Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/651

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A. D. 1726, Anno dccimo tertio Georgii Regis. C. c, 6. 61 «  Mcafurc 4<r/. For every Quarter of Oats, Barley or Malt, 2 a. For every Quarter of Wheat, Rvc, I ' fledine or any other Grain, 37. For every Ton of Salt 4 a. For three Hogfheads of Sugar, Tobacco, Molofles or Hogfheads packed with other Goods 4 d. For three Puncheons of Liquor 4 d. for four II- Mololles or Hogflicads packed with other Goods 4 d. For three Puncheons of Liquor 4 d. for four Hog {heads of Wine, Spirits or other Liquor 4 c/. For eight Barrels of Sope, Raifins, Oil, Pit* h. Tar or packed with other diy Goods 4^/. For every Butt of Currans or two Half-Butts 4^/. For two Pipes of Smyrna Raifins . 1 d. For iixtecn Bags of Nails 4 <7. For every Ton of Iron or Lead 4 d. For thirty-two Firkii of Butter 4 d. For twenty hundred of Cheefe 5 d. For every Ton of Timber or Stone d. For every thou- fand of Bricks d. and of Tiles 6 <-/. For twenty fin dc Deal Boards 1 d. and double Boards 2 d. For two Bags of Hops 4 d. For every Quarter of Oatmeal id. For every Pair of Millftones is. For fixty Bunches of Laths 6,7. For every hundred of Faggots 1 d. For every hundred of Pails, Barrel or I loglhead Staves i d. For every hundnd of Handfpikes 1 d. For twenty Poles 1 d. For every Dozen of Cynders or Char- coal 1 d. For every Hide 1 q. For twenty Shecp-fkins 2 q. For ever thoufand of Turfs 2 q. For every Quarter of Bark 2 q. For every Pack of Wool or other Goods id. For twelve Dozen of Bottles 2 <7. For every Cafe or Cheft of Glals 2 d. For every thoufand of Firkin Staves .1 d. For every Dozen of coarfc Earthen Ware 1 q. For every Dozen of Shovels 2 q. For four Bufhels of Roots or Fruit 2 q. For every Dozen of Calve-fkins 1 d. For every hundred of Thatch d. For every Chaldron of Lime or Ton of Sand 2d. For every Bundle of Hoops 2 q. For every Dozen of Chairs 1 d. For every fmall Rundlet of Liquor not exceeding ten Gallons 1 q. For every fmall Calk, Box, Trufs or Parcel, not exceeding one hundred Weight 1 q. Corporation to appoint Collectors. Corporation to audit the Collectors Accounts. Mafter, &c. to deliver in Writing an Account of Goods, &c. to Collectors, and pay what due for the Lading. Corporation to fix Cranes, &c. Offices to be erected on the Old Wafte. Corporation may aflign over the Duty for Money to be borrowed. Not to take away any of the old Duties payable to the Corporation. Corporation may turn the Waters fome other Way, during the Cleanfing the Beck, making Satisfaction to the Owners. Penalty for throwing Rubbifh into the Beck 20 s. Corporation may remove Shelve: , and deepen the River. Quarter- Seffions may appoint Perfons to clean the Streets. 6d. per Pound to Su iS C«. 2. be laid on the Inhabitants, &c, c - >3- CAP. V. An A61 for importing Salt from Europe into the Province of Penfihania in America. 'HE RE AS the River Dalawar, Bay and Coaft of the Province of Penfihania in America, and the Seas adjoining are very commodioufly fituated for carrying on the Fifhing Trade, and they

  • abound with great Quantities of Shad, Sturgeon, Bafs and feveral other Kinds of Filh, which may be
  • catched and cured, and made fit for Foreign Markets, whereby the Trade of Great Britain and the In-

' habitants of the faid Province would reap confiderable Benefit, which would enable the faid Inhabitants

  • to purchafe more of the BritiJJj Manufactures for their Ufe, than at prefent they are able, by reafon of

' the little Trade and Produce the faid Province affords, were it permitted for his Majefty's Subjefts to im- ' port Salt from Europe into the faid Province for the Curing of their Fifh withal, in the like Manner as is ' pra£tifed in New England and Newfound/and, by Virtue of an Ac! of Parliament made in the fifteenth 15 Car. 2. c. -p, ' Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, for that Purpofe : And whereas formerly the Northern f - 7- ' Parts of America were comprehended under the General Name of New England, but fince have been di- ' vided into feveral Provinces and Colonies, and bear other diftindf. Names, which occafions a Doubt whe- ' ther Salt can be imported into them, without the further Aid of Parliament, by which a very confiderable ' and beneficial Fifhery might be carried on there, to the great Benefit of your Majefty's Subjects in general ;' May it therefore pleafe your molt Excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted, and be it enadted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiruual and Temporal and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after , * e J z £ ]^ ne ¥ , the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven,' it fha]l and may be lawful belmported to and for any of his Majefty 's Subjects to carry and import Salt from any Part of Europe, into the Pro- fmm Europe to vince of Penfihania in America, in Britifo Ships and VefTels, manned and navigated according to the Act of Penfilvania, in Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ad for the Bril,ft shiys ' Encouraging and Increafinp of Shipping; and Navigation ; any Law, Statute, Ufage or Curtom to the contrary I? c ? r ' c- ', 8 " °-,-' s -.L/1 ]■ . ' F artier Frcv;fi- in any wile notwithstanding. 0J!I rc!a;ingt0 ' Plantation;, ^Geo. a. c. 12 & 1%. ^.Geo.i. c. 15. 5 Get). 2. c. 7 fisf 9. 6C«, j, [. 13, 8 Geo. 2. c. 19, Iz Geo. z, c. 30. 15 Ga. zrc. 3l£f 33. iqGeo. 2, c. 51 & 53. 29 Geo. 2. c. 5, Gf 35. ar.d 30 Geo. z. c. 9, CAP. VI. An Ad for making more effectual an Ac! palled in the third Year of his Majefty's Reign, in- tituled, An Act for the Prefervaiion and Improvement of the River Wear, and Port and Haven of Sunderland, in the County of Durham. P R. HERE AS by an Act palled in the third Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An 3 Geo. i.e.?. Aclfor Prefervation and Improvement of the- River Wear, and Port and Haven of Sunderland, in ». private Ad,. ' the County of Durham, divers Perfons in the faid Ac! named were made, cpnftituted and appointed Com- 4 miffioners for putting the faid Ac! into Execution, for the Purpofes in the faid Ac! mentioned; and where- ' as the faid Commiffioners in Execution of the Powers by the faid Ac! given to them have at a very great ' Expence begun to erect a Pier at the Mouth of the faid River, en the South Side thereof, and have car-

  • ■ ried the fame two hundred and feventy-feven. Yards or thereabouts,, towards the Sea ; and it is found ne-

' cellar/,