Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/324

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284 C. 11, Anno fexto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1719. S & 9 W. 3. * an Act made in the eighth Year of the Reign of your Majefty's Royal Predeceflbr King IVilliam the c - 8 - ' Third, of glorious Memory, intituled, An Act for encouraging the bringing in lureught Plate to be coined, are more ferviceable and durable than the Silver VefTels, Plate and Manufactures of Silver which have Ike. Duty idii on ' been made according to the faid Standard of eleven Ounces and Ten-penny Weight of fine Silver in Plate by , ih, ab ' every Pound Troy :' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- "™gZ.* c v ' ce and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament af- 32. 11'bhb is 'embled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid old Standard of eleven Ounces and Two-penny emtn&Aby Weight of fine Silver at leaft, to be contained in every Pound Weight Tray of Silver Veffels, Plate or 33 Ge,. 2. c. other Manufactures of Silver made or to be made or wrought, after the firft Day of June one thoufand ~ 4 ' kven hundred and twenty, fhall be reftored, revived and take place inftead of the faid new Standard of eleven-Ounces and Ten-penny Weight of fine Silver at leaft in every fuch Pound Troy. The old Stand- J ° J J atd of 11 cz. id. wt. reftored. tizo U Gold - 11 * And bs lt enaaed h Y the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day of June one fmith, &c, c °bh- tnou / all d feven hundred and twenty no Goldfmith, Silverfmith or Plate-worker {hall be obliged, by force ged 10 work any or virtue of the faid former Laws and Statutes, or any of them, to work or make, or caufe to be wrought Plate according or made, any Silver Veflel, Piate or Manufacture of Silver, according to the faid new Standard of eleven S° ran j e . r j e ^ Ounces and Ten-penny Weight of fine Silver at leaft in every Pound Troy, or be reftrained from putting jioz°'ioA. to . Sale, exchanging or felling any Silver Vcflels, Plate or Manufactures of Silver, fo as the fame do con- iv t. &c. ta '. n eleven Ounces and Two-penny Weight of fine Silver at leaft, in every Pound Troy, and be touched, allayed and marked in fuch Manner and Form, as in and by the faid former Laws and Statutes, and by this prefent Act, are provided and eftablifhed for touching, allaying and marking the fame. After 1 June III. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid 7720, no Gold- firft £) a y of J ltne one thoufand feven hundred and twenty no Goldfmith, Silverfmith or other Perfon what- irorit'or put to f° ever ^ a " work or make, or caufe to be wrought or made, any Silver Veflel, Plate or Manufacture of Sale any Plate Silver, lefs in Finenefs than that of eleven Ounces and Two-penny Weight of fine Silver in every Pound lefsin Finenefs Troy, or fhall put to Sale, exchange or fell any Silver Veflel, Plate or Manufacture of Silver, made after than 1 1 02. ad. the _ faid firft Day of June one thoufand fevan hundred and twenty (unlefs it be Silver Wire, or fuch 12' Geo 2 « Things as in refpedt of their Smallnefs are not capable of receiving a Mark) until fuch Time as fuch 20 , Veflel, Plate or Manufacture of Silver fhall be touched, aflayed and marked in Manner and Form pre- scribed by the faid Laws and Statutes, or any of them, for touching, allaying and marking of the faid ^"prefcribrlTb Standard of eleven Ounces and- Ten-penny Weight fine at leaft in every Pound Troy, in cafe the fame the Laws for y Standard had continued ; and that all and every the Rules, Directions, Powers, Privileges, Pains, Penal- aKiying of the fc.' es > Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things, enacted or provided in or by any of the former Laws Standard of and Statutes of this Realm, which at or until the Time of making this Act were or are in Force for pre- 11 cz. iod. wt. ferving or fecuring the faid Standard of eleven Ounces and Ten penny Weight of fine Silver at leaft in Which Laws every Pound Troy, or for touching, aiTaying, marking or allowing for good the Silver Plate of that Stand- are hereby con- ard, fhall be continued, applied, practiced and put in Execution for preferving and fecuring the Standard turned. f eleven Ounces and Two-penny Weight of fine Silver at leaft in every Pound Troy (by this Act revived and intended to be eftabiifhed) and for the touching, aflaying, marking and allowing the fame, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame Rules, Directions, Powers, Privileges, Pains, Penalties, Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things, w re again particularly repeated and re-enacted in and by this prefent Act ; any Thing in the faid former Laws or Statutes, or any of them, contained to the contrary notwithftanding. IV. And we your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the faid Commons of Great Britain in Par- liament affembled, being fully refolved to furnifh fuch Supplies as are neceflary for defraying the Expen- ces and Occafions of the Publick, have for that End and Purpofe cheerfully and unanimoufly given and granted, and do by this Act give and grant to your Majefty the feveral and refpective Rates and Duties herein after mentioned, for and upon all Silver Plate to be made or wrought in Great Britain, or to be im- ported or brought into the fame, and fuch further Sum and Sums of Money as are herein fpecified and ap- pointed, in fuch Manner and Form as are herein after more particularly exprefled, and do moft humbly From 1 >ne befeech your Majefty that it may be enacted ; And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That there rKe'imooncd .fhall'be railed, levied, collected, anfwered and paid unto and for the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and „ jnade ; n ' SuccefTors for ever, (fubject neverthelefs to fuch Redemption as in and by this Act is afterwards provided Great Britain, in this Behalf) for and upon all Silver Plate which fhall be imported or brought into the Kingdom of to pay 6d. per Great Britain, and for and upon all Silver Plate to be made or wrought within the fame Kingdom, the fe- ° z ' . veral and refpective Rates or Duties following ; (that is to fay) For and upon all Silver Plate made or to -GeoTi. a. 1. b e made, which at any Time or Times after the firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty c. 20.' fee. 34. fhall be imported or brought into the faid Kingdom of G' eat Britain (over and above all other Cuftoms, Subfidies and Duties already impofed thereupon) a Duty after the Rate of fix Pence for every Ounce Troy, and proportionally for greater or lefler Quantities, to be paid down in ready Money by the Importer there- of, from Time to Time, before the Landing of the fame ; and for and upon all Silver Plate which fhall he made or wrought in Great Britain, or at any Time or Times, fr m and after the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, fhall or ought to be touched, aflayed or marked in Great Britain as aforefaid, a Duty after the Rate of fix Pence for every Ounce Trsy, and proportionally for any greater or