Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/366

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j2 6 C. 23. Anno fexto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1719. furers, as aforefaid, to be Part of the publick Stock of fuch County, Riding, Divifion, Liberty or Place, as aforefaid. Ferfonscon- V. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Perfon or Perfons fo contracting, as trafling fur aforefaid, and to whom any fuch Felons or Offenders {hall be delivered in order to be tranfported, as afore- Tranlporution f a j(j 5 or an y p er f on or Perfons directed by the faid Juftices (impowered to contract, as aforefaid) or their MonsaTthey Afligns, may, in fuch Manner as they (hall think fit, carry and fecure the faid Felons and Offenders in and (hall think fit-, through any County and Counties of Great Britain whatfoever, toward the Sea-Port from whence they are And refcuing to be tranfported, as aforefaid; and that if any Perfon or Perfons {hall refcue fuch Felons or Offenders, or them, (hall be any of them, he, fhe and they fo refcuing, or aiding or affifting fuch Felons or Offenders, or any of them, guilty of felony. i n making their Efcape from fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall have them in their Cuftody, as aforefaid, fhall be deemed and adjudged guilty of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. Felons ordered ' VI. And whereas fome Felons ordered for Tranfportation according to Law, have already, and others for Tranfporta- c ma y come on Shore, and return to Great Britain, before they have been actually tranfported to America, terwards at large * or may break Gaol, or efcape before fuch Tranfportation:' Be it further enacted by the Authority afore- before the Expi- faid, That if any Felon or Felons, who have been or fhall be ordered for Tranfportation by this or any ration of the other Aft, fhall be afterwards at large within any Part of this Kingdom of Great Britain, without fome ^ m ' fna ' 1 lawful Caufe, before the Expiration of the Term for which fuch Felon or Felons was, were, or fhall be or- eat . d er ed to be tranfported, all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, being thereof lawfully convicted, fhall fuffer* Death as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. Where fuch Of- VII. And to the Intent that fuch Conviction may be with as little Trouble and Expence as poflible, Be fenders may be j t f ur ther enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Offender or Offenders may be tried either before fhan'be" fuffi- 3 ' J u ft' ces °f- Aflize, Oyer and Terminer, or Gaol-Delivery for the County, City or Liberty, where he, fhe or cient Proof to they fhall be apprehended and taken, or before Juftices of Aflize, Oyer and Terminer, or Gaol-delivery for convia them, that County, City or Place, from whence he, fhe or they were ordered to be tranfported; and that the Clerk of the Aflize and Clerk of the Peace where fuch Orders of Tranfportation fhall be made, and their Succeflbrs for the Time being, fhall, at the Requeftof the Profecutor, or any other in his Majefty's Behalf, certify a Tranfcript briefly and in few Words, containing the Effect and Tenor of every Indictment and Conviction of fuch Man or Woman, and of the Order or Contract for his or her Tranfportation, to the Juftices of Aflize, Oyer and Terminer, or Gaol -delivery, where fuch Man or Woman fhall be indicted (not taking for the fame above the Sum of two Shillings and fix Pence) which Certificate being produced in Court fhall be a fufEcient Proof that fuch Perfon or Perfons have before been convicted and ordered to be tranfported. The Streets of <■ tylll. And whereas frequent Robberies have been lately committed in the Streets of London and Wejf- mtnfter'&c (nail ' rr ^ n ft er i an ^ other Cities, Towns and Places, and Doubts have arifcn whether any Reward could be allowed be deemed High- ' to Perfons concerned in the apprehending, profecuting and convicting fuch Offenders, which may prove a ways within the ' Difcouragement to Perfons who otherwife may be willing to undertake the fame :' Be it hereby enacted 4&5W. &M. by the Authority aforefaid, That the Streets of London and Weftminfler, and other Cities, Towns and Pla- c ' 8< ces, fhall be deemed and taken to be Highways to all Intents and Purpofes, within the Intent and Meaning of an Act made in the fourth and fifth Years of the Reign of their late Majefties King William and And all Gertifi- Queen Mary, intituled, An Ac! for the encouraging the apprehending of Highwaymen; and all Certificates cates upon Con- to fo e hereafter figned upon Convictions for Robbery, fhall be figned and paid without any Deduction, Fee bery fhaUbe ptid or R ewal "d to be taken for the fame, excepting any Sum not exceeding five Shillings for the Writing and without Fee; Drawing thereof, and that as well where any Offender or Offenders plead guilty, as where they are con- except 5 s. for victed on Evidence; and if any Perfon or Perfons, under the Pretence of figning or procuring to be figned writing, and an y fuch Certificate, or on Account of Payment of the Money allowed (herein, fhall take any Fee or Re- P 'o rf °fliallf ln f 't war ^ * or the f ame > other than as aforefaid, every fuch Perfon or Perfons offending therein, fhall forfeit and more or ei p 3 y trl e Sum of forty Pounds, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Suit or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at JVeftminJler, where no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be al- lowed, or any more than one Imparlance; fuch Forfeiture to be to the Ufe of the Perfon or Perfons entitled to the faid Certificate, on the Account of which fuch Fee or Reward was taken, as aforefaid. Profecuting to ' IX. And whereas the Practice of taking Money to help Perfons to their ftoln Goods, and fharing it with Cjnviaionany « the Felons, is ftill continued in Defiance of the Laws, and to the Encouragement of Felons:' Be it en- kine a Reward a ^ e ^ by the Authority aforefaid, That whoever fhall difcover, apprehend and profecute to Conviction of lc. helping to Felony without Benefit of Clergy, any Perfon or Perfons for the faid Offence of taking Money or other ftoln Gooes, Reward, directly or indirectly, to help any Perfon or Perfons to their ftoln Goods (fuch Offender not ha- JKail be entitled ving apprehended the Felon who ftole the fame, and brought him or her to Trial for the fame, and given to 40 1. Evidence againft him or her as required by Law) fha'.l' be entitled to a Reward of forty Pounds for every fea'4. 1 ' *' "' f uc b Offender fo convicted, as aforefaid, and fhall have the like Certificate, and like Payments made with- out Fee or Reward, as any Perfon or Perfons may be entitled unto for the apprehending, profecuting and convicting of Highwaymen by any Law or Laws for that Purpofe. c if tTelu ^' ^ nd k e it further declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the Reward of forty Pounds for the ap- withoutDeduc- prehending and convicting any Perfon or Perfons for Burglary, fhall be paid without any Deduction, as: tion. aforefaid, for every Offender who fhall be apprehended and convicted for the faid Crime. After June 24. XI- And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall at any.) 1720. affaulting Time or Times, from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fe- any Perfon in yen hundred and twenty, wilfully and malicioufiy affault any Perfon or Perfons in the publick Streets or the Streets, Sec, Highways, with an Intent to tear, fpoil, cut, burn or deface, and fhall tear, fpoil, cut, burn or deface Cloaths &'/. ^ Garments or Cloaths of fuch Perfon or Perfons, that. then all and every Perfon and Perfons fo offending, .iball be'guilty of being thereof lawfully convicted, fhall be and be adjudged to be guilty of Felony j and every fuch Felon and Felons