Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/277

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A. D. 1718. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. C. 28, 29. 237 Offences, then and in fuch Cafe it fhall anJ may be lawful to and for fuch Juflicc and Juftices to bind the Perfon lb charged to appear at the next Affizes, General Gaol-delivery or Quarter-feffions of the Peace for the County, City, Riding or Divifion where fuch Offence fhall be committed, to anfwer the Pre- miffes, with reafonable Sureties for fuch his Appearance; and in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall refufel'crfcns refufing or neglect to give fuch Security, then and in fuch Cafe it fhall and may be lawful to and for fuch Juftice t0 6'V* fuch , Se - and juftices to commit the Perfon or Perfons lb rcfufing to the County-gaol, there to be kept until the™^™^ e next Affixes or next Quarter-feffions of the County, City, Riding or Divifion where fuch Commitment" fhall be, at the Election of fuch Juftict of the Peace, and until he, fhe or they fhall be delivered by due Courfe of Law ; and in cafe any fuch Artificer or Manufacturer fhall be convict upon any Indictment to Prrfbm convict- be preferred againft him at fuch Affizes or general Gaol-delivery, or Quarter-feffions of the Peace as afore- <*■ (•"" g' ve Se - laid, of any fuch Promife or Contract, or Preparation to go abroad beyond the Seas, for any of the Piir T mm the'sSe-"" nofes aforefaid, then and in fuch Cafe the Perfon fo convict fhall give fuch Security to his Majefty, his; dom> or b "„ ;£,"_ Heirs and SuccefTors, not to depart out of his Majefty's Dominions for any of the Purpofes aforefaid, asprifoncd lilifuch fuch Court fhall think reafonable, and fhall be imprifoned until fuch Security fhall be given. Security given. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any of the above-mentioned Offences Offenders j n fliall be committed in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, the fame fnall be profecuted in the Court Scotland to be . of Jufticiary or the Circuits there. g^Jri ; ;' f Judiciary or Circuits there. CAP. XXVIII. An A& for the further Punifhment of fuch Perfons as fliall unlawfully kill or deftxoy Deer In. Parks, Paddocks, or other inclofed Grounds. ' I. IT 7 HERE AS in Defiance of the Laws already in Being, feveral diforderly and riotous Perfons 3 & 4 W. &M, W have of late, in great Numbers, with armed Force, entred Parks and other inclofed Grounds c, '°-

  • where Deer are kept, whereby Bloodfhed and Murder hath frequently happened, and great Mifchiefs 5 q™' *' '" *|*
  • may enfue :' For the preventing and Punifhment of which Offences, Be it enacted by the King's moftftc. 13.

Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- After May 1, mons, in this prel'ent Parliament affembled, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall, from and after the firft 1719, Perfons Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, enter inio any Park, Paddock or other inclofed connfted of en- Ground where Deer are ufually kept, and wilfully wound or kill any Red or fallow Deer there, without " n & lnt0 in ? the Confent of the Owner or Owners of fuch Park, Paddock or inclofed Ground, or of the Perfon or knline'lir' Perfons entrufted with the Care or Cuftody of fuch Park, Paddock or inclofed Ground, or fhall be aiding wounding any or affifting in the committing of any fuch Offence, and being indicted for any fuch Offence before anyD«r, without Judge or Juftices of Gaol-delivery for the County wherein fuch Park, Paddock or inclofed Ground fhall Con( " ent of th = lie, and fhall upon fuch Indictment be by Verdict or his own Confeffion convicted of any fuch Offence, ^ w ""j r ' xc '. the Perfon or Perfons fo convicted as aforefaid fhall be fent, as foon as conveniently may be, -to fome officii be tranf-' his Majefty's Plantations in America for the Space of kven Years ; and the Court before whom fuch Often- ported for feven der or Offenders fhall be convicted, or any fubfequent Court held at the fame Place with like Authority Years. as the former, fhall have Power to convey, transfer, and make over fuch Offenders by Order of Court, to the Ufe of any Perfon or Perfons who fhall contract for the Performance of fuch Tranfportation. II. Provided, that nothing herein contained fhall be expounded, deemed or taken to repeal, alter or Th ' s Aa ""'■' make void any former Law or Statute now in Being, made or intended for the Punifhment of Deer-fteal-" ot r ^P eal > &c «- ers : And provided alfo, That where any Offender fhall be punifhed by Force of this Act, and according Law agaTnft to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, he fhall not be profecuted nor incur any Penalty for the fame Of-Deer-fieal- fence by Force of any other Law or Statute whatfoever. ers. Offenders pit- nifhed by this Act, (hall not be again profecuted for the fime Offence. Farther Provlfom relating hereto, 8 Gee, I. c. 19. 9 Geo. It c. 32. 1° Cip, I.e. 31. 26 Geo. 2. c. 2. 28 Geo. 2. c. 12. CAP. XXIX. An Act: for making more effectual the Laws appointing the Oaths for Security of the Go- vernment to be taken by Ministers and Preachers in- Churches and Meeting-houfes in Scotland.

  • I. T 7 HERE AS fundry Perfons, Expectants of Divinity, have prefented themfelves to Prefby-^

W teries in Scotland, in order to obtain Licences to preach in Churches, or being ordained Mi- . nifters of the Church of Scotland, without taking any Oath or Declaration whereby their Affection to ' his Majefty's Perfon and Government, and to the Settlement of the Crown in the Proteftant Line, might

  • be known : And whereas alfo divers Perfons have preached and performed other Parts of Divine Wor-
  • fhip in Meeting-houfes in Scotland, who do not take the Oaths and Declarations appointed by Law to be

"* taken by Pallors or Minifters of the epifccpal Congregations there, nor do pray for his Majefty King

  • George? ■