Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/657

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A. D. 1726. Anno dccimo tcrtio Georgi 1 Regis. C. 21. 619 § till they are repaid : Cv the Participants may bring their Action at Law againft the Corporation. The new River, as well as the River Dun from Wilfick downwards, fuhjcdt to the Commiflioners of Sewera. K I . prejudice the Right of the Mayor, tsfc. of Tori, or to hinder the Owners of Lands lying on the River, from erecting Warehouses, tsV. on their own Lands. Undertakers not to erect Warehoufes, &c. in the Townlhip of B'armby. They are to make a Bridge at Rarmby. Commiflioners may nominate new Com- miflioners in the Place of Perfons dying or refufing to act. Undertakers may make Towing -Paths fet up Winches: They are to fet up Gates, Bridges and Stiles in the Towing-Paths, ani make Brii over the new Cuts, for the Ufe of the Land-Owners. No Meeting of Commiflioners above fix Milts from the Matter in Queftion. Matters refponfible for Damages done by their Boats or Crew. If any Boatn n palling any Lock, lha.ll not {hut it, tiff, he (hall forfeit 10s. Owner's Name to be fet on the omfi le ol th : yeflel. Opening the Locks forfeits iox. to the Poor. All Perfons to have free Paffage on the River, pay- ing the Duties. Owners of Lands, &c. may ufe Pkafure Boats on the River. Saving all Liberies of Filhing and Fowling. River Dun, between Holmflile and Wilfick Houfe, not under the Commi.lionei f Sewers : But they {hall have" the lame Power down from Wilfick to the River Ouze as before. Not to - '. trge the Tenants of the Crown, or Refiants of Hatfield in Com Ebor', with any Duties, but the Lock Dues. The Locks fhall be opened for Boats which have paid the Duties, &c. Commiflioners may appoint Per- fons to meafure the Boats. Perfons receiving Damage by the Undertakers, Commiffioner« to affels the Da- mage by a Jury. If the Undertakers do not pay the Afleflment, Commiflioners may i titute a Perfon to receive the Duties to the Ufe of the Sufferers. Corporation may engage the Profits for Money to be bor- rowed. The Water-Engines for fupplying Doncojler with Water, not to be prejudiced till Proprietors fa- Explained and tisfied. amended by 6Ge '■<)■ CAP. XXI. An Act for granting to his Majefty the Sum of three hundred and feventy thoufand Pounds, to be raifed by Loans, or Exchequer Bil's, to be charged on the Surplus Monies of the Du- ' ties on Coals and Culm, granted by an AcT: of the fifth Year of his Majeily's Reign, for a Term of Years, and fince made perpetual.

  • ]/T OS T Gracious Sovereign; Whereas by an Act of Parliament made and palled in the ninth Year s ee i Ceo. 5
  • JlVJL of her late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Acl for granting to her Majejly fever al Duties upon Coals, j} a t. ». c. S.

' for building fifty neiv Churches in and about the Cities of London and Weftminikr, and Suburbs thereof; and 4 other Purpojes therein mentioned, it was enacted, That for all Sorts of Coals and Cum, which from and

  • after the twenty-eighth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, and before the twenty-

' eighth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, fhould be imported and brought f into the Port of the City of London, or the River of Thames, within the Liberty of the faid City upon the

  • fame River, there fnould be paid to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, by way of Impofition there-
  • upon (over and befides all other Impofitions and Duties) according to the Rates herein after mentioned ;

' that is to fay, For all fuch Sorts of Coals and Culm as are ufually fold by the Chalder, for every Chalder

  • thereof, containing thirty-h' Bufhels Winchefer Meafure, the Sum of three Shillings ; and for fuch Sort
  • of Conls as are fold by the Ton, for every Ton thereof, containing twenty hundred Weight, the Sum of

three Shillings; all the Produce of which faid Impofition on Coals and Culm was thereby appropriated for ' the building of fifty new Churches, in or near the Cities of London and Weftminfier, or the Suburbs thereof;

  • -- and other Purpofes therein mentioned : And whereas by an Act of Parliament made and palled in the firft 1

Year of your Majeily's Reign, the faid Impofitions and Duties on Coals and Culm were further granted to your Majefty, from the twenty-feventh Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and .twenty-four, to Geo. T. Stat. Reign, intituled, An Ail for continuing certain Duties upon Coals and Culm, and for cftablijhing certain Funds ' to raije Money, as ivell to proceed in the building of neiv Churches, as alfo to compleat the Supply granted to his ' Alaje/ly, and to referue the Overplus Monies of the faid Duties for the Dtfpefition of Parliament, and for mere ' effeitual fupprefiing private Lotteries, the fame Impofitions and Duties were granted to your Majefty, from

  • the twenty-feventh Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, to the Feaft of the An-

' nunciation of the BlelTed Virgin Mary, which fhould be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hun- ' dred and fifty-one, and were thereby charged with a particular Fund of twenty-one thoufand Pounds per ' Annum for thirty-two Years, from the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, ' forthe railing the Sum of three hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, in Lieu of the Provifions by the former 4 Acts, for the building of the faid Churches, and other Purpofes before mentioned, and were by the fame ' Act further charged with another particular Fund of thirty thoufand five hundred and fifty-nine Pounds ' fourteen Shillings per Annum, for the like Term of thirty-two Years, from the faid twenty-fifth Day of

  • March one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, for the paying off and difcharging the Sum of five hun-

' dred thoufand Pounds, with Intereft at four Pounds per Centum per Annum, forthe fortunate Tickets in ' the Lottery eftablilhed by the faid laft mentioned Act ; and in and by the faid laft mentioned Act, it was

  • enacted, That all the Surplus, Excefs or Overplus Monies, which fhould quarterly arife by the faid -Duties

' on Coals and Culm (over and above fo much as fliould be fuflicient to difchatge the feveral annual or other c Sums thereby charged thereon) and all the Surplus, which fhould remain after the faid Sum of_ three hun-

  • dred and fixty thoufand Pounds, to be charged on the faid particular Fund of twenty-one thoufand Pounds
  • per Annum, and the Principal and Intereft, to be charged on the faid particular Fund of thirty thoufand
  • five hundred and fifty-nine Pounds fourteen Shillings per Annum, fhould be entirely paid off, difcharged

4. K 2 ' and Geo. 1, c.