Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/621

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A. D. 1725. Anno duodecimo Georgi i Reg's. 27. c8-? »t« on Snuff . led. of Parliament, fo far as they relate to the Afcertaining the Value of Snuff imported, according Co Oaths or Affirmations of the Importers, fhall, from and after the laid thirty-lirfl Day of Mas one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-iix, be and are hereby repealed and made void. III. And be it further enadlcd by the Authoiity aforefaid, That in Lieu of the (aid former Rates and Snuffio pay • fc Duties ad Valorem, repealed by thid Aa, all Siiulf which (hall, at any Time or Times, after the laid thir- oldSubf " J y- ty-firlt Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-iix, be imported into any Port or Place within this Kingdom, (hall, upon the Importation thereof, be rated to, and pay the old Subfidy granted by the Aa of Tonnage and Poundage, made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, i 2 Car. 2. c .<i» according to the feveral Rates and Values herein after mentioned, (and not according to the Values fworn to or affirmed by the Importers) that is to fay, All Snuff imported in Britijl) Ships, from any of the Briti/h Plantations in America, or from any Part of the Spanijh H'cjl-Indies, fhall be rated at two Shillings and fix Imported from Pence for every Pound Weight Avoirdupois, and in that Proportion for any greater or lefs Quantity ; and America at «, all Snuff imported from Italy, Spain, Portugal and all other foreign Parts, except France, fhafi be rated at 6li - i ir:b - five Shillings for every Pound Weight Avoirdupois, and in that Proportion for any greater or lefs Quantity. '""" J '- ll >'» ,S:c » IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Cafes where any of the faid Sorts 5 of Snuff are by Law fubje<ft or liable to the Payment of the further Subfidy, the one third Subfidy, the two ^' l | ,LTSuV !' 3 y» thirds Subfidy, the additional Impoft, or any of them, according to the refpeaive Values fet thereon for according to'the the faid old Subfidy, or in Propoition thereto, the fame (hall, from and after the thirty-fuft Day of May Value ft? for the- one thoufand feven hundred and twenty : fix, be paid proportionably, according to the particular Value old Subfidy.. fet thereon for the old Subfidy aforefaid, and not according to the Oath or Affirmation of the Importer; any Thing in the refpeaive Acls, which granted the faid Duties, or in any other Aa to the contrary not- withstanding. V. And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid, That upon the Exportation of any of the faid Drawback of all Sorts of Snuff, within the Time allowed by Law, the Duties paid or fecurcd for the fame at Importation the Duties, coc- as aforefaid, (hall be drawn back or allowed to the Exporter, on a proper Debenture to be. made forth for ct 'P t old Suo"<*7' that Purpofe, except the old Subfidy. VI. And be it enaaed and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral Subfidies, Impofitions Duty how to br- and Duties upon the faid feveral Sorts of Snuff fhall be paid or fecured, and fhall be raifed, levied and col- levied.. kaed in fuch Manner and Form, and by fuch Ways and Means, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and with fuch Difcounts, Allowances and Drawbacks (except as herein is excepted) as are mentioned and . expreffed in the feveral Aas of Parliament, which granted or continued the fame refpeaively ; and all Powers, Penalties, Provifions, Articles and Claufes therein contained (except in fuch Cafes where any Alteration is made by this Act) fhall continue in full Force and Effea, during the Continuance of the faid refpeaive Subfidies, Impofitions and other Duties, and fhall be applied, praaifed and executed for the railing, levying, colkaing, fecuring, anfwering paying and appropriating the faid refpeaive Subfidies, Impofitions and other Duties, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this prefent AQc, as fully and effeaually, to all Intents and Purpoles, as if the faid Claufes, Matters and Things had been repeated and enaaed in the Body of this prefent ASt; any Law or other Matter or Thing to the contrary notwith- ftanding. ' VII. And whereas by an Aft made in the tenth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for en- Encouragem-n- ' couraging the Greenland Fifhery, it was enacted, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of December one to the Greenland: - ' thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, it fhould and might be lawful for any of his Majefty's Britijh FHhery, by 10 ' Subjeas, for and during the Space of (even Years, to import Whalefins, Oil and Blubber of Whales Geo '/ c *$? ' taken and caught in the Greenland Seas, in Britijh Ships, navigated according to Law, without paying any "^"stf-eights^ f Cuftom, Subfidy or other Duties for the fame, the Captain, Mailer or other Commanding Officer of the for 7 years. Ship nr Veffel importing the fame fir ft making Oath as therein is direaed, That all the Whalefins, Oil Su farther or Blubber of Whales 5 Cc °- *■ '■ *&• only, whereof the Cap- * C "' 2 ' Cl " All r 1 V - '1 Gc-O. 2. C. Zl 45- ' and Blubber imported in fuch Ship or Veffel was really and bona fide the Fins, Oil ' caught and taken in the faid Greenland Seas by the Crew of fuch Ships and Veffels i ' tain or Mafter and one third Part at leaft of the Mariners were Britijh Subjeas: And whereas feveral of »»<?»! » ' his Majefty's Britijh Subjeas do fifti with Britijh Ships and Veffels in the Sireights, commonly called Da- 2S Geo. »!'<•'. 20, ' vis's Strcights, and the Seas thereto adjoining;' Be it declared and enaaed, f 3c. EXP. C A P. XXVII. An A6t for vePdng in his Majefty an Impofition of two Pennies Scots upon all Ale and Beer brewed and fold in the City of Glaf^ow and Privileges thereof, for fatisfying the Damages and Loffes which Daniel Campbell, Efq; lately flittered in a Riot there. P R. O S T Gracious Sovereign ; Whereas their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, and her late Majefty Queen Anne, and the States of Parliament of Scotland, in the Years one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-three and one thoufand feven hundred and five, did grant and continue to the City . of Glafgow an Impofition of two Pennies Scots (over and above the Duties then payable to the Crown) upon each Pint of Ale and Beer to be brewed, in brought, vended, tapped and fold within the faid City, and other Places in the faid A6t mentioned, for feveral Terms of Years fince expired : And by an Aa of 6 the