Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/468

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422 Anno nono Georgii Regis. A.D. 1722. Monies arifing from Sinking Fund, how ap- propriated, &c. tGeo c> 24. I.Stat, z. I Geo. 1, «• 35- Stat. 2. .3 Geo. 1. c. 17. and four Pence three Farthings, to be ilTued out of the fame as aforefaid, (if any fuch be) and all the Mo- nies from time to time arifmg of or for the faid Surpluffes, Exceffes and Overplus Monies, called the Sinking Fund, which hereafter fhall or ought to appear upon the making up and adjufting every half- yearly Account or State of the Produce of the fame as aforefaid. (except fuch Monies of the faid Sink- ing Fund, as are appropriated to any particular Ufe or Ufes by any other or former Act or Acts of Par- liament in that Behalf, and fhall be payable or demandable before the End of every fuch Half-year re- fpectively) fhall, from time to time, as the fame fhall arife at the faid Receipt of Exchequer, be iffued to fuch Paymafter as is herein after mentioned, by way of Impreft and upon Account, for and towards the paying off and difcharging the faid Exchequer-Bills, which fhall have been made forth by Virtue of this Act, in their due Courfe and Order as they fhall be numbred and itand in the faid Regifter, and for or towards the Charge of exchanging and circulating the faid Bills or any of them, and for or towards fuch other Payments as are in and by this Aft directed or allowed to be made or difcharged out of the fame, and for no other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever, until all the faid Bills fhall be paid off, dif- charged and cancelled, and the faid other Payments fhall be fatisfied, or Money fufficient fhall be referved for thofe Purpofes. " Treafury to appoint Perfons to difcharge Principal, arifing in Courfe of Payment, upon Exchequer- " Bills, &c. Surpluffes, &c. applied to the Difcharge of Exchequer-Bills, &c. _ Bills to be regiftred in " Courfe, &c. No undue Preference in Payment. Treafury to appoint Salaries, &c. Treafury may "' contrail: with Perfons for circulating and exchanging Bills for Money, &c. Contracts to be regiftred, " hfi. Contractors not liable to Bankruptcy, &c. for that Caufe only. No Fee, &c. to be taken in the " Exchequer for any thing there done in Purfuance of this Act, &c. Intereft upon Bills not^> be paid " to any Sum lefs than a Penny, C5V. Treafury may pay out of Sinking Fund, the Charges of making " forth new Bills, &c. Monies clue upon Bills loft, burnt or deftroyed, to be fatisfied upon Oath, b'c. " Bills paid off to be cancelled, &c." EXP. XXXIV. Provided always, and it is hereby likewife enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Monies arifen or to arife into the Exchequer of or for the faid Surpluffes, Exceffes and Overplus Monies, commonly called the Sinking Fund (except fuch Monies thereof as are by this or any Act or Acts of this or any former Seffion or Seffions of Parliament, fpecially charged upon the faid Sinking Fund, or to be paid out of the fame, or out of any Revenues or Branches compofing the faid Sinking Fund) fhall be ap- propriated, referved and employed, to and for difcharging the Principal and Intereft of fuch national Debts and Incumbrances as were incurred before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, and are declared to be fuch national Debts as may be redeemed, and are provided for by Act of Parliament^ in fuch Manner and Form as fhall be directed and appointed by any future Act or Acts of Parliament to be difcharged therewith, or out of the fame, and to none other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever ; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. ' XXXV. And whereas by an Act of Parliament of the firft Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An AEl for appointing Commiffioners to take, exa?nine and Ji ate the Debts due to the Army, feveral Perfons therein named were conftituted Commiffioners for taking and fiating the Accounts, Claims and De- mands therein mentioned, which Act was to endure from the tenth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen to the tenth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen ; and by another Act of the firft Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A£i to appoint a Commijfioner for taking, examining andjiating the Debts due to the Army, in the room of Thomas Smith, Efq; deceafed ; and for continuing the former Ail until the tenth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, feveral Perfons therein named, were conftituted Commiffioners, with Power to proceed in the examining and ftating the Accounts, and to do other Things therein mentioned, from the ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen to the tenth Day of March then next following : And by an Ait of the third Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Acl to enable his Maje/ly to appoint Commiffioners to take, examine, ftate and determine the Debts due to the Army, it was enacted, That it fhould and might be lawful for his Majefty to grant to any Perfons (whom his Majefty fhould think fit, not exceeding the Number of feven) his Commiffion under the Great Seal of Great Britain, with full Power, at any Time before the tenth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen, to take, examine and ftate the Debts then remaining due to the Army ; and that it fhould and might be lawful to and for the Commiffioners fo to be conftituted, or any four or more of them, to proceed to determine fuch Ac- counts, Claims and Demands, as had been taken and ftated by the Commiffioners appointed by the faid former Acts, or any four or more of them, and alfo to take, ftate and determine fuch of the faid Ac- counts, Claims and Demands, as were not fo taken and ftated, and after fuch Determinations refpec- tively, to certify the fame to the Paymafter of his Majefty's Forces for the Time being, or to the then late Paymafter or Paymafters for fuch relpective Times as they were employed or concerned in the Pay- ment of her late Majefty's Forces, and in which the faid Debts, Claims or Demands became due and were contracted, and what fhould remain due upon fuch refpective Accounts, Claims or Demands, and to whom the fame was refpectively due, in order to the faid Paymafters making out Debentures to the Officers, Engineers, Gunners, and other Perfons, to whom the Monies fo certified to be due fhouldi: refpectively belong, which faid Debentures the faid Paymafter or Paymafters refpectively, were thereby directed and required to make out accordingly : And that the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, fhould order and appoint fuch a Form and Method of making out the faid Debentures, as might beft tend to prevent the counterfeiting ' oi