Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/305

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A. D. 1719' Anno fexto Georgii Reg!?. C. 4. 265 AflWns, at the fame refpcfStlve Offices and Places, and out of the fame Dutl $, ?cvenues and Incomes, and lit fi'.eh Time and Times, and fhall be aflignablc, transferable and difpufeablc in the fimc Manner and Form as ihofe Annuities and Debts, or the [nrrfeft of Inch Debts, are now payable, aflignablc, truiif- •>" f finable or difpofeable by the tcf, cctivc- Acts or Statutes now in force concerning the fame, and as if [hi pnliait Act had never been made : And that this Act, or any Claufe, Matter or Thing therein contain' ', , not fhall not extend or be conftrued to interrupt, delay ur prejudice, at any Time before or aft r the faid firft »«n made. J);iy of March one thoufand Ccvcn hundred and twenty-one, the receiving, aligning, tran fi ing dif- pofmg the faid Annuities or Debts, or the Intereft of fitch Debts not taken in or paid off by virtue ol this Act as aforelaid, in any manner of wife ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithltaiuling (ex- cept as is herein before otherwife provided and diredted, relating to the flopping or delaying the affij ning and transferring the Annuities or Shares in Stock for the fame, now transferable at the publick Office of the Hank of England. ) , . XL1II. And as to Inch of the above-mentioned Annuities and Debts at Intereft, as at any Time oi" An ™ eiv Times before the faid firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred twenty-one (hall actually be taken '^J "., ito in by Purchafe or Sublet iption, or be paid oft* by or in purfuance of this Act or any of the Cla fes therein contained ; It is hereby further provided and enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That the refpecttve Pro- Arrears to the prietors thereof, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Suceeflbrs and Alligns, at the fame refpective Offices p»ys of talung and Places, and out of the fame Duties, Revenues and Incomes as are now fcverally charged with thej"- Payment of the faid Annuities and Debts refpectively, fhall be fatisfied and paid all the Arrearages of the laid Annuities and Intereft-monies (the Arrearages on the faid Lottery-an;:uitics for the Year one thou- Exception, find feven hundred and ten only excepted) until and for the quarterly i'eaft-day or half-yearly Feaft-day on which fuch Annuity or Intereft-money refpectivcly were payable, and which fhall laft precede the D ys and Times of taking in the faid Annuities and Debts respectively, or paying them oft" purfuant to this Ait. And to the end the Days or Times of taking in or paying off" as aforefaid the principal Monies for which the faid Annuities or Intereft-monies were payable, may certainly be known, and for preventing Frauds relating thereunto, the faid Managers and Directors to be conftituted by virtue of this Act as aforefaid, or Managersto cer. three or more of them, from Time to Time, as foon as conveniently may be, after any principal Sum^^^ ■)„"<> for which any Annuity or Intereft is now payable, fhall be actually taken in or paid off" as aforefaid fhall t he fcveral certify the Time of taking in or paying oft* the fame, in manner following ; that is to fay, So much there- offices. of as imported the Payment of any Annuity or Intereft at the Exchequer, fhall be lb certified to the Audi- tor of that Receipt for the Time being ; fo much thereof as imported the Payment of any Annuities by the faid Cafhier of the Bank of England, or attended Stock for the fame, fhall he certified to the Accountant General in the Office of the laid Bank for the 'lime being; and fo much thereof as imported the Pay- ment of any the faid Annuities or Intereft-monies in any other of the particular Offices now in Being, fhall be certified to the Comptrollers belonging to thofe Offices refpe&ively ; which faid Auditor of the Receipt-, Accountant General and Comptrollers refpectivcly are hereby ftrictly enjoined and required to take efpecial Care, that after the Payment of fuch Arrears no further Payments be made of the Annuities or Intereft-monies of the faid Annuities or Debts fo taken in or paid off, or of any Intereft-money for the fame, or that any Affignmenis or Transfers be afterwards made thereof, or of any Part thereof, in their faid refpective Offices, whereby the publick may be liable to be injured by a dotble Payment ; any Thing in this or in any other Act of Parliament whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding. ' XLIV. And whereas the Corporation of the faid Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Smth ~ 5 ™ Com " ' Britain are willing, in Conffderation of the Liberty by this Act given them of increafing their capital Pn^theExche.

  • Stock and their Annuity or yearly F*und in refpect: of the fame as aforefaid, by taking in or paying oft" qlie r, towards *

' all and every or any the faid redeemable Debts and Incumbrances in this Act before computed to amount difchargingNa- ' to fix-teen millions five hundred forty-fix thoufand four hundred eighty-two Pounds feven Shillings and tional Debls in - ' one Penny Farthing, or thereabouts, to pay the full and intire Sum of four millions one hundred fifty- "' r " d bef ° rc ' fix thoufand three hundred and fix Pounds four Shillings and eleven Pence of good and lawful Money ? 5 , J^Hx, * ' of Great Britain, into the Receipt of the Exchequer, to be applied towards difcharging the Principal 4 s. iid. ' and Intereft of fuch National Debts and Incumbrances as were incurred before the twenty-fifth Day of ' December one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, declared to be National Debts, and provided for by ' Acts of Parliament :' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the fame Corporation fhall pay into the Receipt of the Exchequer, for the Purpofes laft mentioned, the faid Sum of four millions one hundred fifty-fix thoufand three hundred and fix Pounds four Shillings and eleven Pence, without any De- duction, Defalcation or Abatement whatsoever for any Caufe, Matter or Thing whatfoever ; the fame to be paid by fuch Proportions and at fuch Times as are herein after appointed for Payment thereof; that is to fay, one full and equal fourth Part thereof on or before the F'eaft of the Annunciation of the Blefled T ' m " ol Pay- Virgin Mary which fhall be in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one ; one" 1 ^' n other full and equal fourth Part thereof on or before the Feaft of the Nativity of St. John the Baptjjt which □ Geo. 1! c. 6." fhall be in the faid Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred twenty-one ; one other full and equal fourth Part thereof on or before the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel which fhall be in the faid Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred twenty-one ; and the remaining fourth Part of the faid Sum of four millions one hundred fifty-fix thoufand three hundred and fix Pounds tour Shillings and eleven Pence, and in full Payment thereof, on or before the Feaft of the Birth of our Lord Chrift which fhall be in the faid Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred twenty-one. • Vol. V. M m XLV.