Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/654

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6i6 C. 8. Anno decimo tertio Georgii Regis, A, D= 1726, one hundred and twenty-five thoufand Pounds, due and payable to the Landgrave of HeJJ'e Caffel, for raifino- .main aining and keeping a Body of twelve thoufand Men for his Majefty's Service, purfuant to the Treaty between his Majefty and the faid Landgrave of HeJJ'e CaJJcl, dated the twelfth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty- five-fix ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding one hundred and fe- venty thoufand Pounds, upon Account for the Subfidy to the Landgrave of Hejfe CaJJ'el, and the Pay of twelve thoufand of his Forces to be taken into his Majefty's Service, and the Pay of a Lieu enant General to command the faid twelve thoufand Men, and for Forage- Money, Waggon -Money, and other neceflary Charges relating thereunto, purfuant to the faid Treaty; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding one hundred fixty thoufand three hundred and fix Pounds feventeen Shillings and five Pence Farthing, to- wards making good the Deficiency of the Grants for the Service of the Year one thoufand lev^n hundred and twenty- fix. And fuch Sums XXXII. And be it enacted, That out of the faid Aids or Supplies, there fliall and may be, from Time or Money as i0 Xime, iiTued and'applied fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as fhall be neceflary for and towards anfwering - - e " ece " and defraying fuch Ex pences and Engagements, as have at any Time been, or fhall before or until the inefucJiEx- twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and twenty- feven, be made by his Majefty, in peaces as fhall concerting fuch Meafures as he in his great Wifdom thinks will beft conduce to the Security of the Trade bemide before and Navigation of this Kingdom, and to the preferving and reftoring the Peace of Europe. 25 Dec. 1727. XXXIII. And be it enacted, That the faid Aids or Supplies provided as aforefaid, lhall not be ifliied or y >si aje y- applied to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever, other than the Ufes and Purpoies before-mentioned, or tl uf° ^ 0T l ' le f evera i Deficiencies before directed to be fatisfied out of the faid Loans or Exchequer-Biils, by any particular Claufe or Claufes for that Purpofe contained in this Aft, or in any other Aft of this prefent Sef- iion of Parliament. Rules to be ob- XXXIV. And as to the faid Sum of fixty thoufand Pounds by this Aft appropriated, on Account of ferved m the Half-pay as aforefaid, it is hereby enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rules herein 4e P Haif "a ° f after P re f cr 'ked, fhall be duly obferved in the Application thereof; that is to fay, That no Perfon fhall have p y " or receive any Part of the fame, who was a Minor, under the Age of fixteen Years, at the Time when the Regiment, Troop or Company in which he ferved was reduced ; that no Perfon fhall have or receive any Part of the fame, except fuch Perfons who did aftual Service in fome Regiment, Troop or Company; that no Perfon having any other Place or Employment of Profit, Civil or Military, under his Majefty, fliall have or receive any Part of the Half-pay ; that no Chaplain of any Garriion or Regiment, who has any Ecclefiaftical Benefice in Great Britain or Ireland, fhall have or receive any of the faid Half-pay; that no Perfon fhall have or receive any Part of the fame who hath refigned his Commiffion, and has had no Commiflion fince ; that no Part of the fame fhall be allowed to any Perfon by Virtue of any Warrant or Appointment, except to fuch Perfons who would have been otherwife enti.led to the fame, as reduced Of- ficers ; and that no Part of the fame fhall be allowed to any of the Officers of the five Regiments of Dra- goons, and eight Regiments of Foot, lately difbanded in Ireland, except to fuch as were lately taken off the, Eftablifhment of Half- pay in Great Britain. How the Over- ' XXXV. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of his Majefty's Reign, for plus of 73,0001. ' granting an Aid to his Majefty by laying a Duty upon all Viftuallers, and Retailers of Beer and Aie with-! appropriated for c j n the Cities of London and IVeJlminfter, and the weekly Bills of Mortality, for the Service of the Year lhall be ^npiied' ' one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix, and for other Purpofes therein exprefled, feveral Supplies isCeo.i.c. ij. ' which have been granted to his Majefty, as is therein mentioned, were appropriated to feveral Ufes and ' Purpofes therein exprefled, among which any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding feventy-three thou- ' fand Pounds, upon Account of Half-pay, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix, was ' appropriated to be paid to the reduced Officers of his Majefty's Land-Forces and Marines, fubjeft never- ' thelefs to fuch Rules to be obferved in the Application of the faid Half-pay, as in and by the aforefaid Aft ' were preicribed in that Behalf;' Now it is hereby provided, enafted and declared by the Authority afure- faid, That fo much of the faid Sum of feventy-three thoufand Pounds, as is or fhall be more than fuffi- cient to fatisfy the faid reduced Officers accord ng to the faid Rules, by the faid Aft prefcribed to be ob- ferved in the Application thereof, or any Part of fuch Overplus, fhall or may be difpofed to fuch Officers who are maimed, or loft their Limbs in the late Wars, or to fuch others, as by Reafon of their long Ser- vice or otherwife, his Majefty fhall judge to be proper Objects of Charity, or to the Widows or Children of fuch Officers, according to fuch Warrantor Warrants, under his Majefty's Royal Sign Manual, as fliall be figned in that Behalf; any Thing in this Aft or the faid former Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. " Duplicates of Exchequer-Bills, Lottery-Tickets, or Orders, loft or deftroyed, to be made forth at the " Exchequer. Claufe in Eafe of Clerks, or Apprentices, whofe Indentures, &c. were not ftamped in " due Time, &c." EXP. C A P. VIII. An Act to enable the South-Sea Company, with the Licence and Confent of the Eafl-Indi'i Company, to take in Negroes within their Limits of Trade, and to deliver the fame at" Buenos Ayres. ' ■"■• "^i|7^EREAS the Ifland of Madagafcar is within the Limits of Trade granted to the unifed Com- VV pany of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indies, commonly called the Eajl-India Cotn- ' pany : And whereas the Port of Buenos Ayres in America, is within the Limits of Trade granted to the Go- ' vernor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, and other Parts of America^ ' and for encouraging the Fifhery, commonly called the South- Sea Company: And whereas the Tranfporta-

  • tion of Negroes from the faid Ifland of Madagafcar to Buenos Ayres, may become a very beneficial Branch

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