolphs Bishopsgate, in the City of London, at the Charge of the Inhabitants of the said Parish.

6. An Act to enclose the Common Fields and Commons of Simningivell cum Bayvaorth in the County of Berks.

7. An Act for draining, improving and inclosing the Common called Oxburgh Common in the Parish of Oxburgh in the County of Norfolk, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.

8. An Act to enable Thomas Duke of Norfolk, to make Leases for sixty Years, of the Houses and Ground in arundel street, norfolk street, howard street, surrcy street, and other his Tenements and Estate in the Parish of St. Clements Danes in the County of Middlesex.

9. An Act to vest in Trustees the Manors of Battlesden and Pottesgrave, and diverse Lands and Hereditaments in the County of Bedford, the Estate of Benjamin Bathurst, Esq; to the Intent the same may be sold, in order to complete a Purchase by him made of Lands in the County of Gloucester, to be settled to the same Uses.

10. An Act for Sale of the Estate late of Humphry whad cock deceased, for discharging a Debt due to the Crown, and for Payment of such other his Debts, as his personal Estate will not extend to pay; and for settling the residue of his Lands conformable to his last Will.

11. An Act for enabling Pelfant Reeves, Gentleman, to sell certain Leasehold Lands in Suffolk, settled upon his Marriage, and to purchase other Lands to be settled to the same Uses.

12. An Act for naturalising Henry Voght and Schaflanus Vetn I See nig cm dc Vyvcr.

13. An Act for adding the Surname of Tylney, to the descendants of the Right Honourable William Lord Craven and Anne his Wife, foie Daughter and Heir of Frederick Tylney, Esq;

14. An Act to enable his Majesty to grant the Inheritance of certain Lands and Tenements in or near Deptford in the County of Kent, to Trustees upon Trust for Sir John Evelyn, Bart, and his Heirs, upon a full Consideration to he paid for the same.

15. An Act to enable Sir Gcjfery Palmer, Bart, and Robert Palmer, Esq; and the Survivor of them, together with Thomas Palmer, Esq; to convey and settle several Manors and Lands in the Counties of Leicester, Northampton and Lincoln.

16. An Act for allowing to Thomas Pagett, Esq; out of fourteen thousand Pounds, vested in Trustees by an Act of Parliament for Sale of his wife's Estate, the Sum of four thousand Pounds, upon the Consideration therein mentioned.

17. An Act to settle the Estate of Sir Henry Atkins, Bart, according to the Intention of Articles made before his Marriage with Dame Penelope his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Stonehouse, Bart.

18. An Act for explaining the Will of Jacob Knight, Esq; deceased, and charging his see simple Estates with two thousand Pounds, and Interest, for the Portion of his youngest Son Charles Knight.

19. An Act for vesting the Manor of Conifon cold in the County of York, and other Lands and Tenements therein mentioned, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of the Debts of Henry Coulthurf, Esq; and for other Purposes therein mentioned.

20. An Act for vesting certain of Lands in the County of Suffolk, late the Estate of Henry Appleton, Esq; deceased, in Trust, to be sold for Payment of his Childrens Portions.

21. An Act for vesting the Estates of Walter Bagenall, Esq; and his two Daughters, in the Counties of Dublin and Meath in the Kingdom of Ireland, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of the Debts charged thereupon, and raising Portions for the said Daughters.

22. An Act to enable John Howe of Stoivett in the County of Gloucester, Esq; to sell the Manor or Lordship of ei lerton alias Ellerton upon Swale, and all other his Lands and Hereditaments in the County of York, comprised in his Marriage Settlement, he having settled other Lands and Hereditaments in the County of Gloucester, of greater. Value, to the same Uses, in Lieu thereof.

23. An Act to enable Hugh Viscount Falmouth, and Richard Edgcombe, Esq, to take in Great Britain, the Oath of Office as Viee reasurer, and receiver-general, and pay master General of all his Majesty's Revenues in the Kingdom of Ireland, and to qualify themselves for the Enjoyment of the said Offices.

24. An Act to enable George Dodington, Esq; to take in Great Britain the Oaths of Office, as Writer of the Tallies and Counter tallies, and Clerk of the Pells in the Receipt of the Exchequer in the Kingdom of Ireland, and to qualify himself for the Enjoyment of the said Offices.

25. An Act to naturalise John Wern.

26. An Act to naturalise John Van Rixtell and Ludolff Schaart.