Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/418

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372 C. 15. Anno odavo Georgii Regis. A.D. 1721. cms Pntanii. Great Britain, or touching the Quality of the Goods, the Onus Probondi fhall lie on the Exporter, Claimer oi: Owner thereof, and not on the Officer. ,,..'• Manufaftures .TV. And it is here by further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That if any of the faid Silk, Stuffs nrUnded without or ot her Manufadures aforefaid, fhipped to be, exported, for which Allowance is hereby made, fhall be L '"" c ?' &c - or relanded or unfhipped in any Port or Place in Great Britain, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of DiBr'fe" forfeit- this Ad, without the Licence of one or more of the principal Officers of fuch Port or Place firft had and ed, with Penalty obtained, or unlefs it be in cafe of Diftrefs to fave the faid Goods from perifhing, which mail be forth- of.Bond, and with made-known to one of the faid Officers, the Goods (over and above the Penalty of the Bond to be treble Value, ] ev ied and recovered to his Majefty's Ufe' as aforefaid) and treble the Value of fuch Goods fhall be for- feited and loft, and mail and may be profecuted and divided in the Manner herein after mentioned. Allowances to V, And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Allowances fhall and may be be paid by the paid by the refpedive Cuftomer or Collector, out of any Money in his Hands, arifing from Cuftoms or Conors, &c. omer ]j ut i es U p oa Goods imported from Parts beyond the Seas, and the Money fo paid fhall be ac- ancUl^owed on te( j f ; n j,j s or the ; r Account as fo much paid to his Majefty, and he and they is, are, and fhall be difcharged tnereof accordingly. Allowances to be VI. Provided always, and be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any of the abated in Proper- Cuftoms or other Duties now payable on the Importation of foreign thrown or raw Silk, fhall during tion to Cuftoms the Continuance of this Ad be redeemed, or otherwife ceafe to be payable, fo much of the Allowance redeemed. or Allowances to be made on the Exportation of the Silk, Stuffs, or other Manufactures before men- fkllZncerrin' t'Qhed, fhall be abated, as fhall bear a Proportion to the Cuftom-; or Duties fo redeemed, or that fhall SUk, Cj &'c. m " £ ceafe to be payable on the Importation of thrown or raw Silk ; any Thing herein contained to the coa- 9 Geo. 1. c. 8. trary notwitb.ila.ndmg. 2 Geo. 2. c. 17. 13 Geo. 2, c. 9 & 20. 26 Geo. 2. c. 11. After 15 March VII. And for the further Encouragement of the Britifh Manufactures, Be it further enaded by the Au- '??*■ ^ f ut ' e r ? °£ thority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred-anrf Produft export- twenty-two, the feveral and refpedive Subfidies and other Duties whatfoever payable to his Majefty, his- ed, toceaie. Heirs or Succeffors, by any Law now in Force, upon the Exportation of any Goods and Merchandizes of the Produd or Manufadure of Great Britain, fhall ceafe, determine, and be no longer due or payables f for fo much of the faid Goods or Merchandizes as fhall from thenceforth be exported, except fuch Goods arid Merchandizes, touching which a fpecial Provifion is herein after made. Duties on Al- VIII. And it is hereby provided and enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That this Ad, or any Thine lom, Lead, &c. h ere ; n contained fhall not extend, or be conftrued to extend, to determine, alter or, leffen the feveral or refpedive Subfidies of Poundage, or other Duties payable upon the. Exportation of Allom, Lead, Lead continue. Ore, Tin, Leather tanned, Copperas, Coals, Wool Cards, white Woollen Cloths, Lapis Calaminaris f Skins of all Sorts, Glew, Coney Hair or Wool, Hares Wool, Han of all Sorts, Horfes, and Litharge of Lead ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. On Entry, &c. IX. And be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall arid may be lawful to or for any Per- all Goods ot r on or p er fons, after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, to F'^ul^ofo"! ex P ort out °f an Y P° rt °f tms Kingdom, in which there is a Cuftomer or Colledor, all fuch Goods and edT "0 be' Cu- r Merchandizes of the Produce or Manufadure of Great Britain, as may now be lawfully exported, and- fio'm-free. that without paying any Subfidy or other Duty whatfoever (other than for the Goods or Merchandizes, touching which an Exception or Special Provifion is before made in this Ad) fo as a due Entry be firft made of the faid Goods or Merchandizes in fuch Cuftom-houfe refpedively, where the fame fhall be exporte'd, in the fame Maimer and Form, expreffing the Quantities and Qualities of the refpedive Goods as was ufed and pradifed before the making of this Ad, and. fo as the fame be fhipped by the proper Officer for that Purpofe, on Failure whereof the faid Goods to be liable to the Payment of the Duties as if this Ad had never been made ; any Law, Statute, Provifion or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. On Entry Dying x. And for the further Encouragement of the Manufadures of this Kingdom, by the promoting the Drugs, &c im- Importation of Drugs, and other Goods ufed for Dying; Be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That at "~ from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, it fhall and Refer to 8 & 9 may be lawful to import into this Kingdom all Sorts of Drugs and other Goods herein after particularly W. -5. c. 34. enumerated, which are ufed for Dying; that is to fay, Agarick, Artnotto, Antimonium Crudum, Aqua-fortis, ^Ann^c. 4./. 8-. Argoil, Arfenick, Barberries, Brazil Wood, Braziletto Wood, Cochineal, Cream of Tartar, Fu/lick, Galls^ 7 Ami. c. 8./.12. Q um Arabick, or Gum Seneca, Indico of all Sorts, IJinglafs, Litmus, Logwood, Madder of all Sorts, Madder ' 3 * Roots, Nicaragua Wood, Orchal, Orchelia, Pomgranate Peels, Red Wood, Saftower, Sal-Armoniack, Sal-gem, Sappah Wood, Red Saunders, Shoemack, Sticklack, Turnfole, Valonia and Verdegreafe, without paying any Subfidy, Cuitom, Impofition, or other Duty whatfoever for the fame (Salt-Petre always excepted) fo as a due Entry be firft made thereof in the Cuftom-houfe belonging to the Port into which fuch Drugs, or other Dying Goods, fhall be imported, in the fame Manner and Form, expreffing the Quantities and Qualities of the refpedive Goods as was ufed and pradifed before the making of this Ad, and fo as the fame be landed in the Prefence of the proper Officer appointed for that Purpofe,, and fo as fuch Importa- tion be according to the Rules prefcribed and enjoined by an Ad of Parliament paffed in the twelfth- s'* Car, 2. c. iS. Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ac! for the Encouraging and lncreafmg of Shipping and Navigation, and on Failure of the faid Conditions or Dirediojis herein Jaft mentioned, fuch Drugs 1