Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/625

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A. D. 1725. Anno duodecimo i i Rcgk C. 28. 5S7 Cafks or other Package containing the fame, and put into proper Warehoufc! ; and I are hereby impowered to caufe fuch Wines, inftcad ol theii being {raved, i; fherwifc d , by Virtue of the laid Act of the fixth Year of his Maji fty's Reign, to he publii kly fold, in into Brandy, or to be made into Vinegar, taking fumcient Security to his Majefty' Ufe, ) be not made ufe of for any other Purpofe whatfoever ; fuch Security to be difi harged on a cate, that fuch Wines have been fo made ufe of within three Months afi n ,; vcrcd out of fuch Warehoufes ; and the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms fhall caufe th Pn without Fee or Reward, to he paid to the Merchant, or other Perfon, as a Compenfation for tl and other Charges of fuch Wine, not exceeding the Allowances aforefaid ; and in cafe there (hall 1 Overplus arifing by fuch Sale, beyond the faid Allowances for Freight, and other Charges, the laid Com miffioners fhall caufe the fame to be replaced to the Duties, out of which the Charge;, ol Warehoufc I an 1 other Charges attending the keeping and felling the faid Wines, arc or fhall be paid ; any Law, Cuftom or Ufagc to the contrary notwithstanding. I. C 10. 17 Ceo. 1. c. 40. IS Ceo. z. c. 9. 26 Ceo. », c. is, 3 C t, 2. e. 19. 32 (,,■.. '-. t ig. ' XXf. And whereas great Sums of Money arc piidoutof his Majeftj's Duties of Cuftoms on Account ' ' of Debentures for Tobacco, and other foreign Goods and Merchandizes fhipt for Exportation to the I; 1 Man,; and it being found by Experience, that the grcatcft Part of fuch Tobacco, an I other foreign Com ' modifies, are fhipt fot the ljlc of Man, withnooih r Intent than fraudulently to reland the fame on the ' Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, by which evil Practices his Majefty's Revenues of Cuftoms are very .6.

  • much leflenedj and the fair Traders prejudiced and difcou raged in their Trade :' For Remedy wheicof, be

it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Drawback fhall be allowed for any Tobacco, or other for Goods or Commodities whatfoever, exported after the twenty-fourth Day of July in the Year of our Lot i one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix, from Great Britain or Ireland to the IJle of Man ; any Law, Cuff, m or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. XXII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Tobacco, Wine, Brandy, Eq/i- No Commodi- India, or other Goods or Commodities whatfoever, other than fuch as are of the Growth, Product or Ma- : nufaaureof the IJle of Man, fhall be brought from the faid Ifland, after the faid twenty-fourth Day of * e t °™^' e b ; f c " July, into the Kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland, or within the Limits of any Port thereto belonging, p,[ an ' t0 l( . on any Pretence whatfoever ; and in cafe any Ship, Veffel or Boat, having on Board any fuch Goods brought broui ht into from the faid IJle of Man (except as aforefaid) fhall be found within the Limits of any Port of Great Bri- Great Britain or tain or Ireland, c r difcovercd to have been within the Limits of any Port of Great Britain or Ireland as afore- IrJ -" K '- faid, whether Bulk has been broke or not, having fuch Goods on Board as aforefaid, fuch Ship, Veffel or Penalty. Boat, together with the Tackle, Apparel and Furniture, and alfo ail fuch Goods fo found en Board, or the Value thereof, fhall be forfeited and loft ; and every Perfon who fhall take any fuch Commodities (except as aforefaid) out of any Ship, Veffel or Boat, coming from the IJle of Man, within the Limits of any Port as aforefaid, or carry the fame on Shore, or convey the fame from the Shore when landed, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, or be aiding or aflifling therein, fhall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds, or fuffer fix Months Imprifonment, at the Difcretion of the Court, in which he fhall be convicted of fuch Offence. XXIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Merchant or other Perfon Entrin- foreign fhall, after the faid four and twentieth Day of July one thoufand f«ven hundred and twenty-fix, enter any Goods for Ex- foreign Goods for Exportation, to Parts beyond the Seas, other than to the faid ljlc of Man, in order to ob- pcrtation, to ob- tain the Drawback for the fame, and fuch Goods fhall neverthelefs be carried to the faid Ifland and there :,1M •'■ ' landed, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, that then and in fuch Cafe, the Exporter of b ?*j" d J fuch Goods fhall forfeit the Drawback, or the Amount thereof, paid or to be paid for the fame, as alfo the c t of M an> ' treble Value of the faid Goods ; and the Mailer of the Ship or Veffel on Board which fuch Goods fliall be ujePenalty.' fhipt and landed as aforefaid, fhall be fubjeft and liable to the fame Penalties and Forfeitures, and fhall alfo fuffer fix Months Imprifonment, without Bail cr Mainptize. XXIV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid four and twentieth ]fl.- of M-.n to Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix, the ljlc of Alan fliall be added to and included in be added :o the the Oath, upon all Debentures for foreign Goods exported, whereon the Exporter is to fwear that fuch p" h ln a „" Dc " Goods are not landed, or intended to be landed in Great Britain, or Ireland reflectively, without which the '™ n : , Officers of the Cuftoms fhall not fuffer the Debentures to pals ; any Law or Cuftom to the contrary not- exerted. ' withftanding XXV. And for the better enabling his Majefty to prevent the faid Frauds and Abufes, in the exporting Treafury in B=- or importing Goods and Merchandizes to and from the IJle of Alan, Be it further enacted by the Authority half of the aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury now or down, m.iy for the Time being, or any three or more of them, or the Lord High Treasurer for the Time being, on the "•"'; ,crthe Behalf of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and alfo to and for the Right Honourable James Earl of'ij^ t ^~ Derby, his Tenants or Affigns, the Right Honourable John Lord JJhburnham, for and on Behalf of his jfl e . Daughter Henrietta Bridget JJhkurnham, an Infant, Bryan Fairfax, Efquire, Truftee for the faid Infant, or • the Survivor of them, and all or any other Perfon or Perfons claiming or to claim by, from, or under the • faid Ea: ! „ or any of his Anceftors, to treat, contract and agree for the abfolute Purchafe or Sale, Releafe or Surrender, to or for the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, of all or any Eftate, Right, Title or Intereft, which he the faid Earl, his Tenant, the faid Henrietta Bridget Ajlibumham, or fuch other Per- -fon or Perfons now have or claim, or can or may have or claim in or to the laid Ifland or Lprdfhip ot Man, or in or to all or any Regalities, Powers, Honours, Superiorities, Jurisdictions, Rights, Privileges, Duties, Cuftoms, Revenues, Profits, or other Advantages whatfoever, in, over or about the faid IJianaof Man, or -its Dependencies, for fuch Sum or Sums of Money, or upon fuch other Terms or Conditions as they fhall 4 F 2 think