Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/685

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A.D.1728, Anno primo Georgii II. Stat. 2. C. S. 647 for building fifty new Churches in and about the Cities of London and Wcflminfler and Suburbs thereof, and other Purpojes therein mentioned, it was enacted, That for all Sorts of Coals and Culm, which from and after the twenty-eighth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, and before the twenty- eighth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-lour, fhould b-r imported and brought into the Port of the City of London, or the River of Thames, within the Liberty of the faid City upon the fame River, there fhould be paid to her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccelTors, by way of Impcfition there- upon (over and befides all other Impofitions and Duties) according to the Rates herein after mentioned ; that is to fay, For all inch Sorts of Coals and Culm as are ufually fold by the Chalder, for every Chalder thereof, containing thirty-fix Bufnels Winchefler Meafure, the Sum of three Shillings ; and for fuch Sorts of Coals as are fold by the Ton, for every Ton thereof, containing twenty hundred Weight, the Sum of three Shillings ; all the Produce of which laid Impofition on Coals and Culm was thereby appropriated for the building of fifty new Churches, in or near the Cities aR London and Wcflminfler, or the Suburbs thereof, and other Purpofes therein mentioned : And whereas by an Act of Parliament made and parted in the firft Year of the Reign of your Majeffy's Royal Father, King George the Firft, of glorious Memory, the faid i Ceo. i. Stat.*. Impofitions and Duties upon Coals and Culm were further granted to his faid late Majefty, from the c - : > twenty-feventh Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, to the twenty-eighth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and twenty five, and the whole Produce thereof applied for the making Provifion for theMinifters of the faid fifty new Churches, and other Purpofes therein mentioned : And whereas by an Aft of Parliament of the fifth Year of his faid late Majefty 's Reign, intituled, An $ Geo. z. c 9. Ail for continuing certain Duties upon Coals and Culm, and for ejlablijhing certain Funds to raifi Money, as well to proceed in the building of new Churches, as alfo to complcat the Supply granted to his Majrjiy, and to referve the Overplus Monies of the faid Duties for the Difpojition of Parliament, and for more ejfielual fup- preffing private Lotteries, the fame Impofitions and Duties were granted to his Majefty, from the twenty- feventh Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, to the Feaft of the Annunciation of the Blefled Virgin Mary which fhould be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- one, and were thereby charged with aparticular Fund of twenty-one thoufand Pounds per Annum for thirty- two Years, from the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand (even hundred and nineteen, for the raifing from Time to Time, by Loans at the Exchequer, on the Credit of the faid Fund, as the fame fhould be wanted, the Sum of three hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, in lieu of the Provifions by the former Acts for the building the faid Churches, and other Purpofes before-mentioned ; and the fame Impofitions or Duties were by the fame Act further charged with another particular Fund of thirty thoufand five hun- dred and fifty-nine Pounds fourteen Shillings per Annum, for the like Term of thirty -two Years, from the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, for the paying off" and difchar- ging the Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, with the Intereft at four Pounds per Centum per Annum, for the fortunate Tickets in the Lottery eftablifhed by the faid laft mentioned Act : And whereas by a fubfe- 6 Geo. 1. c. 4. quent Act of Parliament made in the iixth Year of his faid late Majefty 's Reign, for enabling the South-Sea Company to enlarge the Capital Stock and Fund of the faid Company, the faid Duties on Coals and Culm were continued for ever; and thereby the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds for the faid Lottery, or any Part thereof, was (amongft other publick Debts therein enumerated) impowered to be taken into the Capital Stock of the faid Company, and the faid Company was to be entitled to an Annuity after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, redeemable by Parliament, for fo much thereof as fhould be ib taken into the Capital Stock, in lieu of the former Annuity payable for the fame, and to a proportionable Allowance for Charges of Management, and to be charged upon the faid Impofitions and Duties: And whereas in Purfuance of the faid laft mentioned Act the Sum of four hundred thirty-four thoufand fix hundred and five Pounds Principal Money, Part of the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, was taken into the faid Stock, and by Means thereof the faid Company became entitled to ait Annuity or yearly Sum of feventeen thoufand three hundred eighty-four Pounds four Shillings, redeemable by Parliament, being after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, in refpect of the faid principal Sum fo taken into their Stock ; and the Refidue of the faid principal Debt or Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds hath been fince paid off and difcharged, by Means whereof the former particular Fund or Annuity of thirty thoufand five hundred fifty-nine Pounds fourteen Shillings, for paying off the faid five hundred thoufand Pounds and Intereft, was redeemed and difcharged : And whereas by or in Purfuance of another A£t of Parliament made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An Ail for granting to his Afajef/y the Sum of three hundred and feventy thoufand Pounds, to be raifed 13 Geo. 1. c. zi. by Loans or Exchequer-Hills, to be charged on the Surplus Monies of the Duties on Coals and Culm, granted by an Acl of the fifth Tear of bis Majefty s Reign for a Term of Tears, and fince made perpetual, certain Exche- quer-Bills were made forth at the Exchequer, amounting together to the principal Sum of three hundred thirty-eight thoufand eight hundred Pounds, and charged on the faid Duties on Coals and Culm, and the f me are ftill fublilling : And wdiereas by Virtue of the Powers granted by the faid Act of the fifth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft feveral Sums of Money have been raifed in Part of the faid three hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, by Loans, to be repaid with Intereft at the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, out of the faid particular Fund of twenty-one thoufand Pounds per Arintun, and there now remains undifcharged of the faid Loans, on the Regifter thereof, the Sum of ninety thoufand Pounds Principal Money, over and above any Monies referved in the Exchequer for fatisfying thereof; and there alfo remains to be raifed for the building the faid Churches, and other the Purpofes aforefaid, the further Sum of one hundred and three thoufand one hundred and forty Pounds, to rompleat the faid whole Sum of three hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds by the faid Act appointed to be raifed as aforefaid, and fubject thereto, and to the faid Annuity of feventeen thoufand three hundred eighty-four Pounds and four Shillings, or other Charges now payable to the South-Sea Company, and redeemable on Payment to the faid South-Sea Company of the Sum of four hundred thirty-four thoufand fix hundred and five Pounds, and ' alfo