Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/454

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408 C. 23. Anno o&avo Georgii Regis. A. D. 1721. ' jelly's Treafury, amongft other Matters and Things therein contained, feveral Sums, amounting to ' eight millions five hundred fifty-one thoufand fix hundred and eighteen Pounds fifteen Shillings, were ' declared to be added to the Capital Stock of the faid Company, and in refpect of fuch Stock, feveral ' yearly Sums, making together four hundred twenty-feven thoufand five hundred and eighty Pounds ' eighteen Shillings and nine Pence, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum, were thereby declared to ' be added to the Annuity or yearly Fund of the faid Company, to commence and take Effect from the 4 Feaft of the Annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary then laft paft, according to a Duplicate of a Book ' of Subfcriptions made on the twenty-third Day of "June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty ' ligned and attefted by three of the late Managers for taking in fuch Subfcriptions, as in the faid Inftru- ' ftrument is more fully and at large fet forth : And whereas it is evident, that the faid principal Sum of

  • eight millions five hundred fifty-one thoufand fix hundred eighteen Pounds and fifteen Shillings was a

' miftaken principal Sum, for that the faid late Managers and Directors, or thofe imployed under them ' did in one of their Duplicates, containing Part of the faid eight millions five hundred fifty-one thoufand ' fix hundred eighteen Pounds and fifteen Shillings, and the Annuity to be paid to the faid Company ' thereupon (Page eighty) infert a fubfcribed Annuity of Sir Harcourt Ma/ier, as if the fame had been ' forty-five Pounds per Annum, and a Credit was taken therein of nine hundred Pounds Stock for the ' fame, although in Truth the Annuity which he actually fubfcribed, was no more than twenty-five 4 Pounds per Annum, and the Company's Stock for the fame fliould have been no more than five hundred e Pounds, and the Addition which ought to have been made to the faid Company's Annuity or yearly ' Fund in refpect thereof, ought to have been twenty-five Pounds per Annum, and no more :' Now for rectifying the Miftake laft mentioned, which tends to the Wrong and Prejudice of the Publick, and to the End the Publick may have Right done in refpecT: thereof, Be it further enacted by the Authority Treafury by Me- aforefaid, That the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, dorfed &T ma or ^ s High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall and may, by any proper Memorandum or Memoran- canfe 400 1. Part dums, to be endorfed or made upon the faid Inftrument, dated the twenty-eighth Day of September one of the Capital of thoufand feven hundred and twenty, and upon the Subfcription-Books, wherein the Errors or Miftakes 8,551,6181. 15s. laft mentioned are inferted or comprehended, caufe the Sum of four hundred Pounds, Part of the faid and sol. perAn- ca pltal Sum of eight millions five hundred fifty-one thoufand fix hundred eighteen Pounds and fifteen Izj'tfoL °Ss. Shillings, and twenty Pounds per Annum, Part of the faid Sum of four hundred twenty-feven thoufand t,d.'per Ann. to nve hundred eighty Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence per A?inu?n, to be abated and funk from be abated from the Feaft of the Annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary one thoufand feven hundred and twenty ; and 25 March 1720. if any Payment of the faid Sum of twenty Pounds per Annum has been received by the faid Company Money received, at the Exchequer, it is hereby enacted, That the Money fo received fhall be repaid into his Majefty's th ^E^r" 1 ' nt ° Exchequer, or be ftopt and refunded out of the next Payment to be there made to the faid Company. quer. t jy^ ^ n( j wnereas j t d th or may hereafter appear, that feveral other Miftakes and Errors have been ' or may have been committed in the Duplicates of the Subfcription-Books, tranfmitted to the Commif- ' fioners of his Majefty's Treafury for the Time being, by the late or prefent Managers for taking fuch

  • Subfcriptions, or in the Inftruments of the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury founded there-

' upon, in fome Cafes to the Wrong and Prejudice of the faid Company, and in other Cafes to the Pre- T ^eDu 1° *"" ' judice of the Publick :' Be it therefore further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may &c" e of" l ihe' : pre!'"k e ' aw f" u l to anu for the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the (eit or late Ma- High Treafurer for the Time being, to infpect and examine any the Duplicates which were tranfmitted nagers, by the prefent or late Managers for taking any Subfcriptions for increafing the Capital Stock of the faid Company, and if they or he fhall find any Errors or Miftakes therein to the Prejudice of the faid Com- pany or of the Publick, to rectify the fame, by making Additions to the Stock and Annuity of the faid and reftify Mif- Company, or by making Subftractions from the fame, as the Cafe may require, in fuch or the like Man- taket. ner as by this Act is prefcribed for rectifying the feveral Errors and Miftakes above in this Ad: particu- Scc the References l ar ly mentioned and expreffed. to the foregoing VV-TTT Cbdfter. CAP. XXIII. An Aft for prolonging the Times for hearing and determining Claims before the Truftees, in whom the Eftaces of the late South-Sea Directors, and of John Aijlabie, Efquire, and like- wife of James Crcggs, Efquire, deceafed, are veiled ; and for other Purpofes therein men- tioned. 7 Geo. 1. Stat, t.' I. "^T7 HERE AS by an Act of Parliament palled in the feventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, inti- «■ 28. ' YY tuled, An Ail for raifing Money upon the Eflates of the late Sub-Governor, Deputy-Governor, Dir Farther Provi- < rediors, Cajhier, Depuiy-Cafliier, and Accountant of the South-Sea Company, and of John Aiflabie, Efqidre,

  • heMatters 6 in ' an ^ ^-kewife of James Ci'aggs fen. Efquire, deceafed, towards making good the great Lofs and Damage fuf-

this Aft, ' tained by the faid Company ; and for dijabhng fuch of the faid Perfons as are living to hold any Office or Place of 9 Geo. 1. c. 6. ' Truft under the Crown, or to fit or vote in Parliament for the future ; and for other Purpofes in the faid A3 13 Geo. 1. c.ia. <■ expreffed; It is enacted (amongft other Things) That all and every the Real Eftate and Eftates what- ' foever, and of what Nature or Kind foever, and all Rights of Action, Ufes, Trufts, Powers and Au- ' thorities whatfoever, and all and every the Share and Shares in the Capital Stock or Stocks of any Cor- ' poration, Company or Society, and all Money due upon any Account or Accounts balanced or to be

  • balanced, and all other Debts and Securities for Debts, and all ready Monies, Goods, Merchandizes,

Perfonal Eftate and Effects whatfoever, of what Nature or Kind foever, which Sir John Fellows, Ba- f- rone