Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/382

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342 C. 13. Anno feptima Georg ii Regis. Stat. 1. A. D. 1720. or Pcrfons, of any Offence committed contrary to this Aft, to determine the fame, and convict the Of- Penaltics to be fender or Offenders thereof; and upon Conviftion to caufe the faid Penalties or Forfeitures, upon the Of- leviedbyDi- fender or Offenders refufmg to pay the fame on Demand, at fuch Time or Times as the faid Juftice o< ftref's. Jufticcs fhall appoint, by Warrant or Warrants under his or their Hands and Seals, to be levied by Diftrefs. and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of fuch Offender or Offenders, rendring to him, her or them the Overplus, if any fhall be, the Charges of fuch Diftrefs and Sale being thereout firft deducted; and all and every the Penalties and Forfeitures under this Aft fhall be diftributed and paid in Manner following, (that One Moiety to j s tQ j-^ one j_/[; gt y thereof to him, her or them, on whofe Oath or Oaths any Perfon or Perfons fhall theot'her'w'the be convicted of any Offence againft this Aft, and the other Moiety to the Poor of the Parifh where fuch Poor. Offence or Offences fhall be committed. A eal to Ouar- ^' Provided neverthelefs, That it fhall and may be lav/ful to or for any Party or Parties aggrieved by ter-Seffidris~~ the Order, Determination or Warrant of fuch Juftice or Juftices as aforefaid, to appeal to the juftices of whofe Judgment the Peace at the next General Quarter-Seffions to be holden for the County, Riding, City or Place where ftall be final. the faid Offence or Offences fhall have been committed, giving eight Days Notice at the leaft of fuch Ap- peal to the Profecutor or Profecutors; which Juftices at the faid Seffions are hereby authorized and required to hear and determine the fame, and their Judgment therein fhall be final. Profecutiori in IV. Provided alfo, That all Offences againft this Aft fhall be profecuted within one Month after fuch one Month. Offence committed, and not after. Notto extend to V. Provided alfo, That nothing in this Aft contained fhall extend or be conftrued to extend to any Clothes of Clothes or wearing Apparel made of Velvet. Velvet. yj i provided alio, That if any Aftion or Suit fhall hereafter be commenced or profecuted againft any Perfon or Perfons fo fued or profecuted as aforefaid, fuch Perfon or Perfons may plead the General IfTue, General Ifiue, 2n d give this Aft and the Special Matter in Evidence; and if the Plaintiff fhall become nonfuited, or for- &c> bear further Profecution, or fuffer Discontinuance, or a Verdift to pafs againft him or her, or Judgment up n Demurrer, the Defendant or Defendants fhall recover his, her or their treble Cofts, for which he, fhe Treble Colls. or they fhall have like Remedy as in Cafes where Cofts by Law are given to Defendants. VII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft fhall be taken and allowed to. Publick Aft. be a publick Aft in all Courts within this Kingdom of Great Britain; and all Judges and Juftices of the Peace are hereby required to take Notice thereof as fuch, without fpecial Pleading the fame. C A P. XIII. An Act for regulating the Journeymen Taylors within the weekly Bills of Mortality. 1 J H E R E A S great Numbers of Journeymen Taylors, in and about the Cities of London and TFejI- ' W miiifier, and others, who have ferved Apprenticefhips, or been brought up in the Art or Myfiery ' of a Taylor, have lately departed from their Services without juft Caufe, and have entred into Combina- ' tions to advance their Wages to unreafonabie Prices, and leffen their ufual Hours of Work, which is of ' evil Example, and manifeltly tends to the Prejudice of Trade, to the Encouragement of Idlenefs, and to ' the great Increafe of the Poor :' For Remedy thereof, may it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it AH C'.-ntrafls ma y be enafted; And be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and between jour- Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, rnd by neymeo Taylors, the Authority of the fame, That all Contracts, Covenants or Agreements in Writing, or not in Writing, m London and heretofore made or entred into, or hereafter to be made or entred into, by or between any Perfons brought adrancSneth-eir' U P '"' 0I profeflings ufing or exercifmg the Art or Myftery of a Taylor, or Journeyman Taylor, in ma- Wases, or lei'- k>!1 g up Mens or Womens Work, in the Cities of London and Weftminjler, or either of them, or within the lining tluir weekly Bills of Mortality, for advancing their Wages, or for leffening their ufual Hours of Work, fhall Hours of Work, b e , and are hereby declared to be illegal, null and void to all Intents and Purpofes; and further, that if any declared illegal Taylor, Journeyman Taylor, or other Perfon brought up in, or profefling, ufing or exercifmg the Art or ai ' "' " ( . Myftery of a Taylor, or Journeyman Taylor, within the Limits aforefaid, fhdll at any Time or Times af- • a t n Tib '"a'.^'-T.. ter the ^ r ^ ■ L ^ a Y °^' -&l a y ons thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, keep up, continue, aft in, make, en- jnentaftErjMjy ter into,- fign, feal, or be knowingly interefted or concerned in any Contraft, Covenant or Agreement, by 1721, lobe com- this Aft declared to be illegal, null and void; every Perfon or Perfons fo offending, being lawfully convicted rnittedto the thereof upon the Oath or Oaths of one or more-credible Witnefs or Witneffes before any two Jufticcs of ■ Hoiyfe ot Cor- t j le p cace j n their Jurifdiftions within the Limits aforefaid, upon any Information exhibited, or Profecution, for "two MtMi'ths within three Months after the Offence committed, (which Oaths the faid Juftices are hereby impowered without Bait, and required to adminifter) every fuch Offender fhall, by Order of fuch Juftices, at their Difcretion be committed either to the Houfe of Correction, there to remain and be kept to hard Labour for any Time not 'exceeding two Months, or to the Common Gaol, as they fhall fee Caufe, there to remain without Bail or 'Iviainprize for any Time not exceeding two Months. Hours of Work II. And for declaring, limiting and appointing the Hours of Work, and Wages for Journeymen Tay- and Wages ap- ]ors, Servants, and Apprentices to Taylors, within the Limits aforefaid; Be it enafted by the Au:hority ported, aforefaid, That from and after the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, the Hours of Work for all Journeymen Taylors, Servants and Apprentices to Taylors, and other Perfons imployed or to be imployed, or retained as Taylors, in making up Mens or Womens Work, or fuch Servants or Ap- prentices within the Cities of London and IVejhninjier, or either of them, or within the weekly Bills of Mor- tality, fhall be from fix of the Clock in the Adorning until eight of the Clock at Night; excepting only that there fhall be allowed by the Matter one Penny Half-penny a Day for Breakfaft, and one Hour foi Dinner, in the Time aforefaid; and for the faid Time or Hours of Work aforefaid there (hall be paid untcj everj